11g 新增加 memory_target (同時控制sga和pga)----》但sga_max_size可以等於memory_target
sga_target + pga_aggregate_target= memory_target--->sga_max_size
mount tmpfs /dev/shm -t tmpfs -o size=6000m
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=6000m 0 0
DELL R710 (Intel Quad Core X5650 Xeon 2.66 GHz * 2,2 GB * 4,146 GB * 6(RAID10+RAID5))
Linux 5.0 U3 64Bit
一、 安裝前的準備工作
建議安裝前仔細閱讀官方的Installtion Guide,瞭解自己的硬體架構是否符合安裝需求。
我們使用Linux 5.0 Update 3 64bit,按照官方建議
On Linux X86-64:
RAM: 至少4G(我們的實體記憶體為8G)
[root@PLSFCWEBDB ~]# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 8168284 kB
SWAP: 實體記憶體在4~8G的,SWAP為實體記憶體的2倍;
[root@PLSFCWEBDB ~]# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
SwapTotal: 8385888 kB
[root@PLSFCWEBDB ~]# free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 8168284 2230380 5937904 0 246324 1731276
-/+ buffers/cache: 252780 7915504
Swap: 8385888 0 8385888
ORACLE 資料庫從11g 版本開始,引入了一個自動記憶體管理(Automatic Memory Management)特性,該特性需要更多的共用記憶體(/dev/shm),因此如果決定應用該特性的話, 必須要確保共用記憶體大於ORACLE 中初始化參數MEMORY_MAX_TARGET 和MEMORY_TARGET(特別提示,這兩個參數即自動記憶體管理特性對應的初始化參數)的值。
如果在初始化參數中設置了MEMORY_MAX_TARGET 和MEMORY_TARGET 兩參數為非0 值,並且不符合系統共用記憶體,則ORACLE 資料庫啟動時,就會觸發ORA-00845:MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system 錯誤。
Automatic Memory Management
Starting with Oracle Database 11g, the Automatic Memory Management feature requires more shared memory (/dev/shm)and file descriptors. The size of the shared memory should be at least the greater of MEMORY_MAX_TARGET and MEMORY_TARGET
for each Oracle instance on the computer. If MEMORY_MAX_TARGET or MEMORY_TARGET is set to a non zero value, and an incorrect size is assigned to the shared memory, it will result in an ORA-00845 error at startup. On Linux systems, if the operating system /dev/shm mount size is too small for the Oracle system global area (SGA) and program global area (PGA), even then it will result in an ORA-00845 error.
The number of file descriptors for each Oracle instance should be at least 512*PROCESSES. Also, the limit of descriptors for each process should be at least 512.
If file descriptors are not sized correctly, you will notice ORA-27123 from various Oracle processes and potentially Linux Error EMFILE (Too many open files) errors in non-Oracle processes.
To determine the amount of shared memory available, enter the following command:
# df -h /dev/shm/
[root@PLSFCWEBDB ~]# df -h /dev/shm/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev/shm
默認的,Linux /dev/shm的大小為物理內存的50%。
来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/25072296/viewspace-697391/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。