
Solving the integrated airline recovery problem using
column-and-row generation
Stephen J Maher
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia.
Airline recovery presents very large and difficult problems requiring high quality solutions within
very short time limits. To improve computational performance, various solution approaches have
been employed, including decomposition methods and approximation techniques. There has been
increasing interest in the development of efficient and accurate solution techniques to solve an inte-
grated airline recovery problem. In this paper, an integrated airline recovery problem is developed,
integrating the schedule, crew and aircraft recovery stages, and is solved using column-and-row
generation. A general framework for column-and-row generation is presented as an extension of cur-
rent generic methods. This extension considers multiple secondary variables and linking constraints
and is proposed as an alternative solution approach to Benders’ decomposition. The application
of column-and-row generation to the integrated recovery problem demonstrates the improvement in
the solution runtimes and quality compared to a standard column generation approach. Column-
and-row generation improves solution runtimes by reducing the problem size and thereby achieving
faster execution of each LP solve. As a result of this evaluation, a number of general enhancement
techniques are identified to further reduce the runtimes of column-and-row generation. This paper
also details the integration of the row generation procedure with branch-and-price, which is used to
identify integral optimal solutions.
Key words: airline recovery, column generation, row generation
Disruptions are very common in the airline industry, greatly impacting the realised operational perfor-
mance. To mitigate the effect of these disruptions, intervention by the airline is necessary to maintain
the many operational requirements of aircraft and crew. Consequently, any disruption results in a sig-
nificant increase to an airlines operational costs related to additional crew overtime and increased fuel
usage. Due to the significant associated costs, the use of efficient and accurate recovery processes is of
great importance to the airline industry.
The airline recovery problem, similar to the planning problem, is a very large and complex problem
commonly broken into a number of smaller, more tractable sequential stages. These stages are broadly
categorised as schedule, aircraft, crew and passenger recovery, also defining clear boundaries for research
in this area. The complete recovery process is a sequential problem, where each stage is solved to
optimality and fixed for use in subsequent stages. Analogous to the planning problem, this typically
results in suboptimal, or even infeasible, solutions due to little interaction between the stages. The
integration of two or more stages in the planning problem has been demonstrated to provide higher
quality solutions [15, 25, 29], as such there is a similar expectation for airline recovery. The focus of this
paper is an integrated airline recovery problem, integrating the schedule, aircraft and crew recovery.
A critical constraint on the airline recovery problem is the allowable time limit to find an optimal
solution. Generally the solution to the airline recovery problem is required within minutes of a disruptive
event, prompting the development of many solution approaches to achieve this. The proposed solution
approaches to achieve improved runtime performance varies between each of the recovery stages. The
integration of multiple recovery stages presents very difficult and complex problems, which are commonly
solved with the use of decomposition techniques. Unfortunately, the decomposition techniques employed,
such as Benders’ decomposition, do not provide a guarantee of integral optimality. A contribution of
this paper is the development of a column-and-row generation framework as an exact solution approach
to solve the integrated airline recovery problem.
Airline recovery literature
The most common method employed to improve the runtimes of the aircraft recovery problem is through
the network design. There are three classes of network design that have been employed, the time-
line, time-band and connection networks. The time-line network is a very popular approach used for
the aircraft recovery problems, with Jarrah  et al.  [20] presenting an early example using this network
description. The work of [20] is extended by Cao and Kanafani [12, 13], integrating the two models
developed by [20] and implementing additional recovery policies. The use of the time-line network is
developed further by Yan and Yang [40], presenting a unique design that concisely describes the effect
of airline disruptions on the planned schedule. The time-band network is presented by Argüello [6] to
approximate the flight network by aggregating activities at airports into discrete time bands. Therefore,
the number of nodes used to define the recovery network is reduced. This network description has
been demonstrated by Bard  et al.  [8] and Eggenberg  et al.  [16] to improve the solution runtimes of the
aircraft recovery problem. Finally, Rosenberger  et al.  [31] present an aircraft recovery problem using the
classical connection network, which provides a concise description of the recovery flight schedule. Given
the potential size of this problem, the authors employ a heuristic to select a minimal number of aircraft
to include in the model for possible rerouting.
The crew recovery problem is a very complex and difficult problem having a significant impact on the
operational cost of an airline. Similar to the aircraft recovery problem, a number of unique approaches
have been proposed to improve solution runtimes. These approaches involve reducing the problem size
by selecting only a subset of crew and flights, fixing the flight schedule by using the solution to the
aircraft recovery problem (part of the sequential recovery process), or implementing only a selection of
recovery policies.
Solving the crew recovery problem with a fixed flight schedule is first presented by Wei  et al.  [39],
attempting to repair any pairings affected by a schedule disruption. Fast solution runtimes are achieved
with the use of a branch-and-bound heuristic designed with consideration to the actions of an AOCC.
Another approach using a fixed flight schedule is the crew rescheduling problem proposed by Stojković  et
al.  [36]. In [36], the problem size is reduced by defining a recovery window to identify a set of disruptable
flights. Finally, Medard and Sawhney [24] and Nissen and Haase [28] present crew recovery problems
that are solved using heuristic approaches.
The crew recovery problem permitting the use of flight delays and cancellations is more complex
problem than the comparable fixed flight schedule problems. An example of such a problem is presented
by Stojković and Soumis [34, 35] as extensions of Stojković  et al.  [36], introducing flight delays and
constructing individual pairings for each crew member. Lettovsky  et al.  [23] present a crew recovery
problem that introduces the use of flight cancellations, extending Johnson  et al.  [21]. In [23], a number
of approaches to reduce the computational time of the recovery algorithm are proposed, including a
search scheme to identify the disruptable crew and compact storage for the generated columns. Finally,
a novel approach to the crew recovery problem is developed by Abdelghany  et al.  [1], partitioning flights
by their resource independence. The partitioning process reduces the solution runtimes by defining a
series of distinct recovery problems that are more readily solvable than the original problem.
Many solution approaches involve the approximation of the recovery problem to improve runtimes.
For the aircraft recovery problem, these approximations are made of either the network or the equipment
included in the model. Similarly, the runtimes for the crew recovery problem are reduced through the use
of heuristics or the selection of included crew. Column-and-row generation is presented in this paper as
an alternative, exact solution approach to improve runtimes. The results will show that column-and-row
generation solves the IRP in short runtimes without requiring any approximation of the affected crew
and aircraft. These results will provide a lower bound on the solution runtime reduction for practical
applications, which can be improved further using approximation techniques.
The sequential process used to solve the airline recovery problem generally results in suboptimal
solutions due to fixing the solution at each stage in the process. The PhD thesis of Lettovsky [22] is
an early attempt to develop a recovery model integrating multiple stages. This model integrates all
aspects of the recovery process; schedule, aircraft, crew and passenger recovery problems; and solved
using Benders’ decomposition. Further exploring the idea of employing Benders’ decomposition for the
integrated recovery problem, Petersen  et al.  [30] present a model that shares some of the characteristics
of Lettovsky [22]. Petersen  et al.  [30] describe the implementation of this integrated recovery model,
providing an evaluation against a set of major disruptions. The reported runtimes are within the
specified goal of 30 minutes for the selected set of disruption scenarios. Extending the novel approach
by Abdelghany  et al.  [1], Abdelghany  et al.  [2] develop a recovery model integrating aircraft, pilots
and flight attendants. The results from experiments demonstrate significant delay reductions that are
achievable within very short runtimes.
Unfortunately the partitioning process of Abdelghany  et al.  [2] and the use of Benders’ decomposition
by Lettovsky [22] and Petersen  et al.  [30] does not guarantee integer optimality of the integrated recovery
problem. A contribution of this paper is the development of a general column-and-row generation
framework that is applied to problems commonly solved by Benders’ decomposition. Further, column-
and-row generation is an exact approach that provides a guarantee of near integer optimal solutions for
the integrated airline recovery problem.
Column-and-row generation
Column-and-row generation is a solution approach that extends standard column generation to reduce
problem complexity and improve solution runtimes. This solution approach involves the simultaneous
generation of variables and structural constraints. A key feature of column-and-row generation is the
reduction in the size of the master problem through the elimination of constraints. The problem size
reduction achieves runtime improvements through faster LP solves and quicker execution of the column
generation subproblems.
