机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression


1. Classification and Representation

1.1 Classification

1.2 Hypothesis representation of Logistic Regression

1.3 Decision boundary

2. Logistic Regression Model

2.1 Cost function

2.2 Simplified cost function and gradient descent

2.3 Advanced optimization

3. Multiclass classification: one-vs-all

4. Solving the problem of overfitting

4.1 The problem of overfitting

4.2 Cost function

4.3 Regularized Linear Regression

4.4 Regularized Logistic Regression

1. Classification and Representation

1.1 Classification


Email: Spam / not spam

online transaction: Fraudulent(yes/no) 欺骗性的

tumor: Malignant / benign

0: negative class

1: positive class


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第1张图片图1

(引自coursera week2 Classification)

threshold classifier output h(x) at 0.5

If h(x) >= 0.5, predict y = 1

If h(x) < 0.5, predict y = 0

但是加入一个样本点后, 如图2蓝色直线:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第2张图片图2

(引自coursera week2 Classification)


use linear regression, h(x) may > 1 or < 0

Logistic regression: 0 <= h(x) <= 1

1.2 Hypothesis representation of Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression model:


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第3张图片

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第4张图片图3

(引自coursera week2 hypothesis represention)

Interpretation of hypothesis output:

 = estimated probability that y=1 on input x

e.g. if x = [x0; x1] = [1; tumor size]

h(x) = 0.7 tell patient that 70% chance of tumor being malignant

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第5张图片

1.3 Decision boundary

Logistic Regression:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第6张图片

suppose:  predict y=1, if h(x)>=0.5, 

 predict y=0, if h(x)<=0.5, 

Decision boundary:

suppose θ0 = -3, θ1 = 1, θ2 = 1

predict y = 1, if -3 + x1 + x2 >= 0, 即 x1 + x2 >= 3, decision boundary 如图4:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第7张图片图4

(引自coursera week2 decision boundary)

Non-linear decision boundary:



θ0 = -1, θ1 = 0, θ2 = 0, θ3 = 1, θ4 = 1

predict y=1, if -1 + x1^2 + x2^2 >= 0, 即 x1^2 + x2^2 >= 1, 如图4:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第8张图片图5

(引自coursera week2 decision boundary)


2. Logistic Regression Model

2.1 Cost function

Training set:  

x0 = 1, y = {0, 1}

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第9张图片

how to choose θ?

Cost function:


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第10张图片

则J(θ)为非凸函数,运用Gradient Descent不能保证能找到全局最小值。

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第11张图片图6

(引自coursera week2 Cost Function)

Logistic regression cost function"

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第12张图片图7机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第13张图片图8

(引自coursera week2 Cost Function)

2.2 Simplified cost function and gradient descent

LR cost function:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第14张图片


To fit parameters θ:

Gradient descent:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第15张图片

(simultaneously update all θj)


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第16张图片

2.3 Advanced optimization

cost function J(θ), want minJ(θ)

Given θ, we have code that can comput:


-partial derivative of J(θ)

advanced optimization algorithm:

-Conjugate gradient




-NO need to manually pick α

-ofen faster than gradient descent


-more complex

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第17张图片


function [jVal, grad] = costFunction(theta)
	jVal = (theta(1) - 5)^2 + (theta(2)-5)^2;
	grad = zeros(2, 1);
	grad(1) = 2 * (theta(1) - 5);
	grad(2) = 2 * (theta(2) - 5);

options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 100);
initialTheta = zeros(2, 1);
[optTheta, functionVal, excitFlag] = fminunc(@costFunction, initialTheta, options);


3. Multiclass classification: one-vs-all


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第18张图片图9

(引自coursera week2 Multiclass Classification)


on a new input x, to make a prediction, pick the class i that maximizes:


4. Solving the problem of overfitting

4.1 The problem of overfitting

E.g. Linear regression (housing prices)

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第19张图片图10

(引自coursera week2 The problem of overfitting)

图10中第一个图为underfitting(high bias),第三个图为overfitting(high variance)

addressing overfitting:


(1) Reduce number of features

-Manually select which features to keep

-Model selecting algorithm

(2) Regularization

-keep all the features, but reduce magnitude/values of parameters θ, works well when we have a lot of features, each of which contributes a bit to predict y.

4.2 Cost function


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第20张图片图11

(引自coursera week2 Cost function)

suppose we penalize and make θ3, θ4 really small

这能使θ3, θ4尽可能的小,θ3, θ4约等于0


small values for parameters θ0, θ1, ... ,θn

-"simpler" hypothesis

-Less prone to overfitting

for linear regression:


-features: x1, x2, ... x100

-parameters: θ0, θ1, ... ,θ100

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第21张图片


机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第22张图片称为正则化项,λ为正则化参数



对参数惩罚太重会导致θj约等于0, 进而h(x)约等于θ0,即欠拟合

4.3 Regularized Linear Regression

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第23张图片

Gradient descent:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第24张图片

normal equation:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第25张图片


4.4 Regularized Logistic Regression

cost function:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第26张图片

Gradient descent:

机器学习系列之coursera week 3 Logistic Regression_第27张图片


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