
返回码 含义
success 成功
101001 system error 系统异常
101002 param valid fail 参数校验异常
201001 groupId cannot be empty 群组编号不能为空
201002 user cannot be empty 用户不能为空
201003 useAes cannot be empty 是否为加密私钥不能为空
201004 version cannot be empty 合约版本不能为空
201005 funcName cannot be empty 方法名不能为空
201006 abiInfo cannot be empty abi内容不能为空
201007 bytecodeBin cannot be empty 合约bin不能为空
201008 contract’s current version has been deployed 该合约版本已部署
201009 contract is not deployed 合约未部署
201010 save abi error abi保存错误
201011 contract funcParam is error 请求的方法参数错误
201012 requst blockNumber is greater than latest 请求块高大于最新块高
201013 get abi from chain error 获取合约abi错误
201014 contract deploy error 合约部署错误
201015 user’s privateKey is null 用户私钥为空
201016 file is not exist 文件不存在
201017 failed to get node config 获取节点配置失败
201018 blockNumber and pbftView unchanged 块高和view没有变化
201019 request function is error 请求的方法错误
201020 transaction query from chain failed 交易查询失败
201021 transaction send to chain failed 交易上链失败
201022 node request failed 节点请求失败
201023 contract already exists 合约已经存在
201024 contract name cannot be repeated 合约名不能重复
201025 invalid contract id 无效的合约编号
201026 contract has been deployed 合约已部署
201027 send abiInfo fail 发送abi失败
201028 bytecodeBin is null 合约bin为空
201029 contractAddress is null 合约地址为空
201030 contractAddress invalid 合约地址无效
201031 privateKey decode fail 私钥编码失败
201032 not found config of keyServer 密钥服务未配置
201033 data request sign error 数据请求签名异常
201034 groupId not exist 群组编号不存在
201035 version and address cannot all be null 合约版本和地址不能同时为空
201036 compile fail 合约编译失败
201037 user name is null 用户名为空
201038 user name already exists 用户名已存在
201039 private key already exists 私钥已存在
201101 groupId cannot be empty 群组编号不能为空
201102 tableName cannot be empty 表名不能为空
201103 permissionType cannot be empty 权限类型不能为空
201104 permissionType not exists 权限类型不存在
201105 from address cannot be empty 管理员地址不能为空
201106 contract name cannot be empty 合约名不能为空
201107 system config key cannot be empty 系统配置key值不能为空
201108 system config value cannot be empty 系统配置value值不能为空
201109 node id cannot be empty 节点id不能为空
201110 node type cannot be empty 节点类型(共识状态不能为空)
201200 params not fit 参数不符合要求
201201 address is invalid 账户地址不正确
201208 unsupported for this system config key 不支持设置该系统配置
201209 provide value by positive integer mode, from 100000 to 2147483647 请输入正值或[100000, 2147483647]范围的值
201210 set system config value fail for params error or permission denied 设置系统配置失败,请检查权限
201211 query system config value list fail 获取系统配置列表失败
201216 node id is invalid 节点id错误
201217 invalid node type: sealer, observer, remove 节点类型(共识状态)错误:sealer, observer, remove
201218 set node consensus type fail, check permission or node’s group config file 节点类型(共识状态)修改失败,请检查权限或节点群组配置文件
201221 Contract version should only contains ‘A-Z’ or ‘a-z’ or ‘0-9’ or dot mark CNS合约版本号应只包含大小写字母、数字和"."
201222 version of contract is out of length 合约版本号过长
201226 sql syntax error sql语句错误
201227 crud sql fail 执行sql语句失败
201228 table not exists 操作的表格不存在
