ABluetooth profileis a wireless interface specification forBluetooth-based communication between devices. In order to use Bluetooth technology, a device must be compatible with the subset of Bluetooth profiles necessary to use the desired services. A Bluetooth profile resides on top of the Bluetooth Core Specification and (optionally) additional protocols. While the profile may use certain features of the core specification, specific versions of profiles are rarely tied to specific versions of the core specification. For example, there are HFP 1.5 implementations using both Bluetooth 2.0 and Bluetooth 1.2 core specifications.
The way a device uses Bluetooth technology depends on its profile capabilities. The profiles provide standards which manufacturers follow to allow devices to use Bluetooth in the intended manner. For theBluetooth low energystack according to Bluetooth V4.0 a special set of profiles applies.
At a maximum, each profile specification contains information on the following topics:
This article summarizes the current definitions and possible applications of each profile.
The following profiles are defined and adopted by theBluetooth SIG:
This profile defines how high quality audio (stereoormono) can be streamed from one device to another over aBluetoothconnection.[1]For example, music can be streamed from amobile phone, to a wirelessheadset, hearing aid & cochlear implant streamer, orcar audioor from a laptop/desktop to a wireless headset.
A2DP was initially used in conjunction with an intermediate Bluetooth transceiver that connects to a standard audio output jack, encodes the incoming audio to a Bluetooth-friendly format, and sends the signal wirelessly to Bluetooth headphones that decode and play the audio. Bluetooth headphones, especially the more advanced models, often come with a microphone and support for theHeadset (HSP),Hands-Free (HFP)andAudio/Video Remote Control (AVRCP)profiles.
A2DP is designed to transfer a uni-directional 2-channel stereo audio stream, like music from anMP3 player, to a headset or car radio.[2]This profile relies onAVDTPandGAVDP. It includes mandatory support for the low-complexitySBCcodec (not to be confused with Bluetooth's voice-signal codecs such asCVSDM), and supports optionally:MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4,AAC, andATRAC, and is extensible to support manufacturer-definedcodecs, such asapt-X. Some Bluetooth stacks enforce theSCMS-Tdigital rights management(DRM) scheme. In these cases, it is impossible to connect certain A2DP headphones for high quality audio.
This profile is designed to provide a standard interface to control TVs, Hi-fi equipment, etc. to allow a singleremote control(or other device) to control all of the A/V equipment to which a user has access. It may be used in concert with A2DP or VDP.
It has the possibility for vendor-dependent extensions.
AVRCP has several versions with significantly increasing functionality:
This profile is designed for sending images between devices and includes the ability to resize, and convert images to make them suitable for the receiving device. It may be broken down into smaller pieces:
This allows devices to send text, e-mails,vCards, or other items toprintersbased on print jobs. It differs from HCRP in that it needs no printer-specific drivers. This makes it more suitable for embedded devices such asmobile phonesanddigital cameraswhich cannot easily be updated with drivers dependent upon printer vendors.
This provides unrestricted access to the services, data and signalling thatISDNoffers.
This is designed forcordless phonesto work using Bluetooth. It is hoped that mobile phones could use a Bluetooth CTP gateway connected to alandlinewhen within the home, and the mobile phone network when out of range. It is central to the BluetoothSIG's '3-in-1 phone' use case.
This profile allows a device to be identified above and beyond the limitations of the Device Class already available in Bluetooth. It enables identification of the manufacturer, product id, product version, and the version of the Device ID specification being met. It is useful in allowing a PC to identify a connecting device and download appropriatedrivers. It enables similar applications to those thePlug-and-playspecification allows.
This profile provides a standard to access theInternetand otherdial-upservices over Bluetooth. The most common scenario is accessing the Internet from alaptopby dialing up on amobile phone, wirelessly. It is based onSerial Port Profile(SPP), and provides for relatively easy conversion of existing products, through the many features that it has in common with the existing wiredserial protocolsfor the same task. These include theAT commandset specified inEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI) 07.07, andPoint-to-Point Protocol(PPP).
DUN distinguishes the initatior (DUN Terminal) of the connection and the provider (DUN Gateway) of the connection. The gateway provides a modem interface and establishes the connection to a PPP gateway. The terminal implements the usage of the modem and PPP protocol to establish the network connection. In standard phones, the gateway PPP functionality is usually implemented by the access point of the Telco provider. In "always on" smartphones, the PPP gateway is often provided by the phone and the terminal shares the connection.
This profile is intended to provide a well-defined interface between a mobile phone orfixed-line phoneand a PC with Fax software installed. Support must be provided for ITU T.31 and / or ITU T.32AT commandsets as defined byITU-T. Data and voice calls are not covered by this profile.
Provides the basis for A2DP, and VDP.
Provides the basis for all other profiles. GAP defines how two Bluetooth units discover and establish a connection with each other.
Provides a basis for other data profiles. Based onOBEXand sometimes referred to as such.
This provides a simple wireless alternative to a cable connection between a device and a printer. Unfortunately it does not set a standard regarding the actual communications to the printer, sodriversare required specific to the printer model or range. This makes this profile less useful for embedded devices such as digital cameras and palmtops, as updating drivers can be problematic.
Profile designed to facilitate transmission and reception of Medical Device data. The API's of this layer interact with the lower level Multi-Channel Adaptation Protocol (MCAP layer), but also perform SDP behavior to connect to remote HDP devices. Also makes use of the Device ID Profile (DIP).
