kata-runtime create [command options]
is your name for the instance of the container that you are starting. The name you provide for the container instance must be unique on your host.
The create command creates an instance of a container for a bundle. The bundle is a directory with a specification file named "config.json" and a root filesystem.
The specification file includes an args parameter. The args parameter is used to specify command(s) that get run when the container is started. To change the command(s) that get executed on start, edit the args parameter of the spec.
路径 runtime/cli/create.go
func create(ctx context.Context, containerID, bundlePath, console, pidFilePath string, detach, systemdCgroup bool,
runtimeConfig oci.RuntimeConfig) error {
var err error
span, ctx := katautils.Trace(ctx, "create")
defer span.Finish()
kataLog = kataLog.WithField("container", containerID)
setExternalLoggers(ctx, kataLog)
span.SetTag("container", containerID)
/var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/8058e8535b46c8fee88bc49360149fb7fa0790da2ecafa277706ac5f3199768b/userdata 目录下包含
attach config.json ctl hostname pidfile resolv.conf shm
if bundlePath == "" {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
return err
kataLog.WithField("directory", cwd).Debug("Defaulting bundle path to current directory")
bundlePath = cwd
var process vc.Process
switch containerType {
case vc.PodSandbox:
_, process, err = katautils.CreateSandbox(ctx, vci, ociSpec, runtimeConfig, rootFs, containerID, bundlePath, console, disableOutput, systemdCgroup, false)
if err != nil {
return err
case vc.PodContainer:
process, err = katautils.CreateContainer(ctx, vci, nil, ociSpec, rootFs, containerID, bundlePath, console, disableOutput, false)
if err != nil {
return err
1.2.1 CreateSandbox 函数
主要是创建 sandbox 容器,SandboxConfig 函数主要是把 OCI compatible (CompatOCISpec)运行时配置文件转为 virtcontainers sandbox (ContainerConfig)的配置结构
// CreateSandbox create a sandbox container
func CreateSandbox(ctx context.Context, vci vc.VC, ociSpec oci.CompatOCISpec, runtimeConfig oci.RuntimeConfig, rootFs vc.RootFs,
containerID, bundlePath, console string, disableOutput, systemdCgroup, builtIn bool) (_ vc.VCSandbox, _ vc.Process, err error) {
span, ctx := Trace(ctx, "createSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
sandboxConfig, err := oci.SandboxConfig(ociSpec, runtimeConfig, bundlePath, containerID, console, disableOutput, systemdCgroup)
if err != nil {
return nil, vc.Process{}, err
if builtIn {
sandboxConfig.Stateful = true
} SetupNetworkNamespace 函数
创建网络 namespace,如果不存在则创建,路径为 /var/run/netns/cni-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
// Important to create the network namespace before the sandbox is
// created, because it is not responsible for the creation of the
// netns if it does not exist.
if err := SetupNetworkNamespace(&sandboxConfig.NetworkConfig); err != nil {
return nil, vc.Process{}, err
} 进入 net namespace 执行
// Run pre-start OCI hooks.
err = EnterNetNS(sandboxConfig.NetworkConfig.NetNSPath, func() error {
return PreStartHooks(ctx, ociSpec, containerID, bundlePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, vc.Process{}, err
开始进入 virtcontainers 目录中
路径 runtime/virtcontainers/api.go,看看 createSandboxFromConfig 究竟做了哪些工作
// CreateSandbox is the virtcontainers sandbox creation entry point.
// CreateSandbox creates a sandbox and its containers. It does not start them.
func CreateSandbox(ctx context.Context, sandboxConfig SandboxConfig, factory Factory) (VCSandbox, error) {
span, ctx := trace(ctx, "CreateSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
s, err := createSandboxFromConfig(ctx, sandboxConfig, factory)
if err == nil {
return s, err
func createSandboxFromConfig(ctx context.Context, sandboxConfig SandboxConfig, factory Factory) (_ *Sandbox, err error) {
span, ctx := trace(ctx, "createSandboxFromConfig")
defer span.Finish()
// Create the sandbox.
s, err := createSandbox(ctx, sandboxConfig, factory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
根据配置创建 sandbox,容器列表,hypervisor 以及 agent
// createSandbox creates a sandbox from a sandbox description, the containers list, the hypervisor
// and the agent passed through the Config structure.
