







As open source software, R behaves quite friendly that it commonly gives people alternatives when they are tired of using one specific function :) For example, if you are unwilling to type p-l-o-t any more when you need to draw pair plots, you are welcomed to enter s-p-l-o-m with the lattice package downloaded from the internet and loaded to the library ahead.

> # Plot pair plots of returns using the splom function from the lattice package
> library(lattice)
> splom(Capm/100,pch=19,col=rgb(0,0,100,50,maxColorValue=255))



To be honest, I personally do not consider using splom() function rather than plot() function as a better choice. The p-l-o-t is a daily-used function in R of which the name can be spoken aloud even I am dreaming at night while I am unable to spell the name of the so-called s-p-o-x-x or s-p-l-x-x function nine times out of ten, let alone the splom() function makes no improvement unless making a plot unreadable and messy counts. However, keep your chin up, my friend. Better rather than worse alternatives do exist. For example, you can simply use another basic plotting function, pairs(). This function can be applied almost in the same way as the plot() function.






Note that in this example, I add a new argument labels which relabels the pairs in intuitive names while does not rewrite the column names of raw data.

Also, we can turn to the plotcov() function in the pcaPP package and the plotcorr() function in the ellipse package.

The function plotcov() provides both the values and the shape of correlations of the dataset at the same time which is informative, concise and space-saving. 

> # Plot pair plots of returns using the plotcov function from the pacPP package
> library(pcaPP)
> plotcov(cor(Capm/100),method1="correlation")





Sometimes people try so hard to make things concise, so they get an output as the function plotcorr() does.

> # Plot pair plots of returns using the plotcorr function from the ellipse package
> library(ellipse)
> plotcorr(cor(Capm/100),num=T,diag=F,type="upper")





作为一个无印良品风格控,在我不需要考虑-0.02691534和0,-0.09965299、-0.07210179、-0.07680539和-1,0.66885253、0.72093253和7 即 7 %,0.77307668、0.78501333和8即0.8之间的“巨大”差异时,我会毫不犹豫地表达我对plotcorr风格的喜爱。多数情况下,我们只需要用相关性分析图帮助我们判断线性相关性的存在趋势,因此0.77307668和0.78501333并没有鸿沟般的差别。同时,plotcorr()函数使人们通过设置type参数为“upper”、“lower” 和 “full”可以得到上三角、下三角或者完整的相关性矩阵。
I am a Muji-style addict which means I will undoubtedly love the plotcorr-style if I do not have to care about the “big” difference between -0.02691534 and 0, -0.09965299, -0.07210179, -0.07680539 and -1, 0.66885253, 0.72093253 and 7 meaning 7 percent, 0.77307668, 0.78501333 and 8 meaning 0.8. In most time, we use pair plots simply to identify trends of linear relationships, thus 0.77307668 does not significantly differ from 0.78501333. Also, the plotcorr() allows people to have a upper-triangle, lower-triangle or full correlation matrix on their plots by equaling the type argument to “upper”, “lower” and “full”.







Sometimes, geeks (not me) think they have to do something advanced to distinguish them from people with average IQ (like me), so their plotcorr() function is capable of informing the significance of sample correlation coefficient by using the test statistic shown below.

That is, if the values of correlation are inside their confidence intervals, their corresponding ellipses will be filled in blue, otherwise will be red if values are larger than the upper bound of the confidence intervals and yellow if smaller than the lower bound. Since the sample correlations are quite reliable in the Capm example, we get all blue ellipses.

> # Plot pair plots of returns with test statistic
> sig.r <- function(p,n)
+ {
+ df <- n-2
+ t.stat <- qt(p,df)
+ sig.r <- t.stat/sqrt(t.stat^2+df)
+ return(sig.r)
+ }
> r.threshold <- sig.r(0.975,4) 
> col <- ifelse(cor(Capm/100)>r.threshold,"red",ifelse(cor(Capm/100)< -r.threshold,"yellow","blue"))
> plotcorr(cor(Capm/100),col=col,diag=F,cex.lab=0.75,type="upper",numbers=F)

Finally, since the plotcov() function is initially designed to allow a direct comparison of two estimations of the covariance matrix in a plot , we use it to compare the sample correlations and robust correlations of the Capm dataset as follows.

> # Compare sample correlation matrix with robust correlation matrix
> library(robust)
> cor.sample <- cor(Capm/100)
> cor.robust <- covRob(Capm/100,cor=T)
> plotcov(cov1=cor.sample,cov2=cor.robust,method1="sample",method2="robust")

At most time, the values of sample correlation are close to that of robust correlation in the Capm example. The almost-overlapped ellipses in the upper triangle also prove that we can be confident with our values of correlations.

Last but not the least, the corrgram() function in the corrgram package is introduced to me by Captain. Expertized in correlation plotting, the function demonstrates the relationship between data in various forms by setting the types of panels.


In the above plot, the directions of slashes in the lower panel divide relationships into two categories, positive and negative. Also, blue denotes positive relationships while pink denotes negative relationships. The darker the colors and the bigger the painted areas are, the stronger the relationships between data.

         lower.panel=panel.pts, upper.panel=panel.conf, diag.panel=panel.density)

         panel=panel.ellipse, text.panel=panel.txt, diag.panel=panel.minmax)

PS:10号一鼓作气写完的初稿 因为final拖到今天干掉最后一科才闲下来小加小改后传上来= = 在豆瓣混了多年 还是头一遭提笔写这种类型的文章 数理金融的魅力果然大呀 春假结束前争取再写一篇关于hypothesis testing的小文 还请大家多多指教!



