中文名稱(Chinese name):
英文名稱(English name):
The Day We Learned to Think
講 述 者(narrator):
約翰·夏普尼爾(John Shrapnel)
制片人/導演(producer / director):
丹·克裏夫頓(Dan Clifton)
克裏斯·亨施伍德(Chris Henshilwood)
理查德·克萊恩(Richard Klein)
艾利森·布魯克斯(Alison Brooks)
特倫斯·迪肯(Terrence Deacon)
蘭德爾·懷特(Randall White)
讓-雅克·於布蘭(Jean-Jacques Hublin)
傑弗雷·萊特曼(Jeffrey Laitman)
瑪格麗特·克萊格(Margaret Clegg)
弗朗西斯·德埃裏克(Francesco D'Errico)
制作公司(Production company):
英國國家廣播公司(BBC)教育和培訓(BBC Education & Training)
英國廣播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)
英國廣播公司資源部(公司)(BBC Active (Firm))
[聯合王國][United Kingdom]:
英國廣播公司資源部(公司)(BBC Active (Firm))
發行人(Distributed ):
人文與科學電影公司[2008](Films for Humanities & Sciences, [2008])
影片類型(Film type):
自然曆史/考古類紀錄片(Natural history / archaeological documentary)
DVD視頻(DVD video)
發布日期(Release date):
影片數目(Number of films):
技術規格(Technical Specs):
視頻編解碼器(Video Codec):DivX 5
視頻比特率(Video Bitrate):1195 kb / s
視頻分辨率(Video Resolution):720 x 464
音頻編解碼器(Audio Codec):MP3
音頻比特率(Audio BitRate):160 kb / s
音頻語言(Audio Languages):英語(English)
運行時間(RunTime Per Part):46分鐘(46 min)
文件大小(Part Size):450MB
播放日期(Playback date):
Originally broadcast in 2003 as part of the television program, Horizon. BBC Two, Thursday 20 February, 9pm.
由約翰·夏普尼爾(John Shrapnel)主持的並由英國廣播公司(BBC)出版的曆史紀錄片作為英國廣播公司(BBC)地平線系列2003年的一部分進行播放。
人物簡介(Character profile):
約翰·夏普尼爾(John Shrapnel)
John Shrapnel was born in Birmingham, the son of Norman and Myfanwy Shrapnel. He was brought up in Stockport and south London, attending City of London School and Cambridge University. He was an original member of the National Youth Theatre and has worked extensively in theatre, particularly the Royal Shakespeare Company and National Theatre. He lives in Suffolk and London.
節目摘要(Programme summary):
Understanding of humans' earliest past often comes from studying fossils. They tell us much of what we know about the people who lived before us. There is one thing fossils cannot tell us, at what point did we stop living day - to-day and start to think symbolically, to represent ideas about our environment and how we could change it?
At a dig in South Africa the discovery of a small piece of ochre pigment, 70,000 years old, has raised some very interesting questions. Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) emerged in Africa roughly 100,000 years ago. We know from fossil evidence that Homo sapiens replaced other hominids around them and moved out of Africa into Asia and the Middle East, reaching Europe 40,000 years ago.
Prof Richard Klein believes art is a landmark in human evolution. Unquestionable art that's widespread and common suggests you're dealing with people just like us. No other animals, after all, are able to define a painting as anything other than a collection of colours and shapes. This ability is unique to humans. Other scientists agree. They believe art defines humans as behaviourally modern, and its beginning must coincide with the ability to speak and use language. If someone has the imagination to devise a shared way to describe their environment using art then it seems inconceivable that they could not possess language and speech.
The biggest difference between humans and animals is that, apart from making money, humans can think, communicate and have their own set of languages. Scientists have long believed that the development of language is only about 40,000 years old. Forty thousand years ago, human beings were like babies who knew nothing but teeth, and were indistinguishable from any other animal. However, when some scientists discovered writing tools and drawings 80,000 years ago, the development of human language was once again controversial. More recently, they have pushed the development of language to 200,000 years ago. What is the evidence of the scientists' reasoning? How has language evolved over the last 200,000 years?

文字:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 制作
視頻:《傑特遜工作室》(JENTSON STUDIO) 紀錄片數據庫BBC-021號