There have been a number of generic schemes developed for column-and-row generation [18, 26, 33],
however these schemes do not directly apply to the integrated recovery problem considered in this
paper. Fragioni and Gendron [18] and Sadykov and Vanderbeck [33] present schemes to solve mixed
integer programs by dynamically generating structural constraints. The solution process in these two
approaches involves identifying an upper bound from the linear relaxation and a lower bound from the
Lagrangian subproblem. A feature of the reformulations in [18] and [33], is the ability to ignore the dual
variables associated with the missing constraints without any loss of correctness in the algorithm. This
is not the case for the integrated recovery problem, requiring a row generation procedure to calculate
the dual variables of the missing constraints. The column-and-row generation approach presented here
is similar to that of Muter  et al.  [26], however the integrated recovery problem does not satisfy all
three assumptions required to apply their solution technique. As a contribution to the column-and-
row generation approach, this paper extends Muter  et al.  [26] by considering problems with multiple
secondary variables and linking constraints. This extension requires additional processes in the row
generation procedure to ensure the accurate calculation of an optimal dual solution. The framework
developed in this paper is presented algorithmically to succinctly describe the implementation.
Column-and-row generation is employed to solved various applied integer programming problems.
Example applications of this solution approach are Zak [42] with the multi-stage cutting stock problem,
Avella  et al.  [7] solving a time-constrained routing problem and Muter  et al.  [27] to solve a robust
crew pairing problem. While these papers present implementations of column-and-row generation there
is little evaluation against a standard column generation approach. A contribution of this paper is
such an evaluation using the integrated airline recovery problem as an example. The integrated airline
recovery problem is a large-scale, real-world optimisation problem that provides an appropriate test bed
for the column-and-row generation framework. This evaluation will demonstrate the improvement in
solution runtime and quality compared to column generation and identify a number of enhancements that
contribute to the general column-and-row generation approach. The enhancement techniques identified
are a variation on the number of rows added in the row generation procedure and a row warm-up
process. Since the framework developed in this paper extends Muter  et al.  [26], the evaluation performed
demonstrates the strength of the framework by [26]
The various implementations of column-and-row generation have very little discussion regarding row
generation in the branch-and-price algorithm. For example, Zak [42] only solves the LP of the multi-stage
cutting stock problem using column-and-row generation, this is also the case in Wang and Tang [38] for
the batch machine scheduling problem. Also, Frangioni and Gendron [17, 18] solve the multicommodity
capacitated network design problem with column-and-row generation at the root node and then employ
branch-and-bound to identify integer solutions. Sadykov and Vanderbeck [33] mention the use of their
approach in a branch-and-price algorithm, however no details are provided regarding the implementation.
Finally, the framework by Muter  et al.  [26] is designed to solve large-scale linear programming problems,
as such the integration with a branch-and-price algorithm is not considered. A contribution of this paper
is a clear description of the application of row generation in a branch-and-price algorithm.
Outline of paper
This paper presents an integrated airline recovery problem, integrating the schedule, aircraft and crew
recovery stages. The integrated airline recovery problem is used in this paper as a real-world example
to demonstrate the ability of column-and-row generation to improve solution runtimes and quality.
The master problem for the integrated recovery problem is presented in Section 2, which is solved
using column generation to provide benchmark results. A general framework for the column-and-row
generation solution approach is presented in Section 3. The application of column generation and column-
and-row generation is discussed in Section 4, including the description of enhancement techniques. To
demonstrate the benefits of solving the integrated recovery problem by column-and-row generation, a
comparison with the results produced using column generation is made in both solution quality and
runtime. These results are presented in Section 5. The conclusions provided in Section 6 aim to present
the technique of column-and-row generation as an alternative solution method for integrated airline and
transportation problems.
Integrated Recovery Problem - IRP
The integrated recovery problem (IRP) attempts to minimise the costs associated with flight delays and
cancellations and the additional cost of crew following a schedule disruption. This problem is formulated
to integrate the schedule, aircraft and crew recovery problems. The link between the aircraft and crew
recovery problems in the IRP is provided by the flight cancellation and delay decisions and specific flights
allocated to each aircraft and crew.
The notation used to describe the IRP is introduced in Tables 1 and 2. For this problem, the set of all
crew is given by K, indexed by k, and the set of all aircraft is given by R, indexed by r. The set K also
includes all available reserve crew K res . As an extension on current techniques, the solution approach
for the IRP demonstrates an efficient algorithm that includes all crew and aircraft, as defined by K and
R respectively. Using all crew and aircraft allows the optimal allocation of all available resources.
is the set of all planned and reserve crew in the model, indexed by k
K res
is the set of all reserve crew, K res  ⊂ K
is the set of all aircraft in the model, indexed by r
P k , P r
is the set of all strings p assigned to crew k or aircraft r respectively
is the set of all flights j
T K , T R
is the set of crew bases/overnight airports t for crew and aircraft respectively
is the set of all disruptable flights j, N D  ⊆ N
is the set of all carry-in activities j, flights and origination nodes, for crew and aircraft respectively,
in  ,
in  ⊂N∪T K  and
in  ⊂N∪T R
is the set of all carry-out activities j, flights and termination nodes, for crew and aircraft respectively,
out ,
out  N K
out  ⊂N∪T K  and
out  ⊂N∪T R
U j
is the set of all delay copies v for flight j ∈ N
is the set of all nodes in the connection network defined by flight-copy pairs j v  , representing flights,
origination and termination nodes
is the set of disruptable nodes in the connection network defined by flight-copy pairs j v  , representing
flights, origination and termination nodes
C K , C R
is the set of all connections (i u , j v  ), i u , j v  ∈
for crew and aircraft respectively
is the set of short connections E = C R \C K
is the set of disruptable short connections, E D  = {(i u , j v  ) ∈ E|i u  ∈
N D  ∨ j v  ∈
N D }
Table 1: Sets used in the IRP.
Recovery flight schedule and connection network
A single day flight schedule is used to describe and evaluate the IRP, with the set of flights in the
schedule given by N . A critical aspect of the model is the use of a recovery window that specifies the
time allocated to return the operations back to plan. The recovery window is described as a time period
which defines the set of disruptable flights N D  ⊆ N . The set N D  contains all flights that are primarily
x k
= 1 if crew k uses string p, 0 otherwise
y r
= 1 if aircraft r uses string p, 0 otherwise
c k
p ,
c r
= the cost of using string p for crew k or aircraft r respectively
a k
a r
= 1 if flight j is in string p for crew k or aircraft r respectively, 0 otherwise
jp ,
b k
b r
= 1 if connection (i u ,j v ) is in string p for crew k or aircraft r respectively, 0 otherwise
i u  j v  p ,
i u  j v  p
a kv
a rv
= 1 if copy v for flight j is in string p for crew k or aircraft r respectively, 0 otherwise
jp  ,
o r
= 1 if string p, assigned to aircraft r, terminates at airport t within the recovery window, 0 otherwise
z j
= 1 if the flight j is cancelled, 0 otherwise
d j
= the cost of cancelling flight j
κ v+j
= the number crew deadheading on flight-copy j v
κ v−j
dummy variable for counting the number of deadheading crew on flight-copy j v
ν k
= 1 if crew k deadhead back to their crew base from the start of the disruption period, 0 otherwise
= the cost of deadheading crew on one leg within a duty
= the cost of deadheading crew k back to their crew base
o rt
= 1 if the planned string for aircraft r terminates at airport t within the recovery window, 0 otherwise
Table 2: Variables used in the IRP.
affected by the disruption and those that depart after the disruption occurs, but before the end of the
specified time window.
Restricting the flights included in the IRP using a recovery window requires the activities performed
by crew and aircraft before and after this window to be fixed. This introduces the concepts of carry-in
and carry-out activities. A carry-in activity is a flight or origination airport that is assigned to a crew
or aircraft directly preceding the disruption, contained in the sets N K
in  and
in  respectively.Acarry-
out activity is a flight or termination airport assigned to a crew or aircraft immediately after the end
of the recovery window, contained in the sets N K
out  and
out  respectively.Now,thecarry-inactivity
describes an origination airport when a planned crew duty or aircraft routing begins after the start of
the disruptive event. In a similar manner, if a planned crew duty or aircraft routing concludes before
the end of the recovery window, the carry-out activity is defined as the terminating airport.
