In this IDES process, you display manually created delivery schedules, compare the stock/requirements list with the scheduling agreement, and get information about the effects of the agreement during the goods receipt.
What is a Scheduling Agreement?(计划协议是什么?)
Scheduling agreements are similar to quantity contracts in that they state the target quantity of a material to be ordered from a vendor over a period of time, as well as the price.(计划协议类似于数量合同:它表明在一段时间内要从供应商订购物料的目标数量和价格。)
You create a line item for each material to be procured. For each scheduling agreement item, you subsequently set up a rolling delivery schedule by creating a number of individual schedule lines.(你可为每个要采购的物料创建一个计划协议项目。接着,可通过创建单个计划行号码为每个计划协议项目设置一个滚动的供货计划)
In vendor scheduling, vendors receive a scheduling agreement release (comprising a header and a rolling delivery schedule made up of individual schedule lines) rather than discrete purchase or release orders. The delivery schedule specifies the quantities to be delivered, delivery dates, and possibly also delivery time slots, and may contain data on previous goods receipts. A delivery schedule may contain firm, semi-firm, or planned (forecast) delivery dates.(在供应商的供货计划中,供应商收到的是计划协议核准 (包括一个标题和一个由单个计划行组成的滚动供货计划) 而不是独立的采购或核准订单。(注意:在SAP系统中,术语“release”除了在此代表一种订购物料或服务的方法之外,还可用于系统内采购凭证确认或 结算处理。) 供货计划指定了要供货的数量、供货日期 (也可能是供货空当期),并且可能包含上一次收货的数 据。一个供货计划可包含固定、半固定或计划(预测)的供货日期)
Advantages of Vendor Scheduling(采购计划的优点)
Procurement via scheduling agreements has several significant advantages(采购进度规划有有一些明显的优势):
1. Note the different time formats, time, scheduled quantities, and the Fixed indicator. Do not overwrite any existing data.(注意不同的时间格式,计划的数量,固定指示。不要覆盖任何已经存在的数据)
Note the scheduled quantity under 1). You will require this again later.
Menu Path |
From the Inventory Management node, choose Goods Movement ® Goods Receipt ® For Purchase Order ® PO Number Known. |
Transaction Code |
1. The system copies the header data of the purchase order into the header data area of the GR document.(系统复制采购订单抬头数据进入收货单的抬头相对应的字段中)
The purchase order items appear in the GR item overview.
The PO number / scheduling agreement number you entered appears in the Current purchase order field, and the PO number field is once again ready to accept input. (采购订单/计划协议的数量被显示在现在采购订单收货的界面上,且数量允许被修改)
If you click on individual items, the system displays an item data screen (allowing you to change the defaulted quantity with quantity from the 1st item of the delivery schedule (quantity for today's date).