03090000 00049993 9222100502392220106000000020000029000170124500019054 20170124 12:30:01622908347435512917 00049996
01006530 00096900 000480 0124174505 6228480478369552177 000000004066 000000000000 00000000000 0200 000000 5411 00000021 100504754110404 003081009289 00 000000 01030000 000000 00 071 000000000005 000000000000 D00000000001 1 000 6 0 0124174510 01030000 0 03 00000000000 00010111001
# dates to be compared
dateArr = ["170124",
# local path that contains data
src_dir = "./src_data"
res_dir = "./res_data"
# the exact merchant ID to be concerned
gMchtId = "100502392220106"
# read files and compare, then write as records
print "start to compare file..."
for dateStr in dateArr:
print "comparing " + dateStr + " files"
mic_file_name = "M_IC" + dateStr + "OTRAD100502392220106"
acom_file_name = "no_chongzhengIND" + dateStr + "01ACOM"
# define mic set at this date
micIndexSet = set()
# read mic file and create index keys
print "reading " + dateStr + " mic file"
with open(src_dir + '/' + mic_file_name, 'r') as micFileStream:
# process file line by line
for micLineStr in micFileStream:
# pass the empty line
if len(micLineStr) == 0:
print "empty mic line"
# slice strings
micLineDataArray = micLineStr.split()
combinedInfo = micLineDataArray[2]
micMchtId = combinedInfo[4:19]
# pass wrong merchant ids
if micMchtId != gMchtId:
# get query index
micIndex = combinedInfo[-12:]
# add to mic index set
# define linestr array to save the result lines
resultLineStr = list()
# read acom file and compare index keys
print "reading " + dateStr + " acom file"
with open(src_dir + '/' + acom_file_name, 'r') as acomFileStream:
# process file line by line
for acomLineStr in acomFileStream:
if len(acomLineStr) == 0:
print "empty acom line"
acomLineDataArray = acomLineStr.split()
acomMchtId = acomLineDataArray[12]
if acomMchtId != gMchtId:
acomIndex = acomLineDataArray[13]
# save the diffed lines
if acomIndex not in micIndexSet:
# write the result lines to file
print "write " + dateStr + " result file"
with open(res_dir + '/' + dateStr + "_result", 'w') as resultFileStream:
res_str = ""
for line in resultLineStr:
res_str += line + '\n'
print "compare over"