Currently in version 1.5, this is commonly used to allow car hands-free kits to communicate with mobile phones in the car. It usesSCOto carry amonauralaudio channel withcontinuously variable slope delta modulationorpulse-code modulation, and with logarithmica-laworμ-lawquantization.
In 2002Audi, with the Audi A8, was the first motor vehicle manufacturer to install Bluetooth technology in a car, enabling the passenger to use a wireless in-car phone. The following year DaimlerChrysler andAcuraintroduced Bluetooth technology integration with the audio system as a standard feature in the third-generationAcura TLin a system dubbed HandsFree Link (HFL). Later,BMWadded it as an option on its1 Series,3 Series,5 Series,7 SeriesandX5vehicles. Since then, other manufacturers have followed suit, with many vehicles, including theToyota Prius(since 2004), 2007Toyota Camry, 2007Infiniti G35, and theLexusLS 430 (since 2004). SeveralNissanmodels (Versa, X-Trail) include a built-in Bluetooth for the Technology option.Volvostarted introducing support in some vehicles in 2007, and as of 2009 all Bluetooth-enabled vehicles support HFP.[3]
The Bluetooth car kits allow users with Bluetooth-equipped cell phones to make use of some of the phone's features, such as making calls, while the phone itself can be left in the user's pocket or hand bag. Companies like Nokia, Johnson Controls,Peiker acustic,RAYTEL, Parrot,Noveroand Motorola manufacture Bluetooth hands-free car kits for well-known brand car manufacturers.
Most bluetooth headsets implement both Hands-Free Profile and Headset Profile, because of the extra features in HFP for use with a mobile phone, such as last number redial, call waiting and voice dialing.
Provides support for devices such asmice,joysticks, keyboards, as well as sometimes providing support for simple buttons and indicators on other types of devices. It is designed to provide a lowlatencylink, with low power requirements.PlayStation 3controllers andWiiRemotes also use Bluetooth HID.
Bluetooth HID is a lightweight wrapper of theHuman Interface Deviceprotocol defined forUSB. The use of the HID protocol simplifies host implementation (ex: support byOperating Systems) by enabling the re-use of some of the existing support for USB HID to also support Bluetooth HID.,
This is the most commonly used profile, providing support for the popular Bluetooth Headsets to be used with mobile phones. It relies on SCO for audio encoded in 64 kbit/s CVSD or PCM and a subset ofAT commandsfrom GSM 07.07 for minimal controls including the ability to ring, answer a call, hang up and adjust the volume.
This is often referred to as thewalkie-talkieprofile. It is another TCS (Telephone Control protocol Specification)[4]based profile, relying on SCO to carry the audio. It is proposed to allow voice calls between two Bluetooth capable handsets, over Bluetooth.
LAN Access profile makes it possible for a Bluetooth device to accessLAN,WANorInternetvia another device that has a physical connection to the network. It usesPPPoverRFCOMMto establish connections. LAP also allows the device to join an ad-hoc Bluetooth network.
The LAN Access Profile has been replaced by thePANprofile in the Bluetooth specification.
A basic profile for sending "objects" such as pictures,virtual business cards, orappointment details. It is called push because the transfers are always instigated by the sender (client), not the receiver (server).
OPP uses the APIs of OBEX profile and the OBEX operations which are used in OPP are connect, disconnect, put, get and abort. By using these API the OPP layer will reside over OBEX and hence follow the specifications of the Bluetooth stack.
This profile is intended to allow the use ofBluetooth Network Encapsulation ProtocolonLayer 3protocols for transport over a Bluetooth link.
Phone Book Access (PBA)[1]or Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP) is a profile that allows exchange of Phone Book Objects between devices. It is likely to be used between a car kit and a mobile phone to:
This profile is based onETSI07,10 and theRFCOMMprotocol. It emulates a serial cable to provide a simple substitute for existingRS-232, including the familiar control signals. It is the basis for DUN, FAX, HSP and AVRCP.
SDAP describes how an application should use SDP to discover services on a remote device. SDAP requires that any application be able to find out what services are available on any Bluetooth enabled device it connects to.
This allows devices such as car phones with built inGSMtransceivers to connect to aSIM cardin a phone with Bluetooth, thus the car phone itself doesn't require a separate SIM card. This profile is also known as rSAP (remote-SIM-Access-Profile). More information on which phones are supported can be foundhere(German version only)
This profile allowssynchronisationofPersonal Information Manager(PIM) items. As this profile originated as part of theinfraredspecifications but has been adopted by the Bluetooth SIG to form part of the main Bluetooth specification, it is also commonly referred to as IrMC Synchronization.
This profile allows the transport of a video stream. It could be used for streaming a recorded video from a PC media center to a portable player, or a live video from a digital video camera to a TV. Support for theH.263baseline is mandatory. TheMPEG-4Visual Simple Profile, andH.263profiles 3 and 8 are optionally supported, and covered in the specification.1
This is a profile for carryingWireless Application Protocol (WAP)overPoint-to-Point Protocolover Bluetooth.
These profiles are still not finalised, but are currently proposed within the Bluetooth SIG:
Compatibility of products with profiles can be verified on theBluetooth Qualification Program website.