// It will create and store the sandbox structure, and then ask the hypervisor
// to physically create that sandbox i.e. starts a VM for that sandbox to eventually
// be started.
func createSandbox(ctx context.Context, sandboxConfig SandboxConfig, factory Factory) (*Sandbox, error) {
span, ctx := trace(ctx, "createSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
if err := createAssets(ctx, &sandboxConfig); err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := newSandbox(ctx, sandboxConfig, factory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
实例化 agent,主要关注 shim(start) 与 proxy (start stop)接口
实例化 Hypervisor,这个比较简单
func newSandbox(ctx context.Context, sandboxConfig SandboxConfig, factory Factory) (*Sandbox, error) {
span, ctx := trace(ctx, "newSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
if !sandboxConfig.valid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid sandbox configuration")
agent := newAgent(sandboxConfig.AgentType)
hypervisor, err := newHypervisor(sandboxConfig.HypervisorType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
3.1.1 实例化 Sandbox
可以看到包含,hypervisor,agent volume,network 等,具体使用在具体分析
s := &Sandbox{
id: sandboxConfig.ID,
factory: factory,
hypervisor: hypervisor,
agent: agent,
config: &sandboxConfig,
volumes: sandboxConfig.Volumes,
containers: map[string]*Container{},
runPath: store.SandboxRuntimeRootPath(sandboxConfig.ID),
configPath: store.SandboxConfigurationRootPath(sandboxConfig.ID),
state: types.SandboxState{},
annotationsLock: &sync.RWMutex{},
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
shmSize: sandboxConfig.ShmSize,
sharePidNs: sandboxConfig.SharePidNs,
stateful: sandboxConfig.Stateful,
networkNS: NetworkNamespace{NetNsPath: sandboxConfig.NetworkConfig.NetNSPath},
ctx: ctx,
假设实现的为 qemu,路径为 runtime/virtcontainers/qemu.go
setup 为 qemu 设置一些启动参数,比如 imagePath,bridge UUID 等
// createSandbox is the Hypervisor sandbox creation implementation for govmmQemu.
func (q *qemu) createSandbox(ctx context.Context, id string, networkNS NetworkNamespace, hypervisorConfig *HypervisorConfig, store *store.VCStore) error {
// Save the tracing context
q.ctx = ctx
span, _ := q.trace("createSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
if err := q.setup(id, hypervisorConfig, store); err != nil {
return err
3.2.1 qemu 启动的配置参数
qemuConfig := govmmQemu.Config{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("sandbox-%s",,
UUID: q.state.UUID,
Path: qemuPath,
Ctx: q.qmpMonitorCh.ctx,
Machine: machine,
SMP: smp,
Memory: memory,
Devices: devices,
CPUModel: cpuModel,
Kernel: kernel,
RTC: rtc,
QMPSockets: qmpSockets,
Knobs: knobs,
Incoming: incoming,
VGA: "none",
GlobalParam: "kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard",
Bios: firmwarePath,
PidFile: pidFile,
路径 runtime/virtcontainers/kata_agent.go,主要时前期的一些检查以及配置参数,比如 imagePath等
func (k *kataAgent) createSandbox(sandbox *Sandbox) error {
span, _ := k.trace("createSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
return k.configure(sandbox.hypervisor,, k.getSharePath(, k.proxyBuiltIn, nil)
func (s *Sandbox) createNetwork() error {
if s.config.NetworkConfig.DisableNewNetNs ||
s.config.NetworkConfig.NetNSPath == "" {
return nil
span, _ := s.trace("createNetwork")
defer span.Finish()
s.networkNS = NetworkNamespace{
NetNsPath: s.config.NetworkConfig.NetNSPath,
NetNsCreated: s.config.NetworkConfig.NetNsCreated,
在网络 namespace 中添加所有需要的网络接口
// Add adds all needed interfaces inside the network namespace.
