LintCode 1529: Triplet Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit (同向双指针经典题)

1529. Triplet Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit

Given an increasing array of integers nums and an integer limit, return the number of the triplet subarray in which the absolute difference between any two elements is less than or equal to limit.

In case there is no subarray satisfying the given condition return 0.


Example 1:

Input:[1, 2, 3, 4], 3
Explanation:We can choose (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4). Therefore, the number of the triplet subarray is 4.

Example 2:

Input: [1, 10, 20, 30, 50], 19
Explanation:The only triplet array is (1, 10, 20), so the answer is 1。


Can you figure out a solution with time complexity of O(n)?


1 ≤ len(nums) ≤ 1e4,1 ≤ limit ≤ 1e6,0 ≤ nums[i] ≤ 1e6
Since the answer may be too large, return it modulo 99997867.

Input test data (one parameter per line)How to understand a testcase?


思路,p2先行。当nums[p2]-nums[p1]>limit时,说明p1..p2这个range还不符合要求,所以p1必须++,当p1符合条件后跳出while循环,此时我们可以看出,p1, p1+1, ... p2这个range,p2固定,p1..p2-1里面任取2数都可以满足3数之中任意之差的绝对值<=limit,所以count+=((p2 - p1) * (p2 - p1 - 1) / 2)。这里采用组合C(x,2)的算法。


class Solution {
     * @param nums: the given array
     * @param limit: the limit on the absolute difference of the subarray
     * @return: Find the number of triplet subarray with the absolute difference less than or equal to limit
    int tripletSubarray(vector &nums, int limit) {
        int len = nums.size();
        long long count = 0;
        int p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
        for (int p2 = 2; p2 < len; ++p2) {
            while(nums[p2] - nums[p1] > limit) {
            count += ((p2 - p1) * (p2 - p1 - 1) / 2) % 99997867;
        return count;


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