水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计











水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第1张图片



-- Create table
create table ADMIN
admin_no NVARCHAR2(4) not null,
admin_name NVARCHAR2(12) not null,
admin_sex NVARCHAR2(3),
admin_age NUMBER(4),
admin_cardid VARCHAR2(19) not null,
admin_depart VARCHAR2(21),
admin_logname VARCHAR2(12) not null,
admin_password VARCHAR2(10) not null
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255;
-- Add comments to the columns
comment on column ADMIN.admin_no
is '工号(主键)';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_name
is '姓名';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_sex
is '性别';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_age
is '年龄';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_cardid
is '身份证号';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_depart
is '部门';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_logname
is '管理员登录名';
comment on column ADMIN.admin_password
is '管理员登陆密码';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table ADMIN
add constraint PK_ANO primary key (ADMIN_NO)
using index
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;
-- Create/Recreate check constraints
alter table ADMIN
add constraint AA_SEX
check (Admin_SEX='男'or Admin_SEX='女');

水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第2张图片


-- Create table
create table U_USER
  user_idno     VARCHAR2(5) not null,
  user_name     VARCHAR2(12) not null,
  user_logname  VARCHAR2(15) not null,
  user_password VARCHAR2(10) not null,
  user_sex      VARCHAR2(3),
  user_address  VARCHAR2(21) not null,
  user_phone    NUMBER(11) not null
tablespace ADMIN
  pctfree 10
  initrans 1
  maxtrans 255;
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column U_USER.user_idno
  is '用户编号';
comment on column U_USER.user_name
  is '用户姓名';
comment on column U_USER.user_logname
  is '用户登录名';
comment on column U_USER.user_password
  is '用户密码';
comment on column U_USER.user_sex
  is '用户性别';
comment on column U_USER.user_address
  is '用户住址';
comment on column U_USER.user_phone
  is '用户电话';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
alter table U_USER
  add constraint PK_UNO primary key (USER_IDNO)
  using index 
  tablespace ADMIN
  pctfree 10
  initrans 2
  maxtrans 255;
-- Create/Recreate check constraints 
alter table U_USER
  add constraint USER_SEX
  check (user_sex=''or user_sex='');

水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第3张图片


-- Create table
create table WEATER
user_idno VARCHAR2(10) not null,
water_sum NUMBER(6,2) not null,
water_befor_sum NUMBER(6,2) not null,
water_paymony VARCHAR2(9) not null,
water_price VARCHAR2(3) not null,
water_mony NUMBER(6,2) not null,
water_nomony NUMBER(10,2) not null
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255;
-- Add comments to the columns
comment on column WEATER.user_idno
is '用户ID号(主键)';
comment on column WEATER.water_sum
is '用户本月的水表总数';
comment on column WEATER.water_befor_sum
is '用户上月的水表总数';
comment on column WEATER.water_paymony
is '用户的缴费状态';
comment on column WEATER.water_price
is '水费价格';
comment on column WEATER.water_mony
is '用户水费缴费钱数';
comment on column WEATER.water_nomony
is '用户水费欠费钱数';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table WEATER
add constraint PK_WATER_USER_ID primary key (USER_IDNO)
using index
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;


水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第4张图片





-- Create table
create table POWER
user_idno VARCHAR2(10) not null,
power_sum NUMBER(6,2) not null,
power_befor_sum NUMBER(6,2) not null,
power_paymony VARCHAR2(9) not null,
power_price VARCHAR2(3) not null,
power_mony NUMBER(10,2) not null,
power_nomony NUMBER(10,2) not null
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255;
-- Add comments to the columns
comment on column POWER.user_idno
is '用户ID号(主键)';
comment on column POWER.power_sum
is '用户本月的电表总数';
comment on column POWER.power_befor_sum
is '用户上月的电表总数';
comment on column POWER.power_paymony
is '用户的缴费状态';
comment on column POWER.power_price
is '电费价格';
comment on column POWER.power_mony
is '用户电费缴费钱数';
comment on column POWER.power_nomony
is '用户电费欠费钱数';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table POWER
add constraint PK_POWER_USER_IDNO primary key (USER_IDNO)
using index
tablespace ADMIN
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255;

水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第5张图片




-- Create table
create table PRICE
  price_no         VARCHAR2(9) not null,
  price_water      NUMBER(4,2) not null,
  price_power      NUMBER(4,2) not null,
  price_date_water DATE,
  price_date_power DATE
tablespace ADMIN
  pctfree 10
  initrans 1
  maxtrans 255;
-- Add comments to the columns 
comment on column PRICE.price_no
  is '价格表编号(主键)';
comment on column PRICE.price_water
  is '水费单价';
comment on column PRICE.price_power
  is '电费单价';
comment on column PRICE.price_date_water
  is '水费的价格更新日期';
comment on column PRICE.price_date_power
  is '电费的价格更新日期';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints 
alter table PRICE
  add constraint PK_PRICE_NO primary key (PRICE_NO)
  using index 
  tablespace ADMIN
  pctfree 10
  initrans 2
  maxtrans 255;

水电缴费管理系统 需求分析与设计_第6张图片



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