

读书笔记,整理自 [美] Goodrich et al. 所著《Data Structures and Algorithms in Python》。


模式匹配是数据结构中字符串的一种基本运算场景,给定一个子串,要求在某个字符串中找出与该子串相同的所有子串。尽管早已可以通过 Python 下的 re 库使用正则表达式高效而简洁地实现模式匹配,但了解相关算法背后机理亦不失其学习的意义。

1. Brute-Force算法

又称为暴风算法,核心思想在于从 T 的第一个字符开始遍历每一个字符,依次匹配 P。是最简单,也最低效的匹配方法。

def find_brute(T, P):
  """Return the lowest index of T at which substring P begins (or else -1)."""
  n, m = len(T), len(P)                      # introduce convenient notations
  for i in range(n-m+1):                     # try every potential starting index within T
    k = 0                                    # an index into pattern P
    while k < m and T[i + k] == P[k]:        # kth character of P matches
      k += 1
    if k == m:                               # if we reached the end of pattern,
      return i                               # substring T[i:i+m] matches P
  return -1                                  # failed to find a match starting with any i

2. Boyer-Moore算法

通过跳跃启发式算法避免大量无用的比较。每次逐字符匹配从 P 最后一个字符开始。

def find_boyer_moore(T, P):
  """Return the lowest index of T at which substring P begins (or else -1)."""
  n, m = len(T), len(P)                   # introduce convenient notations
  if m == 0: return 0                     # trivial search for empty string
  last = {}                               # build 'last' dictionary
  for k in range(m):
    last[ P[k] ] = k                      # later occurrence overwrites
  # align end of pattern at index m-1 of text
  i = m-1                                 # an index into T
  k = m-1                                 # an index into P
  while i < n:
    if T[i] == P[k]:                      # a matching character
      if k == 0:
        return i                          # pattern begins at index i of text
        i -= 1                            # examine previous character
        k -= 1                            # of both T and P
      j = last.get(T[i], -1)              # last(T[i]) is -1 if not found
      i += m - min(k, j + 1)              # case analysis for jump step
      k = m - 1                           # restart at end of pattern
  return -1

3. Knuth-Morris-Pratt算法

穷举算法和 Boyer-Moore 算法在完全匹配中必然进行 len ( P ) \text{len}(P) len(P) 次匹配,KMP 算法充分利用 P P P 内部的字符串重叠,做进一步优化。

def find_kmp(T, P):
  """Return the lowest index of T at which substring P begins (or else -1)."""
  n, m = len(T), len(P)            # introduce convenient notations
  if m == 0: return 0              # trivial search for empty string
  fail = compute_kmp_fail(P)       # rely on utility to precompute
  j = 0                            # index into text
  k = 0                            # index into pattern
  while j < n:
    if T[j] == P[k]:               # P[0:1+k] matched thus far
      if k == m - 1:               # match is complete
        return j - m + 1           
      j += 1                       # try to extend match
      k += 1
    elif k > 0:                    
      k = fail[k-1]                # reuse suffix of P[0:k]
      j += 1
  return -1                        # reached end without match
def compute_kmp_fail(P):
  """Utility that computes and returns KMP 'fail' list."""
  m = len(P)
  fail = [0] * m                   # by default, presume overlap of 0 everywhere
  j = 1
  k = 0
  while j < m:                     # compute f(j) during this pass, if nonzero
    if P[j] == P[k]:               # k + 1 characters match thus far
      fail[j] = k + 1
      j += 1
      k += 1
    elif k > 0:                    # k follows a matching prefix
      k = fail[k-1]
    else:                          # no match found starting at j
      j += 1
  return fail
