package models
import (
_ ""
const (
userName = "root"
password = "12312312"
ip = ""
port = "3306"
dbName = "acc_pro"
type Model struct {
link *sql.DB
tableName string
field string
allFields []string
where string
order string
limit string
group string
pramas []interface{}
tables map[string]interface{}
func M(tableName string) Model {
var obj Model
obj.tableName = tableName
obj.field = "*"
obj.limit = ""
obj.order = "" = ""
obj.where = ` WHERE 1`
return obj
func (this *Model) Register(tabName string, tabSrurt interface{}) *Model {
if this.tables == nil {
this.tables = make(map[string]interface{})
if _, ok := this.tables[tabName]; ok == false {
this.tables[tabName] = tabSrurt
return this
func in_array(need interface{}, needArr []string) bool {
for _, v := range needArr {
if need == v {
return true
return false
func (this *Model) connect() {
path := strings.Join([]string{userName, ":", password, "@tcp(", ip, ":", port, ")/", dbName, "?charset=utf8"}, ""), _ = sql.Open("mysql", path) * time.Second)
if err :=; err != nil {
fmt.Println("open database fail", err)
func (this *Model) getFields() {
res, err :="DESC " + this.tableName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("getfields %s", err)
this.allFields = make([]string, 0)
for res.Next() {
var field string
var Type interface{}
var Null string
var Key string
var Default interface{}
var Extra string
err := res.Scan(&field, &Type, &Null, &Key, &Default, &Extra)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("scan fail ! [%s]", err)
this.allFields = append(this.allFields, field)
func formatRes(errno int, errmsg string, res interface{}) string {
tmp := make(map[string]interface{})
tmp["errno"] = errno
tmp["errmsg"] = errmsg
tmp["result"] = res
data, _ := json.Marshal(tmp)
return string(data)
func (this *Model) exec(sql string, params []interface{}) interface{} {
stmt, err :=
defer stmt.Close()
var idRow int64
res, err := stmt.Exec(params...)
if err != nil {
return formatRes(33061, ``, err.Error())
if strings.Index(sql, "INSERT") != -1 {
lastId, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return formatRes(33062, ``, err.Error())
idRow = lastId
} else if strings.Index(sql, "UPDATE") != -1 || strings.Index(sql, "DELETE") != -1 {
lastId, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return formatRes(33062, ``, err.Error())
idRow = lastId
return idRow
func (this *Model) Where(where interface{}) *Model {
switch where.(type) {
case string:
this.where += ` AND ` + where.(string)
case map[string]interface{}:
for k, v := range where.(map[string]interface{}) {
if ok := in_array(k, this.allFields); ok == true {
switch v.(type) {
case int:
this.where += ` AND ` + k + `=?`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v)
case int64:
this.where += ` AND ` + k + `=?`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v)
case string:
this.where += ` AND ` + k + `=?`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v)
case []interface{}:
switch v.([]interface{})[0] {
case ">":
case ">=":
case "<=":
case "<":
this.where += ` AND ` + k + v.([]interface{})[0].(string) + ` ?`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v.([]interface{})[1])
case "in":
if _, ok := v.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{}); ok == false {
panic("must be slice type on second prama of where in!")
this.where += ` AND ` + k + ` IN (`
length := len(v.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{}))
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
this.where += `?,`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{})...)
this.where = strings.TrimRight(this.where, ",")
this.where += `)`
case "between":
if _, ok := v.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{}); ok == false {
panic("must be slice type on second prama of where between!")
this.where += ` AND ` + k + ` BETWEEN ? AND ?`
this.pramas = append(this.pramas, v.([]interface{})[1].([]interface{})...)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type of where prama:%s", reflect.TypeOf(v)))
return this
func (this *Model) Add(arr map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
var fields, value string
params := make([]interface{}, 0, len(arr))
for key, val := range arr {
if res := in_array(key, this.allFields); res == true {
fields += `,` + key
value += `,?`
params = append(params, val)
fields = strings.TrimLeft(fields, `,`)
value = strings.TrimLeft(value, `,`)
result := this.exec(`INSERT INTO `+this.tableName+`(`+fields+`) VALUES (`+value+`)`, params)
if _, ok := result.(int64); ok != true {
plog.Debug("modelDebug.go", result.(string))
return 0
return result
func (this *Model) Update(option map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
var set string
var setPramas []interface{}
for k, v := range option {
if ok := in_array(k, this.allFields); ok == true {
set += k + `=?,`
setPramas = append(setPramas, v)
setPramas = append(setPramas, this.pramas...)
set = strings.TrimRight(set, ",")
result := this.exec(`UPDATE `+this.tableName+` SET `+set+` `+this.where, setPramas)
if _, ok := result.(int64); ok != true {
plog.Debug("modelDebug.go", result.(string))
return 0
return result
func (this *Model) Delete() interface{} {
result := this.exec(`DELETE FROM `+this.tableName+` `+this.where, this.pramas)
if _, ok := result.(int64); ok != true {
plog.Debug("modelDebug.go", result.(string))
return 0
return result
func (this *Model) Field(field []string) *Model {
this.field = strings.Join(field, ",")
return this
func (this *Model) Query(sql string) interface{} {
rows, err :=, this.pramas...)
defer rows.Close()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("query err:", err)
return false
cols, err := rows.Columns()
scanVal := make([][]byte, len(cols))
scanField := make([]interface{}, len(cols))
var result []map[string]string
for k, _ := range scanVal {
scanField[k] = &scanVal[k]
for rows.Next() {
tmp := make(map[string]string, len(cols))
for k, rowField := range scanVal {
tmp[cols[k]] = string(rowField[:])
result = append(result, tmp)
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
plog.Debug("modelDebug.log", fmt.Sprintf("rows.Err():%s\n", err))
return 0
return result
func (this *Model) Limit(limit string) *Model {
this.limit = ` LIMIT ` + limit
return this
func (this *Model) Order(order string) *Model {
this.order = ` ORDER BY ` + order
return this
func (this *Model) Group(group string) *Model {
this.order = ` GROUP BY ` + group
return this
func (this *Model) All() interface{} {
sql := `SELECT ` + this.field + ` FROM ` + this.tableName + this.where + + this.order + this.limit
sql = strings.Trim(sql, " ")
return this.Query(sql)
func (this *Model) One() interface{} {
sql := `SELECT ` + this.field + ` FROM ` + this.tableName + this.where + + this.order + this.limit
sql = strings.Trim(sql, " ")
res := this.Query(sql)
return res.([]map[string]string)[0]
func returnFormat(result interface{}) {
func (this *Model) Count() interface{} {
sql := `SELECT count(` + this.field + `) as count FROM ` + this.tableName + this.where + + this.order + this.limit
sql = strings.Trim(sql, " ")
var count int64
err :=, this.pramas...).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("count scan err:", err)
return err
return count