func (n *Network) Add(ctx context.Context, config *NetworkConfig, hypervisor hypervisor, hotplug bool) ([]Endpoint, error) {
span, _ := n.trace(ctx, "add")
defer span.Finish()
networkLogger().Debug("Network added")
return endpoints, nil
打开网络 namespace 的文件描述符,netlinkHandle.LinkList 相当于命令 ip link show,列出所有网络接口
func createEndpointsFromScan(networkNSPath string, config *NetworkConfig) ([]Endpoint, error) {
var endpoints []Endpoint
netnsHandle, err := netns.GetFromPath(networkNSPath)
if err != nil {
return []Endpoint{}, err
defer netnsHandle.Close()
netlinkHandle, err := netlink.NewHandleAt(netnsHandle)
if err != nil {
return []Endpoint{}, err
defer netlinkHandle.Delete()
linkList, err := netlinkHandle.LinkList()
if err != nil {
return []Endpoint{}, err
4.2.1 createEndpoint 函数
根据网络信息获得不同类型 endpoint结构,实现了 Endpoint 接口
func createEndpoint(netInfo NetworkInfo, idx int, model NetInterworkingModel) (Endpoint, error) {
var endpoint Endpoint
// TODO: This is the incoming interface
// based on the incoming interface we should create
// an appropriate EndPoint based on interface type
// This should be a switch
// Check if interface is a physical interface. Do not create
// tap interface/bridge if it is.
isPhysical, err := isPhysicalIface(netInfo.Iface.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} 根据不同类型获得相应的 endpoint 实现了 Endpoint 接口
if socketPath != "" {
networkLogger().WithField("interface", netInfo.Iface.Name).Info("VhostUser network interface found")
endpoint, err = createVhostUserEndpoint(netInfo, socketPath)
} else if netInfo.Iface.Type == "macvlan" {
networkLogger().Infof("macvlan interface found")
endpoint, err = createBridgedMacvlanNetworkEndpoint(idx, netInfo.Iface.Name, model)
} else if netInfo.Iface.Type == "macvtap" {
networkLogger().Infof("macvtap interface found")
endpoint, err = createMacvtapNetworkEndpoint(netInfo)
} else if netInfo.Iface.Type == "tap" {
networkLogger().Info("tap interface found")
endpoint, err = createTapNetworkEndpoint(idx, netInfo.Iface.Name)
} else if netInfo.Iface.Type == "veth" {
endpoint, err = createVethNetworkEndpoint(idx, netInfo.Iface.Name, model)
} else if netInfo.Iface.Type == "ipvlan" {
endpoint, err = createIPVlanNetworkEndpoint(idx, netInfo.Iface.Name)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported network interface")
} 比如使用 veth 创建
VethEndpoint 实现了 Endpoint 接口,createNetworkInterfacePair 随机生成 mac 地址,实例化 NetworkInterfacePair
func createVethNetworkEndpoint(idx int, ifName string, interworkingModel NetInterworkingModel) (*VethEndpoint, error) {
if idx < 0 {
return &VethEndpoint{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid network endpoint index: %d", idx)
netPair, err := createNetworkInterfacePair(idx, ifName, interworkingModel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
endpoint := &VethEndpoint{
// TODO This is too specific. We may need to create multiple
// end point types here and then decide how to connect them
// at the time of hypervisor attach and not here
NetPair: netPair,
EndpointType: VethEndpointType,
if ifName != "" {
endpoint.NetPair.VirtIface.Name = ifName
return endpoint, nil
比如使用 veth 实现了 Attach 接口,路径 virtcontainers/veth_endpoint.go,意思就是连接到 hypervisor 网络接口
// Attach for veth endpoint bridges the network pair and adds the
// tap interface of the network pair to the hypervisor.
func (endpoint *VethEndpoint) Attach(h hypervisor) error {
if err := xConnectVMNetwork(endpoint, h); err != nil {
networkLogger().WithError(err).Error("Error bridging virtual endpoint")
return err
return h.addDevice(endpoint, netDev)
4.3.1 xConnectVMNetwork 函数
// The endpoint type should dictate how the connection needs to happen.