To achieve an efficient solution approach for the IRP, the recovery policy of flight delays is imple-
mented using flight copies. The flight copies technique involves the multiple duplication of each flight
contained in N with each copy assigned a progressively later departure time. For each flight j ∈ N the
set of discrete copies is given by U j  , and a flight-copy pair is described by j v  , where v ∈ U j  . Since the set
of all flights N is partitioned into disruptable and non-disruptable sets, the set of discrete flight copies
requires a different definition for each partition. As such, for all non-disruptable flights, j ∈ N \N D  ,
only one copy is included to represent the original scheduled departure, i.e. U j  = {0}. Further, for all
disruptable flights, j ∈ N D  , the set of flight copies U j  contains a copy representing the original departure
time and at least one additional copy to represent some delay on that flight. It is important to note that
the nodes representing origination and termination airports are treated as non-disruptable flights. This
definition is made for convenience in discussing carry-in and carry-out activities.
The connection network used for this model is described using the flight-copy representation for each
node in the network. The set of all nodes is represented by
= {j v  |j ∈ N ∧ v ∈ U j  }, detailing all
flight-copy pairs that exist for each disruptable and non-disruptable flight. Using the same notation,
the set of all disruptable nodes is given by
N D  = {j v |j ∈ N D  ∧ v ∈ U j }. The connection network for
this problem is defined by a set of nodes, representing flight-copy pairs, and a set of arcs as connections
between the nodes. A connection between two flight-copy pairs (i u , j v  ), i u , j v  ∈
is feasible if i) the
destination of flight i is the same as the origin of flight j and ii) departure of flight-copy j v  occurs after
a specified amount of time following the arrival of flight-copy i u . All feasible connections for crew are
contained in the set C K  and require a  minimum sit time  between the arrival of i u  and the departure of
j v . Similarly, all feasible connections for aircraft contained in C R  require a  minimum turn time  between
the connecting flights.
Aircraft routes and crew duties
The modelling approach for the IRP is based upon the string formulation introduced by Barnhart  et
al.  [9]. In the IRP, a flight string is defined as a set of connected flights from a carry-in to a carry-out
activity. Using the flight-copy notation of each node for this model, any reference to flight j without
specifying a copy v collectively states all flight-copy pairs associated with that flight. So, the parameters
a k
jp  anda jp  specifywhetherflightj,representinganyflight-copypairj v ,v∈U j ,
is included on string p
for crew k and aircraft r respectively. A flight string will either terminate within the recovery window,
by ending at a crew base or aircraft overnight port, or will terminate at a carry-out flight. If the flight
string assigned to an aircraft terminates within the recovery window, the parameter o r
tp  describesthe
terminating airport t for aircraft r. Flight cancellations are implemented as a recovery policy for the IRP,
so the flow balance of the original schedule is not maintained. To ensure enough aircraft are positioned
at each airport t to operate the schedule for the following day, the minimum number of required aircraft
must be specified. Now, the number of planned aircraft strings terminating at end-of-day locations
within the recovery period is given by
r∈R  o t ,∀t∈T,whereo t  indicatesthataircraftrterminatesat
airport t. Therefore this expression defines the minimum number of aircraft required to terminate at
each end-of-day location t within the recovery window for the IRP.
Within the set of all aircraft connections, C R , it is common to have connection times less than the
minimum sit time for crew. These connections are called  short connections , and it is permissible for
crew to operate the two flights in succession, as defined by this connection, only if a single aircraft also
operates the same two flights. The set of all short connections are contained in E = C R \C K  , and
the subset of short connections that include flight-copy pairs in
N D  are contained in the set E D . If a
flight string includes two flight-copy pairs that form a short connection, the parameters b k
i u  j v  p  andb i u  j v  p
indicate the inclusion of connection (i u , j v  ) on string p for crew and aircraft respectively.
Legality of crew duties
There a numerous rules that dictate the construction of feasible flight strings for crew that must be
strictly adhered to in the recovery problem. A good review of the crew scheduling problem is presented
by Barnhart  et al.  [10], discussing the numerous crew rules. There are rules that are specific to the
construction of duties, pairings and schedules, however for a single day schedule, which is used for the
IRP, the most important rules that must be considered are the crew duty rules.
The origination and termination locations are critical in the construction of legal crew duties. Each
crew is employed at one of many crew bases throughout the network, so ideally a duty is constructed to
start and end at the same crew base. Unfortunately, the design of the flight schedule does not permit
all crew duties to terminate at their respective crew base, requiring an overnight stay at a permissible
airport. This rule is modelled in the IRP and if a crew duty originates from a permissible overnight
airport, it must terminate the required crew base.
The number of hours that a crew duty spans is crucial in managing the effects of fatigue. There
are two rules related to working hours modelled in the IRP, a maximum number of flying hours and
limit on the duration of the crew duty, which are set of 8 and 13 hours respectively. These are the most
important duty rules related to working hours, and are strictly adhered to in the IRP. Another important,
but complicated, rule is the 8-in-24 rule that requires crew to receive additional rest of more that 8 hours
flying is performed in a 24 hour period [10]. This rule must be considered in the construction of crew
pairings, however it may be reviewed in the recovery of crew duties. By ensuring that crew only perform
8 hours flying in a single day and given that individual crew members have planned work starting times,
the 8-in-24 rule will not be violated in most cases. In the event that this rule is violated by the solution
to the IRP, further adjustment can be made to the recovered duties at the end of the day to provide an
adequate amount of rest.
It is important to note that prior to a disruption crew may have performed part of a duty, consuming
allowable flying and working hours. The personalised schedules are respected in the recovery of crew
duties by originating each duty from a carry-in location and accounting for the working  history  prior to
the disruption. This ensures that the recovered crew duties, including the flights performed prior to the
disruption, respect the crew duty rules.
Recovery policies
The set of recovery policies implemented for the IRP include the generation of new aircraft routes and
crew duties, crew deadheading (transportation of crew as passengers), the use of reserve crew, and flight
delays and cancellations. In the column generation algorithm, feasible crew duties and aircraft routes
are generated for each crew and aircraft contained in K and R respectively. The length of delay that
is required on each flight is determined in the generation of these new flight strings by the selection of
flight-copy pairs. The parameters a kv
jp  anda jp  describethelengthofdelay,asspecifiedbycopyv,selected
for flight j on string p for the crew and aircraft respectively. The IRP also allows for the cancellation
of any flight that can not be covered by both crew and aircraft. Flight cancellations are defined in the
IRP through the use of the variables z j  , which equal 1 to indicate flight j is cancelled at a cost of d j  .
Following a disruption, it is not always possible for every crew member to operate the originally
planned flight strings as expected. Hence, the crew specific recovery policies of deadheading and the use
of reserve crew are employed. Crew deadheading transports crew as passengers to continue the operation
of disrupted flight strings. Two different types of deadheading are implemented in the IRP, deadheading
within a duty and deadheading back to base. The variables κ v+
j  areintroducedtocountthenumberof
crew that deadhead within a duty on flight-copy j v  . In addition, the dummy variables κ v−
j  arerequired
to ensure that the number of crew deadheading on flight-copy j v  is one less than the total number of crew
assigned to that flight-copy. The cost of crew deadheading within a duty is given by g DHD  . Alternatively,
the variables ν k  indicate whether crew k deadhead to their crew base immediately following the start of
the disruption at a cost of g DHB  . As a result of recovery actions, it is not guaranteed that the set of
originally planned crew are able to operate the recovered schedule. Hence, reserve crew are employed to
operate crew duties from each crew base. Reserve crew are a limited, costly resource, as such their use
in the solution to the IRP is minimised by the addition of a penalty to the cost c k
p  foreachdutythey
The integrated recovery problem is presented in a compact formulation with variables x k
p  forcrew
and y r
p  foraircraftrepresentingfeasibleflightstrings.Thefulldescriptionofthisproblemispresented
c k
g DHD κ v+
+ g DHB ν k  +
c r
+ d j z j ,
p x p  +
p y p
k∈K p∈P k
j∈N D  v∈U j
r∈R p∈P r
j∈N D
a k
κ v+
+z j  =1
∀j ∈ N D  ,
jp x p  −
k∈K p∈P k
v∈U j
a k
∀j ∈ N K
jp x p  =
out ,
k∈K p∈P k
a r
jp y p  +z j  =
∀j ∈ N D  ,
r∈R p∈P r
a r
jp y p  =
∀j ∈ N R
out ,
r∈R p∈P r
o r
o r
∀t ∈ T,
tp y p  ≥
r∈R p∈P r
a kv
∀j ∈ N D  , ∀v ∈ U j  ,
jp  x p  −κ j+  +κ j−  =
k∈K p∈P k
b k
b r
∀(i u , j v  ) ∈ E D  ,
i u  j v
p x p  −
i u  j v  p y p  ≤
k∈K p∈P k
r∈R p∈P r
a kv
a rv
∀j ∈ N D  , ∀v ∈ U j  ,
jp  x p  −κ j+  −
jp y p  =
k∈K p∈P k
r∈R p∈P r
x k
p  +ν k  =
∀k ∈ K\K res ,
p∈P k  ∑
x k
∀k ∈ K res ,
p  ≤
p∈P k
y r
p  ≤
∀r ∈ R,
p∈P r
x k
{0, 1}, ∀k ∈ K, ∀p ∈ P k  ,
y r
{0, 1}, ∀r ∈ R, ∀p ∈ P
r ,
p  ∈
p  ∈
z j  ∈ {0,1}, ∀j ∈ N D ,
ν k  ∈ {0,1}, ∀k ∈ K,
κ v+
≥ 0, κ v−
≥ 0,
∀j ∈ N D  , ∀v ∈ U j  .
