一 自组织竞争神经网络 net=newc([0 1;0 1],2)
1. 网络结构
单层神经元网络 输入节点与输出节点之间全互联
2. 训练过程
阈值调整――阈值学习规则:[dB,LS]=learncon(B,P,Z,N,A,T,E,gW,gA ,D,LP,LS)
二 自组织特征映射(SOFM)神经网络
1. 网络结构
输入层和竞争层组成单层神经网络 :
输入层:一维神经元 n节
竞争层:二维神经元拓扑结构 相互间可能有局部连接
拓扑结构: 矩形网格 gridtop()
六角形 hextop()
随机结构 randtop()
神经元间距: 欧氏距离 dist();box距离 boxdist();
link距离 linkdist();manhattan距离 mandist()
function [dw,ls] = learnlv3(w,p,z,n,a,t,e,gW,gA,d,lp,ls)
%LEARNLV2 LVQ2 weight learning function.
% Syntax
% [dW,LS] = learnlv3(w,p,n,a,T,lp,ls,Ttrain,C)
% info = learnlv2(code)
% Description
% LEARNLV3 is the OLVQ weight learning function.
% LEARNLV2(W,P,Z,N,A,T,E,gW,gA,D,LP,LS) takes several inputs,
% W - SxR weight matrix (or Sx1 bias vector).
% P - RxQ input vectors (or ones(1,Q)).
% Z - SxQ weighted input vectors.
% N - SxQ net input vectors.
% A - SxQ output vectors.
% T - SxQ layer target vectors.
% E - SxQ layer error vectors.
% gW - SxR weight gradient with respect to performance.
% gA - SxQ output gradient with respect to performance.
% D - SxS neuron distances.
% LP - Learning parameters, none, LP = [].
% LS - Learning state, initially should be = [].
% and returns,
% dW - SxR weight (or bias) change matrix.
% LS - New learning state.
% Learning occurs according to LEARNLV1's learning parameter,
% shown here with its default value.
% LP.lr - 0.01 - Learning rate
% LEARNLV2(CODE) returns useful information for each CODE string:
% 'pnames' - Returns names of learning parameters.
% 'pdefaults' - Returns default learning parameters.
% 'needg' - Returns 1 if this function uses gW or gA.
% Examples
% Here we define a sample input P, output A, weight matrix W, and
% output gradient gA for a layer with a 2-element input and 3 neurons.
% We also define the learning rate LR.
% p = rand(2,1);
% w = rand(3,2);
% n = negdist(w,p);
% a = compet(n);
% gA = [-1;1; 1];
% lp.lr = 0.5;
% Since LEARNLV2 only needs these values to calculate a weight
% change (see Algorithm below), we will use them to do so.
% dW = learnlv3(w,p,n,a,lp,Ttrain,C)
% Network Use
% You can create a standard network that uses LEARNLV2 with NEWLVQ.
% To prepare the weights of layer i of a custom network
% to learn with LEARNLV1:
% 1) Set NET.trainFcn to 'trainwb1'.
% (NET.trainParam will automatically become TRAINWB1's default parameters.)
% 2) Set NET.adaptFcn to 'adaptwb'.
% (NET.adaptParam will automatically become TRAINWB1's default parameters.)
% 3) Set each NET.inputWeights{i,j}.learnFcn to 'learnlv2'.
% Set each NET.layerWeights{i,j}.learnFcn to 'learnlv2'.
% (Each weight learning parameter property will automatically
% be set to LEARNLV2's default parameters.)
% To train the network (or enable it to adapt):
% 1) Set NET.trainParam (or NET.adaptParam) properties as desired.
% 2) Call TRAIN (or ADAPT).
% Algorithm
% LEARNLV3 calculates the weight change dW for a given neuron from
% the neuron's input P, output A, train vector target T train, output
% conexion matrix C and learning rate LR
% according to the OLVQ rule, given i the index of the neuron whose
% output a(i) is 1:
% dw(i,:) = +lr*(p-w(i,:)) if C(:,i) = Ttrain
% = -lr*(p-w(i,:)) if C(:,i) ~= Ttrain
% if C(:,i) ~= Ttrain then the index j is found of the neuron with the
% greatest net input n(k), from the neurons whose C(:,k)=Ttrain. This
% neuron's weights are updated as follows:
% dw(j,:) = +lr*(p-w(i,:))
% Mark Beale, 11-31-97
% Copyright (c) 1992-1998 by The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $
% =============
if isstr(w)
switch lower(w)
case 'name'
dw = 'Learning Vector Quantization 3';
case 'pnames'
dw = {'lr';'window'};
case 'pdefaults'
lp.lr = 0.01;
lp.window = 0.25;
dw = lp;
case 'needg'
dw = 1;
error('NNET:Arguments','Unrecognized code.')
% ===========
[S,R] = size(w);
Q = size(p,2);
pt = p';
dw = zeros(S,R);
% For each q...
for q=1:Q
% Find closest neuron k1 找到获胜神经元
nq = n(:,q);
k1 = find(nq == max(nq));
k1 = k1(1);
% Find next closest neuron k2 次获胜神经元
nq(k1) = -inf;
k2 = find(nq == max(nq));
k2 = k2(1);
% and if x falls into the window...
d1 = abs(n(k1,q)); % Shorter distance
d2 = abs(n(k2,q)); % Greater distance
if d2/d1 > ((1-lp.window)/(1+lp.window))
% then move incorrect neuron away from input,
% and the correct neuron towards the input
ptq = pt(q,:);
if gA(k1,q) ~= gA(k2,q)
% indicate the incorrect neuron with i, the other with j
if gA(k1,q) ~= 0
i = k1;
j = k2;
i = k2;
j = k1;
dw(i,:) = dw(i,:) - lp.lr*(ptq - w(i,:));
dw(j,:) = dw(j,:) + lp.lr*(ptq - w(j,:));
dw(k1,:) = dw(k1,:) + 0.11*lp.window*(ptq-w(k1,:));
% dw(k2,:) = dw(k2,:) + 0.11*lp.window*(ptq-w(k2,:));