DBFace: 源码阅读(二)




5. 数据预处理

pytorch数据一般是要写一个类函数来继承Dataset类的,需要定义三个函数__init__(self), len(self), getitem(self)这三个函数,在DBFace中的代码如下所示:

class LDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, labelfile, imagesdir, numlandmarks, mean, std, width=800, height=800):

        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.numlandmarks = numlandmarks
        self.items = common.load_webface(labelfile, imagesdir, numlandmarks)
        self.mean = mean
        self.std = std

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def __getitem__(self, index):



self.items = common.load_webface(labelfile, imagesdir, numlandmarks)


def load_webface(labelfile, imagesdir, numlandmarks):
    with open(labelfile, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        lines = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in lines]

    stage = 0
    facials = []
    file = None
    files = []
    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("#"):
            if file is not None:
                files.append([f"{imagesdir}/{file}", parse_facials_webface(facials, numlandmarks)])

            file = line[2:]
            facials = []
            facials.append([float(item) for item in line.split(" ")])

    if file is not None:
        files.append([f"{imagesdir}/{file}", parse_facials_webface(facials, numlandmarks)])
    return files


# 0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_849.jpg
449 330 122 149 488.906 373.643 0.0 542.089 376.442 0.0 515.031 412.83 0.0 485.174 425.893 0.0 538.357 431.491 0.0 0.82
# 0--Parade/0_Parade_Parade_0_904.jpg
361 98 263 339 424.143 251.656 0.0 547.134 232.571 0.0 494.121 325.875 0.0 453.83 368.286 0.0 561.978 342.839 0.0 0.89
# 0--Parade/0_Parade_marchingband_1_799.jpg

“#”后面有一个空格,后面跟着图片名称,第二行分别是x,y,w,h也就是人脸框左上角的点坐标和对应框的宽度和高度,后面跟着关键点坐标,这个应该还是很好理解的,在parse_facials_webface 函数中要根据自己的关键点数量进行修改,这个看了源码应该很好理解


 # 构建dataset部分,继承torch 的dataset类
        self.train_dataset = LDataset(labelfile, imagesdir, numlandmarks, mean=self.mean, std=self.std,
                                      width=self.width, height=self.height)
        self.train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=self.train_dataset, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True,num_workers=24)
        # 优化器adam,使用默认的weight_decay=0
        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.lr)
        self.per_epoch_batchs = len(self.train_loader)
        self.iter = 0
        self.epochs = 150


# warm up一下
lr_scheduer = {
            1: 1e-3,
            2: 2e-3,
            3: 1e-3,
            60: 1e-4,
            120: 1e-5


    def train_epoch(self, epoch):

        for indbatch, (images, heatmap_gt, heatmap_posweight, reg_tlrb, reg_mask, landmark_gt, landmark_mask, num_objs,
                       keep_mask) in enumerate(self.train_loader):

            self.iter += 1

            batch_objs = sum(num_objs)
            batch_size = self.batch_size

            if batch_objs == 0:
                batch_objs = 1

            heatmap_gt = heatmap_gt.to(self.gpu_master)
            heatmap_posweight = heatmap_posweight.to(self.gpu_master)
            keep_mask = keep_mask.to(self.gpu_master)
            reg_tlrb = reg_tlrb.to(self.gpu_master)
            reg_mask = reg_mask.to(self.gpu_master)
            landmark_gt = landmark_gt.to(self.gpu_master)
            landmark_mask = landmark_mask.to(self.gpu_master)
            images = images.to(self.gpu_master)

            hm, tlrb, landmark = self.model(images)
            # 把数据压到0-1的范围
            hm = hm.sigmoid()
            hm = torch.clamp(hm, min=1e-4, max=1 - 1e-4)
             # 为什么回归出来框坐标要进行exp处理?
             # 因为使用exp后的结果进行拟合,换句话说网络推断出来的是log(tlrb)
            tlrb = torch.exp(tlrb) 

            hm_loss = self.focal_loss(hm, heatmap_gt, heatmap_posweight, keep_mask=keep_mask) / batch_objs
            reg_loss = self.giou_loss(tlrb, reg_tlrb, reg_mask) * 5  # 这个权重要改吗?
            landmark_loss = self.landmark_loss(landmark, landmark_gt, landmark_mask) * 0.1
            loss = hm_loss + reg_loss + landmark_loss


            epoch_flt = epoch + indbatch / self.per_epoch_batchs

            if indbatch % 10 == 0:
                    f"iter: {self.iter}, lr: {self.lr:g}, epoch: {epoch_flt:.2f}, loss: {loss.item():.2f}, hm_loss: {hm_loss.item():.2f}, "
                    f"box_loss: {reg_loss.item():.2f}, lmdk_loss: {landmark_loss.item():.5f}"

