UDS 服务器响应实施规则(Server response implementation rules) 未完待续。。。


Abbreviation Description
suppressPosRspMsgIndicationBit TRUE = server shall NOT send a positive response message (exception see Annex A.1 in definition of NRC 0x78)
FALSE = server shall send a positive or negative response message
PosRsp Abbreviation for positive response message
NegRsp Abbreviation for negative response message
NoRsp Abbreviation for NOT sending a positive or negative response meesage
NRC Abbreviation for negative response code
ALL All of the requested data-parameters of the client request message are supported by the server
At least 1 At least 1 data-parameter of the client request message must be supported by the server
None None of the requested data-parameter of the client request message is supported by the server

1. 服务器会响应它支持的诊断服务,而不管是什么地址模式(物理地址还是功能地址);
2. 根据以下子项表的要求,当功能寻址消息的消极响应消息中具有SNS (serviceNotSupported), SNSIAS (serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession), SFNS (sub-functionNotSupported), SFNSIAS (sub-functionNotSupportedInActiveSession), and ROOR (requestOutOfRange) 等消极响应码时,此消极响应消息将不会发送(NRC0x78定义中的附件A.1)不应发送。(例外见附件A.1中NRC 0x78的定义)。


UDS 服务器响应实施规则(Server response implementation rules) 未完待续。。。_第1张图片


服务器会检查最小长度(最小为2,SID+SubFunction Parameter),该子功能是否适用于此SID等等。

UDS 服务器响应实施规则(Server response implementation rules) 未完待续。。。_第2张图片

