之所以抛弃char*的字符串而选用C++标准程序库中的string类,是因为他和前者比较起来,不必担心内存是否足够、字符串长度等等,而且作为一个类出现,他集成的操作函数足以完成我们大多数情况下(甚至是100%)的需要。我们可以用 = 进行赋值操作,== 进行比较,+ 做串联(是不是很简单?)。我们尽可以把它看成是C++的基本数据类型。
string ( );
string ( const string& str );
string ( const string& str, size_t pos, size_t n = npos );
string ( const char * s, size_t n );
string ( const char * s );
string ( size_t n, char c );
template string (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end);
Construct string object
Constructs a standard string object and initializes its content.
The different constructor versions allow for the content to be initialized in different ways:
string ( );
Content is initialized to an empty string.
string ( const string& str );
Content is initialized to a copy of the string object
string ( const string& str, size_t pos, size_t n = npos );
Content is initialized to a copy of a substring of
str. The substring is the portion of
str that begins at the character position
pos and takes up to
n characters (it takes less than
n if the end of
str is reached before).
string ( const char * s, size_t n );
Content is initialized to a copy of the string formed by the first
n characters in the array of characters pointed by
string ( const char * s );
Content is initialized to a copy of the string formed by the null-terminated character sequence (C string) pointed by
s. The length of the character sequence is determined by the first occurrence of a null character (as determined by traits.length(s)). This version can be used to initialize a string object using a
string literal constant.
string ( size_t n, char c );
Content is initialized as a string formed by a repetition of character
n times.
template string (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end);
InputIterator is an integral type, behaves as the sixth constructor version (the one right above this) by typecasting
begin and
end to call it:
In any other case, the parameters are taken as iterators, and the content is initialized with the values of the elements that go from the element referred by iterator
begin to the element right before the one referred by iterator
Member functions
(constructor) |
Construct string object (constructor member ) |
operator= |
String assignment (public member function) |
begin |
Return iterator to beginning (public member function) |
end |
Return iterator to end (public member function) |
rbegin |
Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning (public member function) |
rend |
Return reverse iterator to reverse end (public member function) |
size |
Return length of string (public member function) |
length |
Return length of string (public member function) |
max_size |
Return maximum size of string (public member function) |
resize |
Resize string (public member function) |
capacity |
Return size of allocated storage (public member function) |
reserve |
Request a change in capacity (public member function) |
clear |
Clear string (public member function) |
empty |
Test if string is empty (public member function) |
Element access:
operator[] |
Get character in string (public member function) |
at |
Get character in string (public member function) |
operator+= |
Append to string (public member function) |
append |
Append to string (public member function) |
push_back |
Append character to string (public member function) |
assign |
Assign content to string (public member function ) |
insert |
Insert into string (public member function ) |
erase |
Erase characters from string (public member function) |
replace |
Replace part of string (public member function ) |
swap |
Swap contents with another string (public member function) |
String operations:
c_str |
Get C string equivalent (public member function ) |
data |
Get string data (public member function) |
get_allocator |
Get allocator (public member function) |
copy |
Copy sequence of characters from string (public member function) |
find |
Find content in string (public member function) |
rfind |
Find last occurrence of content in string (public member function) |
find_first_of |
