In this article, we’ll touch upon the graph theory basics. Graph Theory is a branch of mathematics that aims at studying problems related to a structure called a Graph.
在本文中,我们将介绍图论的基础知识。 图论是数学的一个分支,旨在研究与称为图的结构有关的问题。
In this article, we will try to understand the basics of Graph Theory, and also touch upon a C programmer’s perspective for representing such problems.
A Graph is a structure that consists of a set of nodes/vertices that map to a set of edges. How do they map together?
图是由映射到一组边的一组节点/顶点组成的结构。 他们如何一起绘制地图?
Well, the words themselves give you a hint. A node/vertex is a point on the graph, and edges join two vertices together, through a line segment. We represent an edge joining a pair of vertices by => edge = (u, v)
好吧,这些单词本身会给您一个提示。 节点/顶点是图形上的一个点,边通过线段将两个顶点连接在一起。 我们用=> edge =(u,v)表示连接一对顶点的边
The below figure represents a Graph having 3 vertices and 2 edges. We don’t need to connect all the vertices together in a graph.
下图表示具有3个顶点和2个边的Graph。 我们不需要将图中的所有顶点连接在一起。
Now that you know what a Graph is, let’s look at the types of Graphs.
The highest level of demarcation is based on the direction.
That is, there are two types of graphs based on this category: Undirected and Directed.
也就是说,还有基于该分类两种类型的图表: 无向和定向 。
An undirected graph is a graph where every edge is represented as an unordered pair e = (1, 2). This means that the order doesn’t matter to us, since (1, 2) is the same as (2, 1).
无向图是其中每个边缘都表示为无序对 e =(1,2)的图 。 这意味着顺序对我们来说无关紧要,因为(1,2)与(2,1)相同 。
All graphs which do not have an arrow between vertices are called Undirected Graphs.
A directed graph is a graph where every edge is directed (unidirectional). This means that the edges e1 = (1, 2) and e2 = (2, 1) are different.
有向图是每个边都指向(单向)的图。 这意味着边缘e1 =(1,2)和e2 =(2,1)不同。
They represent oppositely directed edges between 1 and 2.
它们代表介于1和2之间的相反方向的边缘 。
We represent any connection by an arrow mark to show the direction of the edge.
These are the two major types of Graphs, which themselves have different divisions. We will continue to cover this topic as we go along in the future.
这是图的两种主要类型,它们本身具有不同的划分。 将来,我们将继续涵盖这个主题。
There is one more type of graph, called a Weighted Graph, which we use in a lot of problems.
图还有另一种类型,称为加权图 ,我们在很多问题中都使用了它。
This is simply any directed/undirected graph with each edge having a weight/cost associated with it.
Now that we know the basics of graphs, let us look at the implementation of these graphs in C.
There are two ways of implementing a graph.
An Adjacency Matrix adj is a matrix where:
邻接矩阵 adj是一个矩阵,其中:
This has the advantage of an O(1) time complexity for searching and updating values, but has a space complexity of O(n^2).
这具有用于搜索和更新值的O(1)时间复杂度的优点,但具有O(n ^ 2)的空间复杂度。
For the directed graph below, let’s figure out the adjacency matrix.
We denote the matrix to have the element adj[i][j] = 1 only if there is a directed edge from i to j.
我们表示只有在从i到j的有向边的情况下 ,才使元素adj [i] [j] = 1的矩阵。
Constructing the matrix is very simple, so let’s quickly look at an example in C. Here, we implement the adjacency matrix as a 2D-array.
The implementation is as below. Code is self-explanatory for anyone familiar with C programming and pointers.
实现如下。 对于熟悉C编程和指针的任何人来说,代码都是不言自明的。
Code for https://journaldev.com article
Purpose: Adjacency Matrix representation of a Graph
@author: Vijay Ramachandran
@date: 10-02-2020
typedef struct Graph Graph;
struct Graph {
// Number of vertices
int v;
// Adjacency Matrix
int** adj;
int** init_adjacency_matrix(Graph g) {
// Initializes an adjacency matrix for the graph
if (g.adj)
return g.adj;
// Allocates memory for the matrix
// and sets every element to 0
int** matrix = (int**) calloc (g.v, sizeof(int*));
for (int i=0; i g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
g.adj[i-1][j-1] = 1;
void remove_edge(Graph g, int i, int j) {
// Sets the edge from i to j as zero
if (!g.adj) {
fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Matrix not initialized!\n");
else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
g.adj[i-1][j-1] = 0;
int check_if_exists(Graph g, int i, int j) {
// Checks if there is an edge from vertex i to j
if (!g.adj) {
fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Matrix not initialized!\n");
else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
return 0;
return g.adj[i-1][j-1];
int main() {
// Graph with 4 vertices
Graph g = {4, NULL};
printf("Created a Graph Structure with %d vertices\n", g.v);
g.adj = init_adjacency_matrix(g);
// Let's connect the 4 vertices using 6 edges
add_edge(g, 1, 2);
add_edge(g, 2, 1);
add_edge(g, 2, 3);
add_edge(g, 2, 4);
add_edge(g, 3, 1);
add_edge(g, 4, 3);
// Check if the edge is connected
printf("Is there an edge from 1 to 2?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 1, 2))
printf("Is there an edge from 4 to 3?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 4, 3))
printf("Is there an edge from 1 to 3?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 1, 3))
return 0;
Created a Graph Structure with 4 vertices
Initialized Adjacency Matrix!
Is there an edge from 1 to 2?
Is there an edge from 4 to 3?
