select e.employee_id,e.first_name,e.salary from employees e where e.manager_id is null

select e.first_name,e.job_id,e.salary ,e.commission_pct from employees e
where e.commission_pct is null or e.commission_pct = 0

select e.first_name,e.job_id,e.salary ,e.commission_pct from employees e
where e.commission_pct is not null or e.commission_pct <> 0

select e.first_name,e.salary,e.manager_id from employees e
where e.manager_id is not null

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) like ‘s%’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) like ‘%s’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) like ‘%e_’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) like ‘%n__’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) like ‘%A%’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) not like ‘K%’

select CONCAT(first_name,last_name) from employees
where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) not like ‘%A%’

/12:查询文员的员工人数量是多少(job= CLERK 的)/
select count(1) from employees where job_id=‘AD_VP’

/13:销售人员 job: AD_VP 的最高薪水/
select max(salary) from employees where job_id=‘AD_VP’

select MIN(hiredate) ,max(hiredate)from employees

/15:查询emp表中员工的编号,姓名,职位, 工资,并且工资在10000~20000之间。/

select employee_id,first_name,job_id,salary from employees
where salary >= 10000 and salary <= 20000

select e.first_name,e.job_id,e.manager_id,e.department_id from employees e
where e.department_id=20 and e.manager_id is not null

select CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.department_id,e.job_id,e.salary from employees e
where CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name) like ‘%e%’ and e.job_id <> ‘AD_VP’

select e.department_id,CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.department_id from employees e
where e.department_id in (10,20)

select e.department_id,CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.job_id,e.commission_pct from employees e
where CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name) not like ‘%t_’ or e.commission_pct is null
or e.commission_pct = 0

select CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),job_id,salary,e.hiredate,e.department_id from employees e
where e.salary>3000 or e.department_id=30

select * from employees where department_id <> 30 or department_id is null

select * from employees where commission_pct is not NULL or commission_pct <> 0

select e.employee_id,CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.job_id
from employees e
order by e.employee_id desc

select CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.job_id,e.salary from employees e
where department_id in (10,30)
order by e.salary

select * from employees e
order by e.department_id,e.employee_id DESC

select e.employee_id,CONCAT(e.first_name,e.last_name),e.salary,
e.department_id,e.manager_id from employees e
where e.salary > 10000 or e.manager_id is null
order by e.department_id desc,e.salary

select empno,ename,sal,comm from emp
where ename not like ‘%s%’
order by sal,empno desc

select count(*),max(sal),avg(sal),min(sal),sum(sal),sum(IFNULL(comm,0)) from emp

select empno,ename,job,sal from emp
where sal BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000

select * from emp where empno in (7369,7521)

select * from emp where job=‘analyst’

select MAX(sal),deptno from emp group by deptno

select count(*),deptno from emp group by deptno

select MAX(sal),deptno from emp
where sal > 1000 group by deptno

select mgr,count(1) from emp where mgr is not null group by mgr

select deptno,mgr,count(1) from emp
where mgr is not null group by deptno,mgr

select deptno,count(1),SUM(sal) from emp
group by deptno
order by count(1),sum(sal) desc

select deptno,AVG(sal),MIN(sal),max(sal)
from emp
where sal >= 1000 and sal <= 3000
group by deptno
order by avg(sal)

人数进行降序排列,如果人数一致,根据平均工资进行升序排列 */
select count(1),SUM(sal),AVG(sal),min(sal)
from emp where mgr is not null
group by job
order by count(1) desc,avg(sal) asc

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp
group by deptno
having avg(sal) > 2000

select deptno,count(1),avg(sal) a from emp
group by deptno having avg(sal) > 2000
order by a desc

select deptno,SUM(sal),AVG(sal) from emp
where sal BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000
group by deptno having avg(sal) >= 2000
order by avg(sal)

select job,count(),SUM(sal),MAX(sal) from emp
where ename not like ‘s%’
group by job having avg(sal) <> 3000
order by count(
),sum(sal) desc
注:group by是分组,order by 是排序
select year(hiredate),count(1) from emp group by year(hiredate)

select deptno,avg(sal)
from emp group by deptno
order by avg(sal) desc limit 1

select MAX(sal) from emp
select * from emp where sal=5000

select * from emp where sal = (
select max(sal) from emp

select * from emp where sal > (
select avg(sal) from emp

select MAX(sal) from emp where deptno=20

select * from emp where sal>3000

select * from emp where sal > (
select MAX(sal) from emp where deptno=20

select * from emp where job in (
select job from emp where ename=‘jones’
) and ename <> ‘jones’

select * from emp,(select job,ename from emp
order by sal asc limit 0,1) a
where emp.job = a.job and emp.ename <> a.ename