Find character in string (public member function) |
find_last_of |
Find character in string from the end (public member function) |
find_first_not_of |
Find absence of character in string |
find_last_not_of |
Find absence of character in string from the end (public member function) |
substr |
Generate substring (public member function) |
compare |
Compare strings (public member function ) |
a) string s; //生成一个空字符串s
b) string s(str) //拷贝构造函数 生成str的复制品
c) string s(str,stridx) //将字符串str内“始于位置stridx”的部分当作字符串的初值
d) string s(str,stridx,strlen) //将字符串str内“始于stridx且长度顶多strlen”的部分作为字符串的初值
e) string s(cstr) //将C字符串作为s的初值
f) string s(chars,chars_len) //将C字符串前chars_len个字符作为字符串s的初值。
g) string s(num,c) //生成一个字符串,包含num个c字符
h) string s(beg,end) //以区间beg;end(不包含end)内的字符作为字符串s的初值
i) s.~string() //销毁所有字符,释放内存
a) =,assign() //赋以新值
b) swap() //交换两个字符串的内容
c) +=,append(),push_back() //在尾部添加字符
d) insert() //插入字符
e) erase() //删除字符
f) clear() //删除全部字符
g) replace() //替换字符
h) + //串联字符串
i) ==,!=,<,<=,>,>=,compare() //比较字符串
j) size(),length() //返回字符数量
k) max_size() //返回字符的可能最大个数
l) empty() //判断字符串是否为空
m) capacity() //返回重新分配之前的字符容量
n) reserve() //保留一定量内存以容纳一定数量的字符
o) [ ], at() //存取单一字符
p) >>,getline() //从stream读取某值
q) << //将谋值写入stream
r) copy() //将某值赋值为一个C_string
s) c_str() //将内容以C_string返回
t) data() //将内容以字符数组形式返回
u) substr() //返回某个子字符串
w)begin() end() //提供类似STL的迭代器支持
x) rbegin() rend() //逆向迭代器
y) get_allocator() //返回配置器
2.1 C++字符串和C字符串的转换
2.2 大小和容量函数
一个C++字符串存在三种大小:a)现有的字符数,函数是size()和length(),他们等效。Empty()用来检查字符串是否为空。b)max_size() 这个大小是指当前C++字符串最多能包含的字符数,很可能和机器本身的限制或者字符串所在位置连续内存的大小有关系。我们一般情况下不用关心他,应该大小足够我们用的。但是不够用的话,会抛出length_error异常c)capacity()重新分配内存之前 string所能包含的最大字符数。这里另一个需要指出的是reserve()函数,这个函数为string重新分配内存。重新分配的大小由其参数决定,默认参数为0,这时候会对string进行非强制性缩减。
还有必要再重复一下C++字符串和C字符串转换的问题,许多人会遇到这样的问题,自己做的程序要调用别人的函数、类什么的(比如数据库连接函数Connect(char*,char*)),但别人的函数参数用的是char*形式的,而我们知道,c_str()、data()返回的字符数组由该字符串拥有,所以是一种const char*,要想作为上面提及的函数的参数,还必须拷贝到一个char*,而我们的原则是能不使用C字符串就不使用。那么,这时候我们的处理方式是:如果此函数对参数(也就是char*)的内容不修改的话,我们可以这样Connect((char*)UserID.c_str(), (char*)PassWD.c_str()),但是这时候是存在危险的,因为这样转换后的字符串其实是可以修改的(有兴趣地可以自己试一试),所以我强调除非函数调用的时候不对参数进行修改,否则必须拷贝到一个char*上去。当然,更稳妥的办法是无论什么情况都拷贝到一个char*上去。同时我们也祈祷现在仍然使用C字符串进行编程的高手们(说他们是高手一点儿也不为过,也许在我们还穿开裆裤的时候他们就开始编程了,哈哈…)写的函数都比较规范,那样我们就不必进行强制转换了。
有一个例外不得不说,const string a;的操作符[]对索引值是a.length()仍然有效,其返回值是’/0’。其他的各种情况,a.length()索引都是无效的。举例如下:
const string Cstr(“const string”);
string Str(“string”);
Str[3]; //ok
Str.at(3); //ok
Str[100]; //未定义的行为
Str.at(100); //throw out_of_range
Str[Str.length()] //未定义行为
Cstr[Cstr.length()] //返回 ‘/0’
Str.at(Str.length());//throw out_of_range
Cstr.at(Cstr.length()) throw out_of_range
char& r=s[2];
char* p= &s[3];
C++字符串支持常见的比较操作符(>,>=,<,<=,==,!=),甚至支持string与C-string的比较(如 str<”hello”)。在使用>,>=,<,<=这些操作符的时候是根据“当前字符特性”将字符按字典顺序进行逐一得比较。字典排序靠前的字符小,比较的顺序是从前向后比较,遇到不相等的字符就按这个位置上的两个字符的比较结果确定两个字符串的大小。同时,string(“aaaa”) 另一个功能强大的比较函数是成员函数compare()。他支持多参数处理,支持用索引值和长度定位子串来进行比较。他返回一个整数来表示比较结果,返回值意义如下:0-相等 〉0-大于 <0-小于。举例如下:
string s(“abcd”);
s.compare(“abcd”); //返回0
s.compare(“dcba”); //返回一个小于0的值
s.compare(“ab”); //返回大于0的值
s.compare(s); //相等
s.compare(0,2,s,2,2); //用”ab”和”cd”进行比较 小于零
s.compare(1,2,”bcx”,2); //用”bc”和”bc”比较。
2.5 更改内容
首先讲赋值,第一个赋值方法当然是使用操作符=,新值可以是string(如:s=ns) 、c_string(如:s=”gaint”)甚至单一字符(如:s=’j’)。还可以使用成员函数assign(),这个成员函数可以使你更灵活的对字符串赋值。还是举例说明吧:
s.assign(str); //不说
s.assign(str,1,3);//如果str是”iamangel” 就是把”ama”赋给字符串
s.assign(“gaint”); //不说
s.assign(“nico”,5);//把’n’ ‘I’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘/0’赋给字符串
先说增加字符(这里说的增加是在尾巴上),函数有 +=、append()、push_back()。举例如下:
s+=”my name is jiayp”;//加个C字符串
s.append(str,1,3);//不解释了 同前面的函数参数assign的解释
s.append(“my name is jiayp”);
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s("hehe");
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 2)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- char chs[] = "hehe";
- string s(chs);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 3)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- char chs[] = "hehe";
- string s(chs,1,3);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 4)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s1("hehe");