func xConnectVMNetwork(endpoint Endpoint, h hypervisor) error {
netPair := endpoint.NetworkPair()
queues := 0
caps := h.capabilities()
if caps.IsMultiQueueSupported() {
queues = int(h.hypervisorConfig().NumVCPUs)
disableVhostNet := h.hypervisorConfig().DisableVhostNet
if netPair.NetInterworkingModel == NetXConnectDefaultModel {
netPair.NetInterworkingModel = DefaultNetInterworkingModel
logrus.Infof("zzlin xConnectVMNetwork name: %v type: %v", endpoint.Name(), endpoint.Type())
switch netPair.NetInterworkingModel {
case NetXConnectBridgedModel:
return bridgeNetworkPair(endpoint, queues, disableVhostNet)
case NetXConnectMacVtapModel:
return tapNetworkPair(endpoint, queues, disableVhostNet)
case NetXConnectTCFilterModel:
return setupTCFiltering(endpoint, queues, disableVhostNet)
case NetXConnectEnlightenedModel:
return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported networking model")
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid internetworking model")
接着上面一个流程讲解,比如 network mode 时 macvtap
func tapNetworkPair(endpoint Endpoint, queues int, disableVhostNet bool) error {
netHandle, err := netlink.NewHandle()
if err != nil {
return err
defer netHandle.Delete()
4.4.1 创建 macvtap link,attach macvtap 接口到容器接口
// Attach the macvtap interface to the underlying container
// interface. Also picks relevant attributes from the parent
tapLink, err := createMacVtap(netHandle, netPair.TAPIface.Name,
Macvlan: netlink.Macvlan{
LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
TxQLen: attrs.TxQLen,
ParentIndex: attrs.Index,
}, queues)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create TAP interface: %s", err)
调用 addDevice 添加到 qemu 启动命令行中,待启动 VM 下节讲解
启动 VM,看看如何启动的
// startVM starts the VM.
func (s *Sandbox) startVM() (err error) {
span, ctx := s.trace("startVM")
defer span.Finish()
s.Logger().Info("Starting VM")
如果存在 VM,则调用 assiginSandbox 分配 sandbox
调用 hypervisor 方法 startSandbox
if err :=, func() error {
if s.factory != nil {
vm, err := s.factory.GetVM(ctx, VMConfig{
HypervisorType: s.config.HypervisorType,
HypervisorConfig: s.config.HypervisorConfig,
AgentType: s.config.AgentType,
AgentConfig: s.config.AgentConfig,
ProxyType: s.config.ProxyType,
ProxyConfig: s.config.ProxyConfig,
if err != nil {
return err
return vm.assignSandbox(s)
return s.hypervisor.startSandbox(vmStartTimeout)
}); err != nil {
return err
// startSandbox will start the Sandbox's VM.
func (q *qemu) startSandbox(timeout int) error {
span, _ := q.trace("startSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
5.2.1 创建 vm 目录,主要在 /run/vc/vm/${container-id}
vmPath := filepath.Join(store.RunVMStoragePath,
err := os.MkdirAll(vmPath, store.DirMode)
if err != nil {
return err
5.2.2 LaunchQemu 函数
发起 qemu 实例,block 直到发起 qemu 进程退出
// The function will block until the launched qemu process exits. "", nil
// will be returned if the launch succeeds. Otherwise a string containing
// the contents of stderr + a Go error object will be returned.
