





\tikzstyle{ process } = [rectangle, minimum width = 3cm, minimum height = 1cm, text centered, draw = black]



\tikzstyle{ arrow2 } = [thick, ->, >= stealth]


在定义控件结束后,在\begin{ tikzpicture }[node distance = 1.5cm] … \end{ tikzpicture }中放置控件。其中node distance = 1.5cm表示流程图中每个框的间距默认为1.5cm。给一个放置控件的例子。

\node (in1) [io]{};
\node (pro1) [startstop, below of=in1] {\small 线性滤波};
\node(in2)[io, left of = in1, xshift = -2.5cm]{ \small 亮度 };
\coordinate [label=left:{\small 输入图像}] (A) at (-1.5,0);





\draw[arrow](pro1) -- (in1);





\begin{ figure }[htb]
\tikzstyle{ startstop } = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width = 3cm, minimum height = 0.7cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{ startstop2 } = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width = 13cm, minimum height = 0.7cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{ io } = [trapezium, trapezium left angle = 30, trapezium right angle = 150, minimum width = 3cm, text centered, draw = black, fill = white]
\tikzstyle{ io2 } = [trapezium, trapezium left angle = 30, trapezium right angle = 150, minimum width = 2.5cm, draw = black, fill = white]
\tikzstyle{ io3 } = [trapezium, trapezium left angle = 30, trapezium right angle = 150, minimum width = 2cm, draw = black, fill = white]
\tikzstyle{ process } = [rectangle, minimum width = 3cm, minimum height = 1cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{ decision } = [diamond, minimum width = 3cm, minimum height = 1cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{ arrow } = [thick, -, >= stealth]
\tikzstyle{ arrow2 } = [thick, ->, >= stealth]

\begin{ tikzpicture }[node distance = 1.5cm]
% 定义流程图具体形状
\coordinate[label = left:{\small 输入图像}](A) at(-1.5, 0);
\node(in1) [io] {};
\node(pro1) [startstop, below of = in1] {\small 线性滤波};

\node(in2 - 2)[io3, below of = pro1, yshift = -0.6cm]{};
\node(in3 - 2)[io3, left of = in2 - 2, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in4 - 2)[io3, right of = in2 - 2, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\node(in2 - 1)[io2, below of = pro1, yshift = -0.3cm]{};
\node(in3 - 1)[io2, left of = in2 - 1, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in4 - 1)[io2, right of = in2 - 1, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\node(in2) [io, below of = pro1] {\small 颜色};
\node(in3)[io, left of = in2, xshift = -2.5cm]{ \small 亮度 };
\node(in4)[io, right of = in2, xshift = 2.5cm]{ \small 方向 };

\node(in5)[startstop2, below of = in2 - 2]{ \small Center - Surround差异计算及归一化 };

\node(in6 - 2)[io3, below of = in5, yshift = -0.6cm]{};
\node(in7 - 2)[io3, left of = in6 - 2, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in8 - 2)[io3, right of = in6 - 2, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\node(in6 - 1)[io2, below of = in5, yshift = -0.3cm]{};
\node(in7 - 1)[io2, left of = in6 - 1, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in8 - 1)[io2, right of = in6 - 1, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\node(in6) [io, below of = in5] {};
\node(in7)[io, left of = in6, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in8)[io, right of = in6, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\coordinate[label = left:{\small 特征图}](B) at(-1, -6.2);
\coordinate[label = left:{\small (12张)}](C) at(-1.5, -7.5);
\coordinate[label = left:{\small (6张)}](D) at(2.7, -7.5);
\coordinate[label = left:{\small (24张)}](E) at(6.7, -7.5);

\node(in9)[startstop2, below of = in6 - 2]{ \small 跨尺度合并及归一化 };

\node(in10) [io, below of = in9] {};
\node(in11)[io, left of = in10, xshift = -2.5cm]{};
\node(in12)[io, right of = in10, xshift = 2.5cm]{};

\coordinate[label = left:{\small 醒目图}](F) at(-1, -9.5);
\node(in13) [startstop, below of = in10] {\small 线性组合};
\node(in14) [io, below of = in13] {};
\coordinate[label = left:{\small 显著图}](G) at(-1, -13);

\node(in15) [startstop, below of = in14] {\small 赢者取全};
\coordinate[label = left:{\small 显著位置}]() at(1, -16.1);
\coordinate[label = left:{\small 反馈抑制}]() at(4.5, -14.7);

\draw[arrow](pro1) -- (in1);
\draw[arrow](pro1) -- (in2);
\draw[arrow](pro1) -- (in3);
\draw[arrow](pro1) -- (in4);
\draw[arrow](0, -4.75) -- (in2 - 2);
\draw[arrow](-4, -4.75) -- (in3 - 2);
\draw[arrow](4, -4.75) -- (in4 - 2);
\draw[arrow](0, -5.45) -- (in6);
\draw[arrow](-4, -5.45) -- (in7);
\draw[arrow](4, -5.45) -- (in8);
\draw[arrow](0, -8.35) -- (in6 - 2);
\draw[arrow](-4, -8.35) -- (in7 - 2);
\draw[arrow](4, -8.35) -- (in8 - 2);
\draw[arrow](0, -9.05) -- (in10);
\draw[arrow](-4, -9.05) -- (in11);
\draw[arrow](4, -9.05) -- (in12);
\draw[arrow](in13) -- (in10);
\draw[arrow](in13) -- (in11);
\draw[arrow](in13) -- (in12);
\draw[arrow](in13) -- (in14);
\draw[arrow](in14) -- (in15);
\draw[arrow](in15) -- (0, -15.8);
\draw[arrow](0, -15.4) -- (2.5, -15.4);
\draw[arrow](2.5, -14) -- (2.5, -15.4);
\draw[arrow2](2.5, -14) -- (0, -14);
\end{ tikzpicture }
\caption{ IT算法流程\cite{ Itti } }
\end{ figure }
