Page[pages/index/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in app.json

Page[pages/index/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in app.json_第1张图片
Page[pages/index/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in app.json_第2张图片
Please do not call Page constructor in files that not listed in “pages” section of app.json or plugin.json
VM1204:1 thirdScriptError
sdk uncaught third Error
APP-SERVICE-Engine:Please do not call Page constructor in files that not listed in “pages” section of app.json or plugin.json
Error: APP-SERVICE-Engine:Please do not call Page constructor in files that not listed in “pages” section of app.json or plugin.json
at mt (
at Nt (
at require (
at :1:1
at HTMLScriptElement.scriptLoaded (
at HTMLScriptElement.script.onload (

你可能感兴趣的:(Page[pages/index/index] not found. May be caused by: 1. Forgot to add page route in app.json)