

part one vacabularies

1, epic /ˈɛpık/  壮丽的;宏大的 Something that is epic is very large and impressive.

原文: These stories may be old news now, but hardly a week goes by without breaking news about some upstanding citizen-a politician, religious leader, cop, teacher, or athlete-who shocks the world with an epic willpower failure.

2, hysteria /hıˈsterijə/  不可数名词(一群人的)情绪失控,狂野情绪的爆发 Hysteria among a group of people is a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic

    hypocrisy /hıˈpɑːkrəsi/ 虚伪;伪善 If you accuse someone of hypocrisy, you mean that they pretend to have qualities, beliefs, or feelings that they do not really have

原文: Though you may not be in danger of a sex scandal worthy of national hysteria, we are all at risk for a little willpower hypocrisy-even if it's just cheating on our New Year's resolutions.

3, paradoxically /per-ə-ˈdäk-si-kəl/  似矛盾而(可能) 正确的 

    indulge /ınˈdʌlʤ/  (使自己)沉迷;放纵(自己)

    virtue  /ˈvɚʧu/ 美德;德行

    vice /ˈvaıs/  缺点;瑕疵;

原文: In some cases, we are the victims of our own self-control success. We'll consider how progress can paradoxically undermine our motivation, how optimism can give us a license to indulge, and why feeling good about our virtue is the fastest path to vice.

4, progress N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词 进步;进展 (看英文解释更好理解,整个段落的主题)

Progress is the process of gradually improving or getting nearer to achieving or completing something.


5, lunacy /ˈluːnəsi/  N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词 荒诞;愚蠢

If you describe someone's behaviour as lunacy, you mean that it seems very strange or foolish.

原文: This is lunacy, but it's an incredibly powerful trick of a mind that turns your wants into shoulds.

part two sentences

1, Goal liberation-The goal you've been suppressing with your self-control is going to become stronger, and any temptation will become more tempting.压制的越强,欲望就来得更猛烈

2, In some cases, we are the victims of our own self-control success. We'll consider how progress can paradoxically undermine our motivation, how optimism can give us a license to indulge, and why feeling good about our virtue is the fastest path to vice. In each case, we'll see that giving in is a choice, and not an inevitable one.

3, Even if you aren't turning your willpower challenges into measures of your moral worth, it's still possible to fall into the trap of moral licensing. That's because there's one thing all Americans instinctively moralize. Xo, not sex. Progress! Progress is good, and making progress on our goals feels good. So good that we like to congratulate ourselves: Well done, you!这个貌似是的。

4, Progress can be motivating, and even inspire future self-control, but only if you view your actions as evidence tha tyou are committed to your goal. In other words, you need to look at what you have done and conclude that you must really care about your goal, so much so that you want to do even more to reach it. This perspective is easy to adopt; it's just not our usual mind-set. More typically, we look for the reason to stop.这一段很有道理

part three summary

记住:The next time you find yourself using past good behavior to justify indulging, pause and remember the why. remember the why. remember the why. 时刻记起自己的初始目的很重要