The IRP is defined by equations (1)-(14) with the objective to minimise the cost of recovery for aircraft
and crew. The recovery costs include the cost of flight delays and cancellations, reserve crew, additional
crew duty costs and the cost of crew deadheading.
The coverage of flights within the recovery window by the crew and aircraft is enforced by constraints
(2) and (4). Additionally, the constraints (3) and (5) ensure that each carry-out flight is serviced by
crew and aircraft in the recovered solution. Respecting the carry-out flight coverage ensures that the
solution to the IRP positions the crew and aircraft to continue the activities as planned, following the
end of the recovery window.
This problem is solved for a single day schedule, so the aircraft are required to be positioned at
airports to maintain flow balance for the following days operations. Since all recovery actions occur
within the recovery window, the positioning of the aircraft must be considered before the conclusion of
this window. Two cases can occur in the recovery of aircraft; either i) an aircraft is assigned a carry-out
flight, allowing it to follow a planned routing to an end-of-day location, or ii) the recovered flight route
terminates within the recovery window requiring an end-of-day location to be specified. The minimum
number of aircraft required to terminate at each end-of-day location within the recovery window is
enforced through constraints (6).
The recovery policy of crew deadheading within a duty is implemented through the surplus crew count
constraints (7). This set of constraints ensure that crew deadheading is only permitted on flight-copy
pairs that are operated by at least one crew.
In the IRP, the integration between the crew and aircraft variables is described by the short connection
and delay consistency constraints, equations (8) and (9) respectively. The short connection constraints
(8) ensure that crew are only permitted to use connection (i u , j v  ) ∈ E D  only if an aircraft is also using
the same connection. The delay consistency constraints (9) ensure that the length of delay on any flight
in a feasible aircraft recovery solution is identical for the crew recovery solution, and vice versa. Since
there exists one delay consistency constraint for each flight-copy pair, this set of constraints grows very
quickly with an increase in the number of copies. It is on this set of constraints that the row generation
procedure is implemented to improve the solution runtime.
The number of crew and aircraft operating the recovered schedule is based upon the originally planned
duties and routings. Each crew that is assigned a duty from the planning stage must also be assigned
a duty in the IRP or deadheaded back to base, captured by constraints (10). This is not true for the
reserve crew since they former is not required to perform any duties during recovery, which is captured
by the inequality in constraints (11). Similar for crew, each aircraft that is assigned a flight route in the
planned solution must be assigned a flight route in recovery, which is given by (12)
It is common practice in both the sequential stage and integrated recovery problems to select a subset
of crew, aircraft and flights to reduce the problem size and improve solution runtimes. To improve the
computational performance of the IRP, the concept of a recovery window has been used to reduce
the number of flights included in the optimisation problem. While this provides an upper bound on
the optimal recovery cost, it is believed that this approach is realistic and consistent with a common
objective to quickly return operations to plan. Returning operations to plan is a consequence of the
carry-out activity coverage at the conclusion of the recovery window. Hence, the shorter the recovery
window, the quicker operations are returned to plan. To ensure that all reassignment and rerouting
options are available, the full set of crew and aircraft are used in the IRP. The selection of all crew and
aircraft for this problem demonstrates that fast solution algorithms are possible on larger data sets using
sophisticated solution techniques.
Column-and-Row Generation
This paper demonstrates the improvements in the solution runtimes and quality for the IRP achieved by
employing column-and-row generation. As discussed in Section 1.2, there have been a number of generic
column-and-row generation approaches that have been developed [18,26,33]. Unfortunately, these generic
approaches do not directly apply to the IRP, as such an alternative framework will be presented in the
following sections. The framework developed in this paper is an extension of Muter  et al.  [26] and
is presented as an alternative solution approach to Benders’ decomposition. The key contributions of
this framework are i) the extension of [26] to consider multiple sets of secondary variables and linking
constraints, ii) the application of column-and-row generation to a problem structure that is commonly
solved by Benders’ decomposition, and iii) the explicit evaluation against a standard column generation
approach, identifying various enhancement techniques.
Features of the Column-and-Row Generation Framework
The solution approach presented by Muter  et al.  [26] involves defining two restrictions on the original
problem, the restricted master problem (RMP) and the short restricted master problem (SRMP). The
RMP is constructed to contain all constraints from the original problem but with only a subset of all
possible variables. The SRMP describes a further restriction on the original problem, containing a subset
of all variables  and  constraints that form the RMP.
Both the RMP and SRMP are solved by column generation and the identical subproblems are used
in the solution process for the two problems. However, the SRMP is formed by eliminating structural
constraints from the RMP, so variable fixings in the column generation subproblems are used to restrict
the set of all possible columns. By applying the variable fixing to the column generation subproblem,
all feasible solutions to the SRMP are feasible for the RMP and the original problem.
Column-and-row generation is a solution approach proposed to solve large-scale linear programs. The
implementation of column-and-row generation in a branch-and-price framework to solve mixed-integer
programs has not been previously published. As a contribution of this paper, an efficient method for
applying column-and-row generation at each node in the branch-and-bound tree is explicitly discussed.
The critical aspects of the column-and-row generation procedure are the formulation of the RMP and
SRMP, and the method used to calculate an optimal dual solution to identify favourable rows. These
two features will be discussed in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 respectively. Finally, a general algorithm for
the row generation procedure will be presented in Section 3.1.3.
Formulation of the restricted problems
To provide an overview of column-and-row generation, the key features will be discussed with respect
to a generic problem. The example problem is formulated with a single set of primary variables and
multiple sets of secondary variables. In the problem description x is used to represent a single vector of
primary variables, and each vector of secondary variables is given by y i , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. The multiple
sets of secondary variables considered in this framework extends the generic framework presented by
Muter  et al.  [26].
This section focuses on problems solved by column generation, as such it is assumed that vectors x
and y i  contain only a subset of all possible variables from the original problem. The structure of the
original problem, and by extension the RMP, contains a set of constraints related to each x and y i , A x  and
A i  respectively, with a set of linking constraints A iL
x  andA yL  betweenxandy i .
The rows representing
the linking constraints are dynamically generated using the row generation procedure developed in this
To construct the SRMP, it is necessary to redefine the variable vectors and constraint matrices used
to describe the RMP. Initially, a subset of linking constraints are eliminated from the RMP, which
involves removing rows from A iL
x  andA yL ,
resulting in the constraint matrices
A iL
x  an
A iL
y  respectively.
As stated previously, the elimination of rows from the RMP is coupled with the fixing of variables in
the column generation subproblem. This is required to prohibit the generation of columns with non-zero
elements in the eliminated rows. Consequently, the set of all possible variables that can be generated
for the SRMP is reduced, therefore the vectors x ⊂ x and y i  ⊂ y i  are defined. While all rows in the
matrices A x  and A i  are still present in the formulation of the SRMP, the restriction on the possible set
of variables requires the elimination of columns, hence the matrices
A x  and
A i  are defined.
The matrix representation of the RMP and SRMP is given by,
min c x x + c i y i ,
c x  x +
c i  y i ,
s.t. A x x = b,
A x x = b,
A i y i  = b i  ∀i,
A i  y i  = b i  ∀i,
A iL
0 ∀i,
A iL
A iL y i  = 0 ∀i,
x  x−A yL y i  =
x  x
x ≥ 0, y i  ≥ 0.
x ≥ 0,
y i  ≥ 0.
