每日美版知乎一问!Your daily Quora feed

What are the darkest secrets of elite universities such as Yale,Princeton or Strandford?世界顶级名校里(耶鲁,普林斯顿,斯坦福等)最黑暗的秘密是什么?


每日美版知乎一问!Your daily Quora feed_第1张图片


December 2011,

Stanford University.



It was 3:30am and I was walking back home from my lab. In my head I was trying to figure out how I was going to plan the rest of my day after a couple of hours of sleep because I had an assignment due that night and still had a part of the problem set remaining.


As I was walking by the Oval, I saw a bike lying on the side of the road. I was quite surprised because nobody leaves bikes like that on campus due to thefts. I went to see what was going on and there was a guy sitting a few feet away on the lawn sobbing and a girl trying to console him.

正当我在椭圆坛边上走的时候,我看见一辆单车躺在路的边上。我非常惊讶。因为由于担心被盗,一般没人会把车那样留在那里。 我过去看看发生了什么事,发现有个男的坐在离草坪几步远的地方抽泣,边上还有个女孩在努力安慰他。我停了下来问他们怎么了,有没有我能帮上忙的。

Without even batting an eye, she looks at me and says “It’s fine. Duck Syndrome.” I nodded and went on my way.


In retrospect, this is the DARKEST and SCARIEST part of studying at Stanford.


The Stanford Duck Syndrome is named so because like ducks, at the surface we appear to be gliding peacefully along the lake, happy, without a care in the world; but below the surface, our little duck feet and thrashing and paddling violently with everything we’ve got to keep us afloat and take us where we want to go.


Being excessively workaholic is the norm. Being busy to the point where your physical and mental well being takes a hit is glorified. I am personally guilty of this. I routinely and consistently slept for 3–4 hours a night during grad school and was very proud of it. It meant that I was keeping myself busy and making the most of my opportunity. Most students who attend these universities have already achieved some form of excellence in their lives. They have all been the big fish in smaller ponds. Now they are all in this gigantic pond and each one wants to prove to themselves and to everyone around them that they are still the top dog.


At the surface, there is an overwhelming sense of positivity, happiness and zeal among every student on campus. All you hear are words of encouragement and a sense of mission and drive. NOBODY will admit to the deep and dark horrors that are a part of journey because doing so makes you seem weak. It makes you vulnerable. This is without doubt Stanford’s darkest and most well known secret that will never be accepted or acknowledged.


This spills over into our personal and professional lives very frequently. It is considered “normal” for a Stanford Grad to be that way; in fact, it’s odd if he/she isn’t. Personally, I’ve slowly started realizing that there’s more to life than that and in the last one year, I’ve started taking steps to achieve more of a balance. I’m not there yet, but I’m trying. I want to redefine my “normal” and hopefully I’ll get there some day. After all, there’s more to life than winning. There’s also, living.


What I think:







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