Page No.
Page Name
Main page to display all existing orders
Order Details
Display complete order with details
New Order – Identify Customer (Step 1a)
Select an existing customer
New Order – Create Customer (Step 1b)
If customer does not exist, create his/her account
New Order – Select Items (Step 2)
Add products to the order
Product Info
Show details of a product in a popup window
Order Summary (Step 3)
Show summary of the placed order
As a developer, you add content to a page by creating a region. A region is an area of a page that serves as a container for content. Each region contains a different type of content such as HTML, a report, a form, a chart, a list, a breadcrumb, PL/SQL, a tree, a URL, or a calendar. You position a region either relative to other regions (that is, based on its sequence number and column), or by using a region position defined in the page template. The style of the region is also controlled by the region template. Like the page template, the region template defines the structure of the area that the region takes up on a page. It defines if the region title i s displayed and where it is displayed relative to the main content or the body. A region can also define absolute positions for buttons.
htp and htf Packages
htp (hypertext procedures) and htf (hypertext functions) packages generate HTML tags. These packages translate PL/SQL into HTML that is understood by a Web browser. For instance, the htp.anchor procedure generates the HTML anchor tag, . The following commands generate a simple HTML document: Create or replace procedure hello AS
htp.htmlopen; -- generates
htp.headopen; -- generates
htp.title('Hello'); -- generates
htp.headclose; -- generates
htp.bodyopen; -- generates
htp.header(1, 'Hello'); -- generates
htp.bodyclose; -- generates
htp.htmlclose; -- generates
Oracle provided the htp.p tag to allow you to override any PL/SQL-HTML procedure or even a tag that did not exist. If a developer wishes to use a new HTML tag or simply is unaware of the PL/SQL analog to the html tag, he/she can use the htp.p procedure.
For every htp procedure that generates HTML tags, there is a corresponding htf function with identical parameters. The function versions do not directly generate output in your web page. Instead, they pass their output as return values to the statements that invoked them. See the use of these packages on page 113 of the book.
htp.p / htp.print
Generates the specified parameter as a string
htp.p(‘ ’) |
Indicates that the text that comes after the tag is to be formatted as a paragraph
Renders the text they surround in bold
Escape_sc is a function which replaces characters that have special meaning in HTML with their escape sequence.
converts occurrence of
& to
converts occurrence of
“ to
converts occurrence of
< to
converts occurrence of
> to
To prevent XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks, you must call SYS.HTF.ESCAPE_SC to prevent embedded javascript code from being executed when you inject the string into the HTML page. |
The SYS prefix is used to signify Oracle’s SYS schema. The HTP and HTF packages normally exist in the SYS schema and APEX relies on them.
An HTML table contains three elements
is used to group header content
is used to group body content
The or | elements.
| Header Cell – defines a header cell in an HTML table
| Standard Cell – contains data
It is a function provided by APEX which opens a page in a popup (see page # 111)
Collection enables you to temporarily capture one or more non-scalar values. You can use collections to store rows a columns currently in session state so they can be accessed, manipulated, or processed during a use’s specific session. You can think of a collection as a bucket in which you temporarily store and name rows of information.
Every collection contains a named list of data elements (or members) which can have up to 50 character attributes (varchar2 (4000)), 5 number, 5 date, 1 XML type, 1 BLOB, and 1 CLOB attribute. You insert, update, and delete collection information using the PL/SQL API APEX_COLLECTION.
You can access the members of a collection by querying the database view APEX_COLLECTIONS.
<style type="text/css">
(Page # 112)
| Class Referenced in CSSA normal paragraph. Note that this is an important paragraph. |