Calculation of dual solutions
To demonstrate the correctness of the column-and-row generation approach described here, an additional
problem is introduced, the RMP . This problem is formulated with all constraints from the RMP, but
only a subset of all possible variables. Thus, the formulation of the RMP  is identical to the RMP at an
intermediate stage of the column generation solution process.
To describe the RMP , the matrices
A iL
y  areintroducedtocontainallrowseliminatedfromA yL  to
construct the SRMP. Additionally, a set of dummy variables y i  are created such that each y ∈ y i  has
a non-zero element in only one row of
A iL
This is an important condition on the construction of y i
y  .
that is exploited in Theorem 3.1.1. The dummy variables contained in y i  also have non-zero elements
in the rows of (18), thus the matrices
A i  must be introduced. Therefore, the matrix representation of
the RMP  is given by,
cx +
{c i  y i  + c i  y i },
Ax = b,
A i  y i  +
A i  y i  = b i  ∀i,
(RMP )
A iL
A iL y i  = 0 ∀i,
x  x
−A˜ iL y i  = 0 ∀i,
x ≥ 0,
y i  ≥ 0,
y i  ≥ 0.
For each row in equations (27)-(30) there is an equivalent row in equations (17)-(19). It is assumed that
in this formulation the optimal solution to the RMP  is not the optimal solution to the original problem.
Thus, additional columns with a negative reduced cost can be found by solving the column generation
subproblems for the primary and secondary variables.
By construction, an optimal primal solution to the SRMP is a feasible solution to the RMP . The
following lemma will prove that this feasible primal solution to the RMP  is optimal.
Lemma 3.1.1.  The optimal primal solution to the SRMP is an optimal primal solution to the RMP .
Proof.  The constraints (30) force the variables y i  to be zero in any feasible solution of the RMP . As
such, the optimal primal solution to the RMP  can be found by eliminating constraints (30) and solving
this problem with the variables y i  fixed to zero. Solving this modified form of the RMP  is equivalent
to solving the SRMP.
There are two major steps in the procedure to calculate an optimal dual solution for the RMP
using the solution to the SRMP. Firstly, the constraints (22)-(24) in the SRMP are identical to the
constraints (27)-(29), therefore the solutions to the related dual variables can be simply equated. The
second step involves finding the solutions for the dual variables related to the rows in (30), which are
the constraints eliminated to form the SRMP. This involves solving the column generation subproblems
for the secondary variables to accurately calculate the values of these dual variables.
Additional notation is required to describe the calculation of the dual variables for the rows eliminated
to form the SRMP. An index set Φ i  is defined to reference each row u in the constraint matrix A iL
y  .
Φ i
Extending this notation, the index set for the rows included in the SRMP is given by
and all eliminated
rows are contained in Φ i i . Finally, the dual variables for each row in A iL
y  isgivenbyθ i  =
u |u∈Φ i }.
This notation conveniently describes the rows which are eliminated or contained in the SRMP and the
dual values which must be computed. The value of θ i
u  iscalculatedfromtheminimumreducedcostĉ i
for a variable with a non-zero entry in row u of matrix
A iL
This is achieved by executing Algorithm 1.
y  .
Algorithm 1 Computing a feasible dual solution
1:  Assume that θ i
0 and force all feasible solutions to the column generation subproblem for the
u  =
secondary variables i to have a 1 in row u of
A iL
y  and0inallrowsv∈Φ i i ,v=u.
2:  Solve the column generation subproblem to identify variable ŷ that has the minimum reduced cost
ĉ i .
3:  Set θ i
u  =−ĉ i .
This calculation procedure relies on the structure of the RMP  and the form of the dummy variables
that populate the rows u ∈ Φ i i . The reasoning provided here draws upon the discussion presented
in the column-and-row generation framework by Muter  et al.  [26]. For ŷ, found by Algorithm 1, to
be eligible to enter the basis of the RMP  implies that ĉ i  < 0. Since ŷ has a non-zero element in the
rows of
A iL
y  ,
the construction of the RMP  forces ŷ = 0 upon addition of this column, resulting in a
degenerate simplex iteration. To avoid this situation, it is assumed that the minimum reduced cost for
all variables found using Algorithm 1 is at least zero. This requirement ensures that the dual solutions
that are computed for θ i  are feasible for the RMP . The following theorem will prove the feasibility of
the computed values for θ i  and that the resulting feasible dual solution is also optimal.
Theorem 3.1.1.  The dual solutions computed for  θ i  forms an optimal dual solution to the RMP .
Proof.  The first step of this proof is to show that the solutions calculated for the dual variables θ i  using
θ i
Algorithm 1 are feasible for the RMP . For this proof the variable
u  isassumedtohaveavaluethat
satisfies all dual constraints of the RMP . Additionally, the reduced cost of variable y ∈ y i  is given by
c i
y .
Algorithm 1 solves the column generation subproblem for the secondary variables i to identify ŷ that
has the minimum reduced cost ĉ i , assuming θ i
0. Comparing ŷ with the variables currently in the
u  =
RMP , there are two possible outcomes:
θ i
i) There exists a column y ∈ y i  identical to ŷ. Since y is identical to ŷ, ĉ i  = c i
In Algorithm 1,
y  −
u .
the value of θ i
hence c i
0. Therefore, setting θ i
u  issetto−ĉ i ,
y  −θ u u  =
u  =−ĉ i  ensuresdualfeasibility.
ii) There exists a column y ∈ y i  that has a non-zero element in row u of
A iL
y  butisnotidentical
to ŷ. This implies that the variable θ i
u  existsinatleastonedualconstraint.Letsassumethatsetting
θ i
u  =−ĉ i  violatesaconstraintinthedualoftheRMP .
This implies that c i
y  calculatedusingθ u  =−ĉ i
θ i
θ i
θ i
in place of
u  isnegative,i.e.
c i
y  −
u  +
θ i
u  <
0. Since ĉ i  + θ i
u  =
0, then ĉ i  > c i
y  −
u .
Now, step
θ i
2 of Algorithm 1 identifies ŷ that has the minimum reduced cost, so ĉ i  > c i
y  −
u  isacontradiction.
θ i
Therefore, c i
y  −
u  +θ u  ≥
0 must be true, hence the computed value for θ i
u  satisfiesalldualconstraints.
The first step of this proof has established that the dual solutions calculated for θ i  using Algorithm
1 are feasible for the RMP . Therefore, the calculated values for θ i  can be used as the dual solutions for
the constraints (30). A feasible dual solution for the RMP  is then simply constructed by equating the
solutions to the dual variables representing constraints (27)-(29) to the dual solutions of the SRMP.
The second step proves that the feasible dual solution constructed for the RMP  is also optimal.
Firstly, it is stated in Lemma 3.1.1 that the optimal primal solution to the SRMP is also optimal for the
RMP . In addition, the solutions to the dual variables representing constraints (27)-(29) are equated to
the dual solutions of the SRMP. Since the right hand side of the constraints represented by equations
(30) are zero, the value of the respective dual variables do not affect the optimal objective function value.
It follows that the dual objective function value for the RMP  is identical to the dual objective function
value of the SRMP. Given that the dual objective function value of the SRMP is equal to the primal
objective values of the SRMP and RMP , then primal and dual objective values for the RMP  are equal.
Therefore, the feasible dual solution constructed for the RMP  is optimal.
Row generation algorithm
Using the optimal dual solution to the RMP , the row generation algorithm is executed to identify
rows to update the SRMP. This procedure involves solving the column generation subproblem for the
primary variables to find negative reduced cost columns feasible for the RMP . It is likely, due to the
eliminated constraints, that the columns identified during this procedure are infeasible for the SRMP.
Such columns are identified by displaying at least one non-zero element in the rows contained in Φ i i .
Φ i
If columns infeasible for the SRMP are found, then u must be added to
and the related row to the
SRMP. Consequently, the SRMP grows vertically and horizontally with the addition of rows and columns
respectively. The row generation procedure is detailed in Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2 Row generation algorithm
Require: An optimal solution to the SRMP.
1:  Set the dual values for rows (27)-(29) to the dual solutions for the rows (22)-(24).
2:  for all secondary variable sets i do
for all rows u contained in
A iL
y  do
Execute Algorithm 1 to compute the value of θ i
u .
end for
6:  end for
7:  By Theorem 3.1.1 an optimal dual solution for the RMP  has been computed.
8:  Solve the column generation subproblem for the primary variables to identify variables feasible for
the RMP .