            if indbatch % 1000 == 0:
                log.info("save hm")
                hm_image = hm[0, 0].cpu().data.numpy()
                common.imwrite(f"{jobdir}/imgs/hm_image.jpg", hm_image * 255)
                common.imwrite(f"{jobdir}/imgs/hm_image_gt.jpg", heatmap_gt[0, 0].cpu().data.numpy() * 255)

                image = np.clip((images[0].permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().data.numpy() * self.std + self.mean) * 255, 0,
                outobjs = eval_tool.detect_images_giou_with_netout(hm, tlrb, landmark, threshold=0.1, ibatch=0)

                im1 = image.copy()
                for obj in outobjs:
                    common.drawbbox(im1, obj)
                common.imwrite(f"{jobdir}/imgs/train_result.jpg", im1)

    def train(self):
        # warm up?
        lr_scheduer = {
            1: 1e-3,
            2: 2e-3,
            3: 1e-3,
            60: 1e-4,
            120: 1e-5

        # train

        for epoch in range(self.epochs):

            if epoch in lr_scheduer:

            file = f"{jobdir}/models/{epoch + 1}.pth"
            torch.save(self.model.module.state_dict(), file)

在训练的的函数中,pytorch就会调用LDataset中的__getitem__(self, index),这个其实才是比较关键的数据预处理部分

    def __getitem__(self, index):
    # 获取对应的图片的路径,objs是对应图片中的人脸框和关键点,如果有多个人脸,就会有多个list
        imgfile, objs = self.items[index]
        image = common.imread(imgfile)

        if image is None:
            log.info("{} is empty, index={}".format(imgfile, index))
            return self[random.randint(0, len(self.items) - 1)]

        keepsize = 12
        # 进行数据增广
        image, objs = augment.webface(image, objs, self.numlandmarks, self.width, self.height, keepsize=0)

        # norm, 固定值可以放到NNIE上去做,进行数据归一化,这个可以在生成wk的时候做,也可以用网络做,当然也可以用cpu做,用neon加速
        # 现在真的每个操作都得节约时间,1ms也要节约,LZ哭了
        image = ((image / 255.0 - self.mean) / self.std).astype(np.float32)

        posweight_radius = 2  # 这个有啥用?,后面高斯核的半径
        # 这个是通过fpn,输出的feature map stride = 4,加速可以是stride=8,满脑子加速
        stride = 4
        fm_width = self.width // stride
        fm_height = self.height // stride

        # 这里需要根据关键点的数量进行修改,初始化一些map
        heatmap_gt = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        heatmap_posweight = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        keep_mask = np.ones((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        reg_tlrb = np.zeros((1 * 4, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        reg_mask = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        distance_map = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32) + 1000
        # 我有25个关键点,有x,y坐标,要改成25×2
        # landmark_gt = np.zeros((1 * 10, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        # landmark_mask = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        landmark_gt = np.zeros((1 * 50, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)
        landmark_mask = np.zeros((1, fm_height, fm_width), np.float32)

        hassmall = False
        for obj in objs:
            isSmallObj = obj.area < keepsize * keepsize

            if isSmallObj:
                cx, cy = obj.safe_scale_center(1 / stride, fm_width, fm_height)
                keep_mask[0, cy, cx] = 0
                w, h = obj.width / stride, obj.height / stride

                x0 = int(common.clip_value(cx - w // 2, fm_width - 1))
                y0 = int(common.clip_value(cy - h // 2, fm_height - 1))
                x1 = int(common.clip_value(cx + w // 2, fm_width - 1) + 1)
                y1 = int(common.clip_value(cy + h // 2, fm_height - 1) + 1)
                if x1 - x0 > 0 and y1 - y0 > 0:
                    keep_mask[0, y0:y1, x0:x1] = 0
                hassmall = True

        for obj in objs:

            classes = 0
            cx, cy = obj.safe_scale_center(1 / stride, fm_width, fm_height)
            reg_box = np.array(obj.box) / stride #框的坐标除以对应的stride
            isSmallObj = obj.area < keepsize * keepsize

            if isSmallObj:
                if obj.area >= 5 * 5:
                    distance_map[classes, cy, cx] = 0
                    reg_tlrb[classes * 4:(classes + 1) * 4, cy, cx] = reg_box  # 通道数代表你回归的框的坐标乘以类别
                    reg_mask[classes, cy, cx] = 1

