
//获得 商品id 为 3, 5, 7 ,8 这几个商品的信息
 select * from ecs_goods where goods_id in(3,5,7,9);
(2)Between and 在两个值之间的数据
select * from ecs_goods
where shop_price between 1000 and 1500;

(3)Order by排序  排序方法(升序ASC,降序DESC)
//将获得的商品按照 价格 由高到低 排序

select * from ecs_goods
order by market_price asc limit 2;

limit 偏移量,想要获得的记录数量s
//获得价格最高的  十个商品  除掉最高的前十个
 select * from ecs_goods
 order by market_price desc limit 10,10;

 delete from ecs_goods
 order by market_price desc limit 10

select sum(shop_price) from ecs_goods group by cat_id;

 select goods_name,max(shop_price) from ecs_goods group by cat_id;

select avg(shop_price) from ecs_goods group by cat_id;

select goods_name,avg(shop_price)as avg from ecs_goods group by cat_id  having avg>1000;

mysql> select cat_name from ecs_category where cat_id=1 union select cat_name fr
om ecs_category where parent_id=1;
| cat_name |
| 手机类型        |
| CDMA手机    |
| GSM手机     |
| 3G手机      |
| 双模手机      |

GSM手机下的 所有商品
 select goods_name from ecs_goods  where cat_id=(select cat_id from ecs_category where

mysql> select goods_name from(select * from ecs_goods where cat_id in(3,5)) as t
em_goods where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_name             |
| 诺基亚E66                   |
| 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic      |
| 诺基亚N85                   |
| 诺基亚N96                   |
4 rows in set (0.03 sec)