9:  if a negative reduced cost column has at least one non-zero entry in the rows of
A iL
y  then
add the rows with non-zero entries in
A iL
y  to
A iL
y  .
11:  end if
The column-and-row generation solution approach terminates when no favourable rows are identified
by Algorithm 2. This is consistent with the termination condition of the standard column generation
approach, terminating when no columns with a negative reduced cost for the RMP are found. Since an
optimal dual solution is calculated for the RMP , the column generation subproblem for the primary
variables accurately evaluates the minimum reduced cost. Therefore, if no negative reduced cost columns
are found for the RMP , then the solution to the RMP , and the SRMP, is optimal for the original
Column-and-Row Generation Solution Algorithm
The column-and-row generation solution algorithm implemented in this paper is developed by combining
the fundamental features of the approach developed throughout Section 3.1. The first stage of the
solution algorithm involves the formulation of the SRMP, which is detailed in Section 3.1.1. Using
the solution to the SRMP, Section 3.1.2 details the calculation procedure that is required to form an
optimal dual solution for the RMP . The final step in the column-and-row generation solution algorithm,
described in Section 3.1.3, executes Algorithm 2 to identify favourable rows for the SRMP. The complete
column-and-row generation solution algorithm is given by Algorithm 3.
Algorithm 3 Column-and-row generation algorithm
1:  Eliminate columns from the original problem to form the RMP.
2:  Eliminate rows (and subsequently columns) from the RMP to form the SRMP.
3:  repeat
Solve the SRMP by column generation to optimality.
Use Algorithm 2 to compute the optimal dual solution to the RMP  and identify any favourable
6:  until no rows are added to
A iL
y  inAlgorithm2
7:  The solution to the SRMP is the optimal solution to the original problems
Applying the Column-and-Row Generation Framework
The framework presented in Section 3 describes the features of column-and-row generation that extend
the standard column generation approach. Column generation is a critical aspect of column-and-row
generation, as such its implementation for the IRP will be discussed in Section 4.1. This will be followed
by a review of the features presented in Section 3.1, detailing the application to the IRP in Section 4.2.
Column Generation
The formulation of the IRP presents two sets of variables for which column generation is applied. These
variables are related to crew duties and aircraft routes, which are defined as flight strings. While each
of the variables types have similar structures, there are specific rules governing their generation. Hence,
two individual column generation subproblems are required in the solution process. In this section,
the column generation subproblem for each variable type is described, including the relevant solution
In the column generation procedure, a restricted master problem (RMP IRP  ) is defined by including
only a subset of all possible columns,
P k  ⊆ P k  and
P r  ⊆ P r , and is solved to find the optimal dual
solution. The dual variables α K  = {α K , ∀j ∈ N D  ∪ N K
and α R  = {α R
are defined
out }
j  ,∀j∈N D  ∪
out }
for the flight coverage constraints (2)-(3) and (4)-(5), respectively. The dual variables for the aircraft
end-of-day location constraints (6) are defined by ǫ = {ǫ t , ∀t ∈ T }. The dual variables for the surplus
crew count constraints (7) are given by η = {η v
j ,∀j∈N D ,∀v∈U j }.Fortheshortconnectionconstraints
(8) and the delay consistency constraints (9), the dual variables are given by ρ = {ρ ij  , ∀(i, j) ∈ E D  }
and γ = {γ v
∈ N D ,∀v ∈ U j }, respectively. Finally, the dual variables δ K  = {δ k ,∀k ∈ K} and
j ,∀j
δ R  = {δ r ,∀r ∈ R} are defined for the crew and aircraft assignment constraints, (10)-(11) and (12),
respectively. Using the set of optimal dual solutions, the column generation subproblems for crew and
aircraft are solved to identify negative reduced cost columns to add to the sets
P k  and
P r .
Crew Pairing Subproblem
The crew duty subproblem (PSP k  ) is solved as a shortest path problem with one source node and
multiple sink nodes. The general form of the PSP k  is given by,
min RecDutyCost(k) −
α j a k
ρ i
η v
a kv
−δ k
p  =
jp  −
u j v  b i u  j v
j  +γ j
p∈P k
j∈N D ∪N K
(i u  ,j v  )∈E D
j∈N D  v∈U j
The set P k  is defined as the feasible region to a network flow problem, as such the PSP k  is solved as
a resource constrained shortest path problem (RCSPP). The important features of the RCSPP used to
solve the PSP k  is the origination of each crew k from a unique carry-in activity and the termination
at any carry-out activity. In addition, the crew duty rules considered in this paper are the maximum
number of flying and working hours, which are set at 8 and 13 respectively. In the column generation and
column-and-row generation solution approaches the PSP k  is solve once for each k ∈ K in each iteration.
In the objective function of (32), the complex cost structure used for crew remuneration is denoted by
RecDutyCost(k), which defines the additional crew cost resulting from recovery actions. The recovery
crew cost RecDutyCost(k) is a max function related to the number of flying hours, f ly(k), the number
of working hours, elapse(k), a minimum number of guaranteed hours, minGuar, and the originally
planned duty cost, OrigDutyCost(k). As such, the expression for the cost of a duty in the IRP is given
RecDutyCost(k) = max{0, max{f ly(k), f d  · elapse(k), minGuar} − OrigDutyCost(k)},
where minGuar is set at 6 hours [10] and f d  is a fraction which is airline specific and is set at f d  = 5/8 [10].
In consideration to the resource restrictions and complex cost structure, a multi-label shortest path
algorithm is implemented to solve the PSP k  . Label l at node i u  stores the cost of the current shortest
path to the node, ĉ i
u l ,
the number of flying hours, H 1
and the total elapsed hours, H 2
i u  l ,
i u  l .
labels are necessary to track any suboptimal paths to a node, based on the path length ĉ i
u l ,
that have
a favourable resource consumption. While it is possible to store every path that arrives at a node, this
would be a very inefficient method to track resource consumption. As such, a dominance condition is used
to reduce the number of labels stored at each node by eliminating any suboptimal paths demonstrating
unfavourable resource consumption.
Definition 4.1.1.  (Dominance Condition)
Given two labels at node  i u , ( ĉ i
and ( ĉ i
u 1 ,
i u  1 ,
i u  1 )
u 2 ,
i u  2 ,
i u  2 ),thatarenotequal.Label1
dominates label 2 if
H 1
ĉ i u  1  ≤
ĉ i u  2 ,
i u  1  ≤
i u  2  and
i u  1  ≤
i u  2 .
Using Definition 4.1.1, the dominance of any new label arriving at a node is evaluated against all
currently stored labels. There are three possible outcomes from the comparison between the new label
and all currently stored labels. Firstly, if the new label dominates any stored label, the dominated labels
are removed from the node. Second, if the new label is dominated by any stored label, then the new
label is discarded. Finally, if no dominance is established between the new label and the stored labels,
then the new label is added to the list of labels stored at that node. At the sink node, the label that
achieves the lowest cost is selected and the resulting path is the minimum reduced cost path.
The connection network described in Section 2 forms an acyclic directed graph. Given this network
structure, all the nodes can be listed in a topological order, where node i u  is ordered before node j v  if
∃(i u , j v  ) ∈ C K  [4]. Using a topological ordering, the shortest path problem can be solved in O(ml) time in
the worst case, where m is the number of arcs in the acyclic directed graph and l is the maximum number
of labels. A pulling algorithm is implemented, which solves the shortest path problem by “pulling” labels
from previously processed nodes. Such a pulling algorithm for solving the shortest path problem on an
acyclic directed graph is presented in Ahuja  et al.  [4]. This algorithm can be easily adapted to solve the
PSP k  with multiple labels.
Aircraft Routing Subproblem
The column generation subproblem for the aircraft routing variables solves a shortest path problem from
an origination location to one of the permissible termination locations. The general form of the column
generation subproblem for the aircraft routing variables (PSP r  ) is given by,
ĉ r
c r
α j a r
ǫ t o r
ρ i
γ v
−δ k
p  =
p  −
jp  −
tp  +
u j v  b i u  j v  p  +
j a jp
p∈P r
j∈N D ∪N K
j∈N D  v∈U j
(i u  ,j v  )∈E D
Similar to P k  , the set P r  is defined as the feasible region of a network flow problem. However, unlike
the PSP k  , the PSP r  does not consider any resources in addition to cost, therefore the column generation
subproblem is solved as a standard shortest path problem. The key features of the PSP r  is that each
flight string must originate from a unique carry-in activity and may terminate at any permissible carry-
out activity or overnight airport. In addition, if an aircraft is planned to receive maintenance at the end
of the day, the termination locations will ensure that this requirement is met. In the column generation
and column-and-row generation solution approaches the PSP r  is solve once for each r ∈ R in each
The PSP r  describes a shortest path problem for which a large number of solution algorithms are
available. Similar to the connection network for crew, the network for aircraft is an acyclic directed
graph. As such, the nodes can be listed in a topological order and an efficient pulling algorithm presented
in Ahuja  et al.  [4] is implemented to solve the PSP r  .