select dept.deptno,dname from dept,emp
where dept.deptno=emp.deptno and ename=‘king’

select dept.deptno,dname from dept,(
select DISTINCT deptno
from emp where deptno is not null
) a where dept.deptno=a.deptno

select * from dept where deptno = (
select deptno from emp group by deptno
order by avg(sal) desc limit 0,1)

select deptno,count(1) from emp
group by deptno
order by count(1)

select count(1),deptno,mgr from emp
where mgr is not null
group by deptno,mgr

select deptno,dname,loc from dept where deptno in (
select deptno from emp
group by deptno having count(1) <= 3)

select emp.* from emp,(select count(1),mgr from emp
where mgr is not null
group by mgr
having count(1) = 1) a
where emp.empno = a.mgr

select e.ename,m.ename from emp e left join emp m on e.mgr = m.empno

select e.ename,m.empno,m.ename,m.job,m.sal from
emp e left join emp m on e.mgr = m.empno

select IFNULL(sum(emp.sal),0),loc
from dept left join emp
on dept.deptno = emp.deptno group by loc

id INT,
name VARCHAR(10),
age VARCHAR(4)

INSERT INTO temp VALUES(1,‘王阳’,18);
desc temp

alter table temp add birth date

/*63.删除表temp的字段:birth */
alter table temp drop birth

alter table temp modify age varchar(20)


update temp set id=1002,salary=2000
where age=2 and name=‘阿三’

select COUNT(1) from emp where deptno in (20,30)

select COUNT(*) from emp
where (deptno <> 20 and deptno <> 30) or
deptno is null

select ename,LENGTH(ename) from emp

/*69.将字段ename右对齐补上字符’ ′ , 整 体 长 度 为 20 ∗ / s e l e c t R P A D ( e n a m e , 20 , " ',整体长度为20*/ select RPAD(ename,20," ,20/selectRPAD(ename,20,"") from emp

select ename,sal,deptno from emp
where deptno <> 10 and sal >= 2000

select * from emp where (ename like ‘__a%’ or ename like ‘s%’) and deptno=30

select * from emp where ename not in (

select * from emp where sal < 1500 or sal > 2500

select e.first_name, e.salary * 12 from employees e where e.salary * 12 >= 228000

select DISTINCT job from emp

select sal12,ename,deptno from emp
order by sal
12 desc,deptno asc

select MAX(sal),MIN(hiredate) from emp

select MAX(sal),MIN(comm),AVG(sal),SUM(sal) from emp
group by deptno order by deptno

select AVG(sal),deptno from emp where sal > 2000
group by deptno

select ename,hiredate,loc from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.dname=‘sales’

select avg(sal),e.deptno from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno = d.deptno and d.dname in (‘sales’,‘research’)
group by e.deptno

select ename from emp where
empno not in (select DISTINCT mgr from emp where mgr is not null )

select m.ename from emp e,emp m
where e.mgr = m.empno and e.ename=‘superman’

select * from employees e where e.manager_id=(
select employee_id from employees where CONCAT(first_name,last_name) = ‘StevenK_ing’);

select MAX(sal),MIN(sal),AVG(sal),emp.deptno
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and
dname=‘research’ group by emp.deptno

select * from emp,(
select deptno,AVG(sal) s
from emp group by deptno
) a where emp.deptno = a.deptno and emp.sal>a.s

drop table student
sno INT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
sname VARCHAR(10),
sex VARCHAR(4),
birthday DATE,
dep VARCHAR(10)

INSERT INTO student VALUES(NULL,‘张宇’,‘男’,‘1997-10-08’,‘计算机院’);

drop table course
cno INT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
cname VARCHAR(10),
cval INT #学分
INSERT INTO course VALUES(DEFAULT,‘数据结构’,4),(DEFAULT,‘英语’,2);

sno INT,
cno INT,
score INT,
FOREIGN KEY (sno) REFERENCES student(sno),
FOREIGN KEY (cno) REFERENCES course(cno)

INSERT INTO sc VALUES(1,2,90),(2,1,50),(3,1,56),(4,1,12),(4,2,34);(4,1,12),(4,2,34);

select * from student

select count(1) from sc where cno = (
select cno from course where cname=‘数据结构’

select cname,score from course c,sc
where c.cno = sc.cno and sc.sno = (
select sno from student where sname=‘张宇’

select sname,dep from student,(select b.sno,sum(cval) v from (
select c.cno,c.cval,a.sno from course c,(
select sno,cno from sc where score < 60
) a where c.cno = a.cno
)b group by b.sno order by v desc limit 0,1) d
where student.sno = d.sno
