维基百科关于 Moment (mathematics) 的介绍:
In mathematics, a moment is a specific quantitative measure, used in both mechanics and statistics, of the shape of a set of points. If the points represent mass, then the zeroth moment is the total mass, the first moment divided by the total mass is the center of mass, and the second moment is the rotational inertia. If the points represent probability density, then the zeroth moment is the total probability (i.e. one), the first moment is the mean, the second central moment is the variance, the third moment is the skewness, and the fourth moment (with normalization and shift) is the kurtosis. The mathematical concept is closely related to the concept of moment in physics.For a bounded distribution of mass or probability, the collection of all the moments (of all orders, from 0 to ∞) uniquely determines the distribution.
设 X 和 Y 是随机变量,c 为常数,k 为正整数,
如果 E(|X−c|k) E ( | X − c | k ) 存在,则称 E(|X−c|k) E ( | X − c | k ) 为 X 关于点 c 的 k 阶矩。
如果 E(|X−c1|p⋅|Y−c2|q) E ( | X − c 1 | p ⋅ | Y − c 2 | q ) 存在,则称其为 X,Y 关于 c 点 p+q 阶矩。
Mat image = imread(imagename, 0);//读入灰度图
Mat binary;
threshold(image, binary, 200, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
Moments m = moments(binary, true);//moments()函数计算出三阶及一下的矩
Point2d center(m.m10 / m.m00, m.m01 / m.m00);//此为重心
double a = m.m20 / m.m00 - center.x*center.x;
double b = m.m11 / m.m00 - center.x*center.y;
double c = m.m02 / m.m00 - center.y*center.y;
double theta = fastAtan2(2*b,(a - c))/2;//此为形状的方向
从上图可以发现,这样算出来的方向是以x轴正方向为 0 0 ,第四象限为 0−π/2 0 − π / 2 ,第三象限为 π/2−π π / 2 − π 的范围内。