In a given iteration of the column generation algorithm, the most negative reduced cost for all aircraft,
ĉ R
p  ,
can be found by solving the PSP r  for each aircraft r and setting ĉ R
= min r∈R {c r
p }.However,
all connection costs and dual variables, except for δ R  = {δ r  , ∀r ∈ R}, included in (34) are aircraft
independent. Therefore, by setting δ r  = δ R , ∀r ∈ R, where δ R  = max r∈R r  } in (34), it is possible to
find a lower bound on ĉ R
p  ,
labelled as c R
p  ,
by solving the aircraft routing shortest path algorithm only
once. The aircraft routing subproblem to be solved only once will be labelled PSP R  and will be used as
part of the row generation procedure described in Section 4.2.
Row Generation
An important feature of the IRP is the use of a  full  set of recovery policies, which includes flight
delays. There are a number of different methods that are available to implement flight delays, such
as time windows [34] and discrete flight copies [37], each with relative strengths regarding the problem
formulation and solution methods. The technique of flight copies has been selected to model delays as
a result of its simplicity in implementation for column generation and to fit within the column-and-row
generation framework.
By implementing flight delays using flight copies, a critical consideration of the integrated problem is
to ensure that the crew duty and the aircraft routing solutions use the same copy (delay) for each flight.
The delay consistency constraints, equation (9), capture this, at the expense of adding a large number
of constraints to the RMP IRP  . Since the optimal variables have non-zero coefficients in only a small
subset of the delay consistency constraints, many rows related to these constraints are not required in
the RMP IRP  .
The implementation of delay copies in the IRP provides alternative flight departure times given by a
uniform discretisation of a maximum allowable delay. While this is a popular method of implementation
that has been employed by Yan and Young [41], Thengvall  et al.  [37] and Andersson and Varbrand [5],
Bratu and Barnhart [11] state that a number of copies may be dominated by shorter delay options.
Further, Petersen  et al.  [30] suggests the modelling of flight delays by an event-driven approach, linking
delays to activities related to each flight. This reduces the size of the recovery problem by only including
the delays for each flight that provide feasible connections. While uniform delay options are implemented
for the IRP, column-and-row generation provides an optimisation approach to select the most important
delay options, significantly reducing the number delay consistency constraints (9). While it is possible to
implement the recovery flight network reductions as described by [11] and [30], this would simply result
in the further enhancement of the column-and-row generation approach.
Comparing the IRP with the RMP in Section 3.1.1, it is clear that the delay consistency constraints
(9) describe linking constraints similar to (19). These constraints provide the link between the primary
and secondary sets of variables, which are given by the crew duty and aircraft routing variables in
the IRP respectively. While the RMP in Section 3.1.1 describes a problem with multiple secondary
variables, the IRP is a special case of this problem class with the aircraft routing variables as the only
set of secondary variables.
The implementation of the column-and-row generation algorithm, Algorithm 3 and a description of
each feature of this algorithm with respect to the IRP will be provided in this section. As a contribution of
this paper, the column-and-row generation solution approach developed by Muter  et al.  [26] is evaluated
against column generation to identify any potential enhancement techniques. A description of the
techniques identified by this evaluation will be provided throughout this section.
Formulation of the restricted problems
The column-and-row generation framework requires the formulation of a RMP IRP  and SRMP IRP  as
restrictions on the original problem. The formulation of the RMP IRP  is provided in Section 4.1, including
only a subset of all variables. The SRMP IRP  is a further restriction on the RMP IRP  , initialised with
all rows related to constraints (2)-(8) and only a subset of rows for the delay consistency constraints
U j
(9) as defined by v ∈
U j ,∀j ∈ N D . The set
is initially populated with one copy for most flights j,
U j
which is generally the copy representing the scheduled departure time, i.e.
= {0}. However, as a
result of flight delays caused by the initial disruption it is possible that no feasible connection containing
the flight-copy pair j 0  exists. In these situations, the set
U j
= {0, v } is defined for flight j, where v
represents the copy with the earliest departure time that provides at least one feasible connection for
flight j.
The elimination of rows to form the SRMP IRP  is coupled with the fixing of variables in the column
generation subproblems. This variable fixing restricts the use of specific flight-copy pairs related to the
rows eliminated to form the SRMP IRP  . Thus, flight strings can only be constructed using the flight-copy
pairs j v  , ∀j ∈ N D  , ∀v ∈
U j . Since the set of columns feasible for the SRMP IRP  is restricted, the solution
to the SRMP IRP  provides an upper bound on the optimal solution of the IRP.
Row generation algorithm
The calculation of the optimal dual solution to the RMP  is a fundamental part of the row generation
procedure. By solving the SRMP IRP  to optimality using column generation, Theorem 3.1.1 states
that the optimal dual solution to the RMP  can be calculated using the solution to the SRMP IRP
and Algorithm 1. The dual solutions that must be calculated are related to the rows eliminated to
form the SRMP IRP  , which are given by γ  = {γ v , ∀j ∈ N D  , ∀v  ∈ U j  \U j  }. The solutions to each of the
variables contained in γ  are found by executing Algorithm 1, solving the PSP R  as the column generation
subproblem in step 2. The use of the PSP R  in this algorithm is a problem specific enhancement technique
that reduces the runtimes required to calculate the solutions to the dual variables for all eliminated rows.
The second part of the row generation procedure uses the optimal dual solution to the RMP  to
identify favourable rows to add to the SRMP IRP  . This process is described by steps 8-11 of Algorithm
2, which involves solving the column generation subproblem for the primary variables to find columns
feasible for the RMP . Since the primary variables for the IRP are the crew duty variables, the PSP k  is
solved as the pricing subproblem in step 8 of this algorithm. The crew duty variables generated by this
subproblem describe individual schedules for each crew k, hence a larger number of favourable rows are
identified by solving the PSP k  once for each k ∈ K. This is a natural modification of the row generation
procedure which is necessary to achieve an efficient solution approach for the IRP.
The dual variable calculation of the row generation procedure is a feature of column-and-row gen-
eration that is identified to be very computationally expensive. Given the set of flight-copy pairs,
j∈N D U j \U j , the PSP R  must be solved once for each flight-copy pair contained in this set. Even with
the most efficient shortest path algorithm, the large number of executions required to calculate all dual
variables can have a significant negative impact on the solution runtimes. Consequently, the number of
times that Algorithm 2 is executed will affect the overall performance of the column-and-row generation
solution process. One approach to address this runtime issue is to vary the number of rows that are
added in each call to the row generation procedure. It has been observed that by adding too few rows
at each execution requires more calls to the row generation algorithm. Similarly, adding too many rows
has the effect of increasing the size of the SRMP IRP  too rapidly. A successful approach involves adding
more rows to the SRMP IRP  based upon the value of the calculated dual variables. This is achieved for
the IRP by adding a row for every flight-copy pair with a positive dual variable value, as calculated by
Algorithm 1. The rows identified by this procedure is in addition to those identified in Algorithm 2. The
ideal number of rows to add at each iteration is difficult to determine. However, this approach described
here improves the solution runtimes compared to the standard row generation procedure.
Row generation warm-up
The subset of rows initially included in the SRMP IRP  greatly affects the efficiency of the column-and-
row generation solution process. In Section 4.2.1, the initialisation of the SRMP IRP  involves selecting a
single delay copy for each flight, which is na¨ıvely set to the scheduled departure time. Ideally, the only
rows included in the SRMP IRP  should represent the amount of delay for each flight that is required in
the optimal solution of the IRP. Unfortunately the optimisation problem to identify the optimal set of
delay options is analogous to the original recovery problem, hence an alternative technique is required.
An approach implemented for the IRP uses information from the standard column generation ap-
proach to provide a warm-start for column-and-row generation. This approach involves formulating the
RMP IRP  with all rows from the original problem but only the columns contained in the initial formu-
lation of the SRMP IRP  . The RMP IRP  is then solved by column generation and in each iteration of the
solution algorithm, flight strings are constructed with no restriction on the permissible flight-copy pairs.