func LaunchQemu(config Config, logger QMPLog) (string, error) {
if err := config.appendCPUs(); err != nil {
return "", err
ctx := config.Ctx
if ctx == nil {
ctx = context.Background()
return LaunchCustomQemu(ctx, config.Path, config.qemuParams,
config.fds, nil, logger)
5.2.3 LauchCustomQemu 真正启动 qemu 进程的命令
-name sandbox-aaaa -uuid 75ea5c5e-da5b-43c4-9409-b8b8074017ad
-machine pc,accel=kvm,kernel_irqchip,nvdimm -cpu host
-qmp unix:/run/vc/vm/aaaa/qmp.sock,server,nowait
-m 2048M,slots=10,maxmem=12742M -device pci-bridge,bus=pci.0,id=pci-bridge-0,chassis_nr=1,shpc=on,addr=2,romfile=
-device virtio-serial-pci,disable-modern=false,id=serial0,romfile= -device virtconsole,chardev=charconsole0,id=console0
-chardev socket,id=charconsole0,path=/run/vc/vm/aaaa/console.sock,server,nowait
-device nvdimm,id=nv0,memdev=mem0 -object memory-backend-file,id=mem0,mem-path=/usr/share/kata-containers/kata-containers-image_clearlinux_1.3.1_agent_c7fdd324cda.img,size=536870912
-device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0,disable-modern=false,romfile= -object rng-random,id=rng0,filename=/dev/urandom -device virtio-rng,rng=rng0,romfile=
-device virtserialport,chardev=charch0,id=channel0,
-chardev socket,id=charch0,path=/run/vc/vm/aaaa/kata.sock,server,nowait
-device virtio-9p-pci,disable-modern=false,fsdev=extra-9p-kataShared,mount_tag=kataShared,romfile= -fsdev local,id=extra-9p-kataShared,path=/run/kata-containers/shared/sandboxes/aaaa,security_model=none -global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard -vga none -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -daemonize
-kernel /usr/share/kata-containers/vmlinuz- -append tsc=reliable no_timer_check rcupdate.rcu_expedited=1 i8042.dumbkbd=1 i8042.nopnp=1 i8042.noaux=1 noreplace-smp reboot=k console=hvc0 console=hvc1 iommu=off cryptomgr.notests net.ifnames=0 pci=lastbus=0 root=/dev/pmem0p1 rootflags=dax,data=ordered,errors=remount-ro ro rootfstype=ext4 quiet systemd.show_status=false panic=1 nr_cpus=4 agent.use_vsock=false systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.service systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.socket
-pidfile /run/vc/vm/aaaa/pid -smp 1,cores=1,threads=1,sockets=4,maxcpus=4
func LaunchCustomQemu(ctx context.Context, path string, params []string, fds []*os.File,
attr *syscall.SysProcAttr, logger QMPLog) (string, error) {
if logger == nil {
logger = qmpNullLogger{}
errStr := ""
if path == "" {
path = "qemu-system-x86_64"
功能是在 VM 里面启动 sandbox,startProxy 启动 proxy 服务,proxy 作为中间代理,负责转发
/usr/libexec/kata-containers/kata-proxy -listen-socket unix:///run/vc/sbs/411bf354ffa86c1cf9aa1cd05505d2b3cf8ba0d2bbb53f859084fc0c639a8675/proxy.sock -mux-socket /run/vc/vm/411bf354ffa86c1cf9aa1cd05505d2b3cf8ba0d2bbb53f859084fc0c639a8675/kata.sock -sandbox 411bf354ffa86c1cf9aa1cd05505d2b3cf8ba0d2bbb53f859084fc0c639a8675 -log debug -agent-logs-socket /run/vc/vm/411bf354ffa86c1cf9aa1cd05505d2b3cf8ba0d2bbb53f859084fc0c639a8675/console.sock
func (k *kataAgent) startSandbox(sandbox *Sandbox) error {
span, _ := k.trace("startSandbox")
defer span.Finish()
err := k.startProxy(sandbox)
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err != nil {
5.3.1 根据 sandbox 的网络配置 interface 与 route,更新 interface 发送 GRPC UpdateInterfaceRequest 请求,更新 route 发送 GRPC UpdateRoutesRequest 请求
// Setup network interfaces and routes
interfaces, routes, err := generateInterfacesAndRoutes(sandbox.networkNS)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = k.updateInterfaces(interfaces); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = k.updateRoutes(routes); err != nil {
return err
5.3.2 发送 CreateSandboxRequest 请求创建
req := &grpc.CreateSandboxRequest{
Hostname: hostname,
Storages: storages,
SandboxPidns: sandbox.sharePidNs,
GuestHookPath: sandbox.config.HypervisorConfig.GuestHookPath,
_, err = k.sendReq(req)
if err != nil {
return err
注册所有的容器到 proxy,每一个容器启动一个 shim
// createContainers registers all containers to the proxy, create the
// containers in the guest and starts one shim per container.