- string s2(s1);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 5)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s1("hehe",2,3);
- string s2(s1);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 6)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- char chs[] = "hehe";
- string s(chs,3);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 7)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s(10,'k');
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 9)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s(10,'k');
- cout<
- s = "hehehehe";
- cout<
- s.assign("kdje");
- cout<
- s.assign("fkdhfkdfd",5);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 10)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s1 = "hehe";
- string s2 = "gagaga";
- cout<<"s1 : "<
- cout<<"s2 : "<
- s1.swap(s2);
- cout<<"s1 : "<
- cout<<"s2 : "<
- cin.get();
- }
- 11)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "hehe";
- s += "gaga";
- cout<
- s.append("嘿嘿");
- cout<
- s.push_back('k');
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 12)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "hehe";
- s.insert(0,"头部");
- s.insert(s.size(),"尾部");
- s.insert(s.size()/2,"中间");
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 13)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg";
- s.erase(0,1);
- cout<
- s.replace(2,3,"");
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 14)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg";
- cout<
- s.clear();
- cout<
- s = "dkjfd";
- cout<
- s.erase(0,s.length());
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 15)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg";
- s.replace(2,3,"!!!!!");
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 16)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s1 = "abcdefg";
- string s2 = "abcdefg";
- if (s1==s2)cout<<"s1 == s2"<
- else cout<<"s1 != s2"<
- if (s1!=s2)cout<<"s1 != s2"<
- else cout<<"s1 == s2"<
- if (s1>s2)cout<<"s1 > s2"<
- else cout<<"s1 <= s2"<
- if (s1<=s2)cout<<"s1 <= s2"<
- else cout<<"s1 > s2"<
- cin.get();
- }
- 17)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg";
- cout<
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 18)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg";
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 19)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s ;
- if (s.empty())
- cout<<"s 为空."<
- else
- cout<<"s 不为空."<
- s = s + "abcdefg";
- if (s.empty())
- cout<<"s 为空."<
- else
- cout<<"s 不为空."<
- cin.get();
- }
- 20)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg1111";
- cout<<"use []:"<
- for(int i=0; i
- {
- cout<
- }
- cout<
- cout<<"use at():"<
- for(int i=0; i
- {
- cout<
- }
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 21)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg1111";
- const char * chs1 = s.c_str();
- const char * chs2 = s.data();
- cout<<"use at():"<
- int i;
- for(i=0; i
- {
- cout<<"c_str() : "<
- cout<<"data() : "<
- }
- cout<<"c_str() : "<
- cout<<"data() : "<
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 22)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg1111";
- string str = s.substr(5,3);
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 23)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg1111";
- string pattern = "fg";
- string::size_type pos;
- pos = s.find(pattern,0);
- cout<
- string str = s.substr(pos,pattern.size());
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
- 24)
- #include
- #include
- using namespace std;
- void main()
- {
- string s = "abcdefg1111";
- for(string::iterator iter = s.begin(); iter!=s.end(); iter++)
- {
- cout<<*iter<
- }
- cout<
- cin.get();
- }
一个C++字符串存在三种大小:a)现有的字符数,函数是size()和length(),他们等效。 Empty()用来检查字符串是否为空。b)max_size() 这个大小是指当前C++字符串最多能包含的字符数,很可能和机器本身的限制或者字符串所在位置连续内存的大小有关系。我们一般情况下不用关心他,应该大小足够我们用的。但是不够用的话,会抛出length_error异常c)capacity()重新分配内存之前 string所能包含的最大字符数。这里另一个需要指出的是reserve()函数,这个函数为string重新分配内存。重新分配的大小由其参数决定,默认参数为0,这时候会对string进行非强制性缩减。