            w, h = obj.width / stride, obj.height / stride
            x0 = int(common.clip_value(cx - w // 2, fm_width - 1))
            y0 = int(common.clip_value(cy - h // 2, fm_height - 1))
            x1 = int(common.clip_value(cx + w // 2, fm_width - 1) + 1)
            y1 = int(common.clip_value(cy + h // 2, fm_height - 1) + 1)
            if x1 - x0 > 0 and y1 - y0 > 0:
                keep_mask[0, y0:y1, x0:x1] = 1
			# 参考cornernet
            w_radius, h_radius = common.truncate_radius((obj.width, obj.height))  # size/(4*stride)
            gaussian_map = common.draw_truncate_gaussian(heatmap_gt[classes, :, :], (cx, cy), h_radius, w_radius)

            mxface = 300
            miface = 25
            mxline = max(obj.width, obj.height)
            gamma = (mxline - miface) / (mxface - miface) * 10
            gamma = min(max(0, gamma), 10) + 1
            common.draw_gaussian(heatmap_posweight[classes, :, :], (cx, cy), posweight_radius, k=gamma)

            range_expand_x = math.ceil(w_radius)
            range_expand_y = math.ceil(h_radius)

            min_expand_size = 3
            range_expand_x = max(min_expand_size, range_expand_x)
            range_expand_y = max(min_expand_size, range_expand_y)

            icx, icy = cx, cy
            reg_landmark = None
            fill_threshold = 0.3
            # 这里也需要根据关键点数量进行修改
            if obj.haslandmark:
                reg_landmark = np.array(obj.x5y5_cat_landmark) / stride
                # x5y5 = [cx] * 5 + [cy] * 5
                x5y5 = [cx] * 25 + [cy] * 25
                rvalue = (reg_landmark - x5y5)
                # landmark_gt[0:10, cy, cx] = np.array(common.log(rvalue)) / 4
                # 注意这里的log
                landmark_gt[0:50, cy, cx] = np.array(common.log(rvalue)) / 4
                landmark_mask[0, cy, cx] = 1

            if not obj.rotate:
                for cx in range(icx - range_expand_x, icx + range_expand_x + 1):
                    for cy in range(icy - range_expand_y, icy + range_expand_y + 1):
                        if cx < fm_width and cy < fm_height and cx >= 0 and cy >= 0:

                            my_gaussian_value = 0.9
                            gy, gx = cy - icy + range_expand_y, cx - icx + range_expand_x
                            if gy >= 0 and gy < gaussian_map.shape[0] and gx >= 0 and gx < gaussian_map.shape[1]:
                                my_gaussian_value = gaussian_map[gy, gx]

                            distance = math.sqrt((cx - icx) ** 2 + (cy - icy) ** 2)
                            if my_gaussian_value > fill_threshold or distance <= min_expand_size:
                                already_distance = distance_map[classes, cy, cx]
                                my_mix_distance = (1 - my_gaussian_value) * distance

                                if my_mix_distance > already_distance:

                                distance_map[classes, cy, cx] = my_mix_distance
                                reg_tlrb[classes * 4:(classes + 1) * 4, cy, cx] = reg_box
                                reg_mask[classes, cy, cx] = 1

        # if hassmall:
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/keep_mask.jpg", keep_mask[0]*255)
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/heatmap_gt.jpg", heatmap_gt[0]*255)
        #     common.imwrite("test_result/keep_ori.jpg", (image*self.std+self.mean)*255)
        return T.to_tensor(image), heatmap_gt, heatmap_posweight, reg_tlrb, reg_mask, landmark_gt, landmark_mask, len(
            objs), keep_mask

6. 数据增广


def webface(image, objs, numlandmarks, outw=800, outh=800, keepsize=8):
    funcs = [[augmentWithColorJittering, 0.7], [augmentWithFlip, 0.7]]
    num = len(funcs)
    for n in range(num):
        func, freq = funcs[n]
        if randrf(0, 1) < freq:
            image, objs = func(image, objs)

    if randrf(0, 1) > 0.5:
        image, objs = cubeTransform(image, objs, outw, outh, keepsize=keepsize)
        image, objs = augmentWithCropScaleWebface(image, objs, numlandmarks, outw, outh, 'cube', keepsize=keepsize)
        image, objs = augmentWithCropScaleWebface(image, objs, numlandmarks, outw, outh, keepsize=keepsize)

    return image, objs


  • augmentWithColorJittering:对颜色的数据增强,包括图像的亮度,对比度和饱和度

  • augmentWithFlip:水平翻转,这个当中需要注意的是关键点要根据水平翻转后也要进行镜像处理

  • augmentWithCropScaleWebface:随机裁剪和尺度变换

  • cubeTransform: 立方体转换