Is there an edge from 1 to 3?
The problem is that we always need to use O(n^2) elements for storage, and hence, we often use adjacency lists to represent graphs.
问题在于,我们总是需要使用O(n ^ 2)个元素进行存储,因此,我们经常使用邻接表来表示图。
An Adjacency List is a list that can be used to represent connected vertices.
The idea is to store a linked list for vertex, that consists of all vertices which are directly connected to it.
We can implement this using an array of linked lists.
A simple implementation in C is given below.
Code for https://journaldev.com article
Purpose: Adjacency List representation of a Graph
@author: Vijay Ramachandran
@date: 10-02-2020
typedef struct Graph Graph;
typedef struct Node Node;
struct Node {
// To represent the linked list node.
// Contains the vertex index
int vertex;
// And a pointer to the next element in the linked list
Node* next;
struct Graph {
// Number of vertices
int v;
// Array of Adjacency Lists
Node** adj_lists;
Node** init_adjacency_lists(Graph g) {
// Initializes an adjacency matrix for the graph
if (g.adj_lists)
return g.adj_lists;
// Allocates memory for the lists
// There is a list for every vertex in the graph
// which means there are g.v adjacent lists
Node** adj_lists = (Node**) calloc (g.v, sizeof(Node*));
// Set them to NULL initially
for (int i = 0; i < g.v; i++)
adj_lists[i] = NULL;
printf("Initialized Adjacency Lists!\n");
return adj_lists;
void free_list(Node* list) {
// Frees all nodes in the list, headed by 'list'
Node* temp = list;
while(temp) {
Node* rm_node = temp;
temp = rm_node->next;
rm_node->next = NULL;
void free_adj_lists(Graph g) {
// Free the adjacency matrix
if (!g.adj_lists)
for (int i=0; i ", temp->vertex);
temp = temp->next;
Node* create_node(int vertex) {
// Creates a LinkedList node to hold the vertex
Node* node = (Node*) calloc (1, sizeof(Node));
node->next = NULL;
node->vertex = vertex;
return node;
void add_edge(Graph g, int i, int j) {
// Adds an edge connecting two vertices i and j
if (!g.adj_lists) {
fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n");
else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
// Create the new node in the souce vertex
// adjacency list and add the destination
// vertex to it
// Create a node containing the dst vertex index
Node* node = create_node(j);
// Insert at the source list
// Let's insert at the top, since it doesn't
// matter whether we insert at the head or not
node->next = g.adj_lists[i-1];
// Make the new node as the head
g.adj_lists[i-1] = node;
void remove_edge(Graph g, int i, int j) {
// Sets the edge from i to j as zero
if (!g.adj_lists) {
fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n");
else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
// Search for vertex j in i's adjacency list
Node* temp = g.adj_lists[i-1];
if (!temp) {
if (!(temp->next)) {
if (temp->vertex == j) {
g.adj_lists[i-1] = NULL;
while (temp->next) {
if (temp->vertex == j) {
// We have found an edge! Remove this element.
Node* rm_node = temp;
temp->next = rm_node->next;
rm_node->next = NULL;
temp = temp->next;
// No element found :(
int check_if_exists(Graph g, int i, int j) {
// Checks if there is an edge from vertex i to j
if (!g.adj_lists) {
fprintf(stderr, "Adjacency Lists not initialized!\n");
else if (i > g.v || j > g.v) {
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid Vertex Number\n");
return 0;
// Search for vertex j in i's adjacency list
Node* temp = g.adj_lists[i-1];
if (!temp) {
return 0;
if (!(temp->next)) {
if (temp->vertex == j) {
return 1;
return 0;
while (temp->next) {
if (temp->vertex == j) {
// We have found an edge! Remove this element.
return 1;
temp = temp->next;
// No element found :(
return 0;
int main() {
// Graph with 4 vertices
Graph g = {4, NULL};
printf("Created a Graph Structure with %d vertices\n", g.v);
g.adj_lists = init_adjacency_lists(g);
// Let's connect the 4 vertices using edges
add_edge(g, 1, 2);
add_edge(g, 2, 1);
add_edge(g, 2, 3);
add_edge(g, 2, 4);
add_edge(g, 3, 1);
add_edge(g, 4, 3);
// Check if the edge is connected
printf("Is there an edge from 1 to 2?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 1, 2))
printf("Is there an edge from 4 to 3?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 4, 3))
printf("Is there an edge from 1 to 3?\n");
if (check_if_exists(g, 1, 3))
printf("\nPrinting the Adjacency Lists for every Vertex:\n");
for (int i=0; i
Created a Graph Structure with 4 vertices
Initialized Adjacency Lists!
Is there an edge from 1 to 2?
Is there an edge from 4 to 3?
Is there an edge from 1 to 3?
Printing the Adjacency Lists for every Vertex:
Vertex: 1 , Node: 2 ->
Vertex: 2 , Node: 4 -> Node: 3 -> Node: 1 ->
Vertex: 3 , Node: 1 ->
Vertex: 4 , Node: 3 ->
With that, we have covered the basics of Graph Theory. In the upcoming articles, we will take a look at how we can solve different graph theory problems and their implementation in C.
到此为止,我们已经涵盖了图论的基础知识。 在接下来的文章中,我们将研究如何解决不同的图论问题及其在C语言中的实现。
In the meantime, do go through our latest C Programming articles, which cover differ aspects of C.
同时,请阅读我们最新的C编程文章 ,其中涵盖了C的不同方面。
翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/35844/graph-theory-basics