python format格式输出{}




 1 >>> print('{} {}'.format('hello','world'))  # 不带字段
 2 hello world
 3 >>> print('{0} {1}'.format('hello','world'))  # 带数字编号
 4 hello world
 5 >>> print('{0} {1} {0}'.format('hello','world'))  # 打乱顺序
 6 hello world hello
 7 >>> print('{1} {1} {0}'.format('hello','world'))
 8 world world hello
 9 >>> print('{a} {tom} {a}'.format(tom='hello',a='world'))  # 带关键字
10 world hello world
>>> '{0}, {1}, {2}'.format('a', 'b', 'c')
'a, b, c'
>>> '{}, {}, {}'.format('a', 'b', 'c')  # 3.1+版本支持
'a, b, c'
>>> '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format('a', 'b', 'c')
'c, b, a'
>>> '{2}, {1}, {0}'.format(*'abc')  # 可打乱顺序
'c, b, a'
>>> '{0}{1}{0}'.format('abra', 'cad')  # 可重复

(1)< (默认)左对齐、> 右对齐、^ 中间对齐、= (只用于数字)在小数点后进行补齐

>>> print('{} and {}'.format('hello','world'))  # 默认左对齐
hello and world
>>> print('{:10s} and {:>10s}'.format('hello','world'))  # 取10位左对齐,取10位右对齐
hello      and      world
>>> print('{:^10s} and {:^10s}'.format('hello','world'))  # 取10位中间对齐
  hello    and   world   
>>> print('{} is {:.2f}'.format(1.123,1.123))  # 取2位小数
1.123 is 1.12
>>> print('{0} is {0:>10.2f}'.format(1.123))  # 取2位小数,右对齐,取10位
1.123 is       1.12

>>> '{:<30}'.format('left aligned')  # 左对齐
'left aligned                  '
>>> '{:>30}'.format('right aligned')  # 右对齐
'                 right aligned'
>>> '{:^30}'.format('centered')  # 中间对齐
'           centered           '
>>> '{:*^30}'.format('centered')  # 使用“*”填充
>>>'{:0=30}'.format(11)  # 还有“=”只能应用于数字,这种方法可用“>”代替

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