func (s *Sandbox) createContainers() error {
span, _ := s.trace("createContainers")
defer span.Finish()
if err := s.updateResources(); err != nil {
return err
只要是根据 sandbox 的配置实例化 Contaienr 配置
// newContainer creates a Container structure from a sandbox and a container configuration.
func newContainer(sandbox *Sandbox, contConfig ContainerConfig) (*Container, error) {
span, _ := sandbox.trace("newContainer")
defer span.Finish()
if !contConfig.valid() {
return &Container{}, fmt.Errorf("Invalid container configuration")
c := &Container{
id: contConfig.ID,
rootFs: contConfig.RootFs,
config: &contConfig,
sandbox: sandbox,
runPath: store.ContainerRuntimeRootPath(, contConfig.ID),
configPath: store.ContainerConfigurationRootPath(, contConfig.ID),
containerPath: filepath.Join(, contConfig.ID),
rootfsSuffix: "rootfs",
state: types.ContainerState{},
process: Process{},
mounts: contConfig.Mounts,
ctx: sandbox.ctx,
6.1.1 container 的 create 函数
创建启动 container,发送到 agent CreateContainerRequest GRPC 请求
// createContainer creates and start a container inside a Sandbox. It has to be
// called only when a new container, not known by the sandbox, has to be created.
func (c *Container) create() (err error) {
// In case the container creation fails, the following takes care
// of rolling back all the actions previously performed.
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if c.checkBlockDeviceSupport() {
if err = c.hotplugDrive(); err != nil {
6.1.2 调用 prepareAndStartShim 为每一个容器启动一个 shim
-agent unix:///run/vc/sbs/9c14119f6bf0d55c049b2ddceffe87beb45a731ac289e61cc5e069e08e081818/proxy.sock
-container 9c14119f6bf0d55c049b2ddceffe87beb45a731ac289e61cc5e069e08e081818
-exec-id 9c14119f6bf0d55c049b2ddceffe87beb45a731ac289e61cc5e069e08e081818 -terminal -log debug
kata-shim 启动命令如下所示:
Usage of kata-shim:
-agent string
agent gRPC socket endpoint
-agent-logs-socket string
socket to listen on to retrieve agent logs
-container string
container id for the shim
enable debug mode
-exec-id string
process id for the shim
-log string
set shim log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal or panic (default "warn")
proxy exit code of the process (default true)
specify if a terminal is setup
enable opentracing support
display program version and exit
func prepareAndStartShim(sandbox *Sandbox, shim shim, cid, token, url, consoleURL string, cmd types.Cmd,
createNSList []ns.NSType, enterNSList []ns.Namespace) (*Process, error) {
process := &Process{
Token: token,
StartTime: time.Now().UTC(),
shimParams := ShimParams{
Container: cid,
Token: token,
URL: url,
Console: cmd.Console,
Terminal: cmd.Interactive,
Detach: cmd.Detach,
CreateNS: createNSList,
EnterNS: enterNSList,
ConsoleURL: consoleURL,
pid, err := shim.start(sandbox, shimParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
process.Pid = pid
return process, nil
create sandbox 主要时取得启动配置参数,包括 hypervitor,校验等
create network 列出来所有 namespace 的网络接口,根据 namespace 中有的网络接口进行配置,比如 veth,创建 macvtap 接口将 VM 连接到容器接口
start vm 启动 vm,比如使用 qemu,则最后使用命令行启动虚拟机,使用 QMP 检查虚拟机运行情况
create containers 就是发送 GRPC 给 kata-agent CreateContainerRequest 请求,实现使用了 runc 代码,一样一样的
创建个目录:mkdir busybox
保存 rootfs docker export $(docker create busybox) > busybox.tar
mkdir rootfs && tar -C rootfs -xf busybox.tar
生成配置文件 kata-runtime spec,修改配置文件比如启动命令
sed -i 's;"sh";"touch aaa && tailf aaa";' config.json
使用 kata-runtime run container1 创建