The initial set of delay copies for the SRMP IRP  is updated by reviewing each generated flight string p
and if j v  ∈ p, then the delay copy v is added to the set
U j . After n iterations of the column generation
solution process, the SRMP IRP  is formed to contain only the delay consistency constraints (9) described
by the sets
U j ,∀j ∈ N D  and all columns in the current formulation of the RMP IRP  .
A key feature of this approach is that no additional development work is required and the compu-
tational time is equivalent to that of the standard column generation approach. During this warm-up
period the runtime of the two solution approaches is identical, therefore the expected runtime improve-
ments are observed by applying column-and-row generation in the succeeding iterations. By retaining
the initial columns added during this process, the column-and-row generation approach is provided with
a warm-start for the set of columns and rows. The use of the warm-up process is a contribution of this
paper to the column-and-row generation solution approach.
The runtime improvements achieved by this approach demonstrate the importance of an intelligent
selection of rows in the initial formulation of the SRMP IRP  . This is expected, since this observation is
similar to the well known relationship between the initial set of columns and the efficiency of the standard
column generation approach. A complicating factor of applying a warm-up period for column-and-row
generation is the additional parameter required to specify the number of column generation iterations
executed. The value of this parameter has been observed through experiments to greatly affect the
efficacy of this approach with an acceptable runtime improvement for the IRP achieved with n = 20
Branching Rules
Integral optimality is achieved for the IRP by employing the technique of branch-and-price. This problem
includes many different variable types and thus a set of problem specific branching rules have been
designed for each. The first of the branching rules described here for the IRP is a pure variable branching
rule, and the last two are derived from the Ryan/Foster branching technique [32]. A description of each
rule is provided below in the order of their assigned priority.
A cancellation variable branching rule is implemented for the IRP to force the decision of either
covering or cancelling a specific flight. Upon identifying flight j  with the most fractional cancellation
variable, z j  , branches are created by enforcing z j
= 0 on the left branch and z j  = 1 on the right
branch. The described rule is very simple and fast, and is designed to eliminate fractional cancellation
variables early in the branch-and-bound tree.
A very effective branching technique for airline optimisation problems formulated in a set partitioning
framework is branching on follow-on’s. The implementation of follow-on branching for the IRP is similar
to that presented in Froyland  et al.  [19]. The aim of this branching rule is to select the most fractional
pair of connected flights, flights occurring in succession on a flight string, for either the crew duty or
aircraft routing variables. In the implementation of this rule, the multiple copies for each flight are
ignored and the connection (i, j) identifies all connections (i u , j v  ) ∈ C K  ∪ C R , ∀u ∈ U i , ∀v ∈ U j  . The set
of fractional variables for crew k is defined as P k
= {p ∈ P k  |x k
p  ∈Z},andsimilarlythesetoffractional
variables for aircraft r is defined as, P r
= {p ∈ P r  |y r
∈ Z}. The fractionality of a connection (i, j) is
calculated by,
∑ ∑
frac K
fOn (i,j)=min
x k
p ,1−
x k
k∈K p∈P k
k∈K p∈P k
∑ ∑
frac R
fOn (i,j)=min
y r
p ,1−
y r
r∈R p∈P r
r∈R p∈P r
for crew and aircraft variables respectively. The connection with the greatest fractionality for either crew
or aircraft is identified as (i , j ) and is selected as the branching candidate. The candidate variable
type, crew or aircraft, that this branching applies to is also identified by this selection. The branching
is performed by enforcing the use of connection (i , j ) on a string that contains either flight i  or j  on
the left branch for the identified variable type. On the right branch, flight j  must not directly follow
flight i  on any string for the identified variable type. However, on the right branch, flights i  and j
are not precluded from existing on the same string, provided that the connections (i , k) and (l, j ) are
used, where k = j  and l = i .
An alternative branching rule is developed for the IRP that examines the allocation of specific flights
to individual crew and aircraft. This branching rule selects a crew group k or aircraft r and enforces or
disallows the use of an identified flight-copy. The fractionality of a variable identifier/flight-copy pair,
(k, i u ) and (r, i u ), is calculated by,
frac K
x k
x k
flt (k,i u )=min
p ,1−
p∈P k
p∈P k
|i u  ∈p
|i u  ∈p
frac R
y r
y r
flt (r,i u )=min
p ,1−
p∈P r
p∈P r
|i u  ∈p
|i u  ∈p
for the crew and aircraft variable types respectively. Branching is performed on the variable identifier/flight-
copy pair that has the greatest fractionality, as described by the equations (36). On the left branch, all
variables associated with the identifier, k  or r , must contain the flight-copy i
u  intheflightstring.
On the right branch all flight strings for the variables associated with the identifier, k  or r , must not
contain the flight-copy i
u  .
As a contribution to the column-and-row generation solution approach, the row generation procedure
is integrated into the branch-and-price framework. Since the branch-and-price algorithm is executed with
a subset of all rows contained in the IRP, without allowing the addition of rows throughout this process,
any identified lower bounds potentially overestimate the true bound. To avoid this inaccuracy in the
solution process, the row generation algorithm is called only at nodes where the column generation
procedure concludes with a lower bound greater than the current best bound. By executing the row
generation algorithm in these selected situations ensures that the optimal solution is found with branch-
and-price and avoids unnecessary executions of this time costly procedure.
Computational Results
The computational results demonstrate the benefit of using column-and-row generation (CRG) to solve
the IRP compared to a standard column generation approach (Colgen). The following discussion pro-
vides a comparison between these two approaches based upon  computational performance . For this
analysis computational performance is defined as the runtime required to solve the IRP and the final
solution quality as measured by the use of recovery policies. These results demonstrate column-and-
row generation as a superior alternative to column generation for solving integrated airline optimisation
problems for the given flight schedules.
Description of data and disruption scenarios
The performance of the IRP is evaluated on two different flight schedules that are designed for a point-to-
point and hub-and-spoke carriers, labelled as F262-A20 and F441-A36 respectively. The point-to-point
schedule consists of 262 flights, operated by 48 aircraft of a single fleet type and 79 crew groups. This
schedule services 20 airports; 12 of the airports are overnight bases for aircraft and 4 are crew bases.
The hub-and-spoke schedule consists of 441 flights, operated by 123 aircraft of a single fleet type and
182 crew groups. This schedule services 36 airports; 6 of the airports are hubs, 32 are overnight bases
for aircraft and 3 are crew bases. The original duties and routings for both schedules are generated by
solving an integrated airline planning problem with an objective of minimising crew costs and the total
number of aircraft operating the schedule.
A set of 16 disruption scenarios are generated as test cases for the IRP. The scenarios describe
airport closures at two major airports in each network, occurring in the morning at 6am, 7am, 8am
and 9am for either 3 or 5 hours. The numbers used to reference each scenario are provided in Table
3. An airport closure imposes a delay on all flights that are scheduled to arrive at or depart from the
affected airport until the end of the closure period. In these experiments a recovery window of 6 hours is
used, representing the total time allowed to return operations back to plan. The recovery window starts
from the reopening of the affected airport, thereby the set of disruptable flights N D  includes all flights
departing within a 9 or 11 hour window from the start of the closure. Within the recovery window, the
IRP implements a full set of recovery policies including flight delays and cancellations, crew deadheading
and the generation of new crew duties and aircraft routes.
Scenario Start Time
Scenario Number
(0,8), (1,9)
(2,10), (3,11)
(4,12), (5,13)
(6,14), (7,15)
Table 3: Scenario numbers.
( x , y ) indicates scenario  x  has a closure of 3 hours and scenario  y  has a
closure of 5 hours. Bold represents the scenarios related to airport two.
A common approach to improve the runtime of airline recovery problems is to use only a subset
of crew, aircraft and flights by only including those identified as disruptable. These results aim to
demonstrate the runtime improvements achieved by implementing column-and-row generation alone.
Hence, no approximation of the set of disruptable crew and aircraft is made. It is expected that with
approximations of the dataset in practical applications of the algorithm, further runtime improvements
will be observed. Now, a recovery window is used to identify the set of flights N D  to include in the
IRP and the size of this set for each scenario is documented in Table 4. While the use of a recovery
window is an approximation of the full recovery problem, it is consistent with the common objective to
return operations to plan as quickly as possible. The size of the recovery window dictates the allowable
recovery time and at the conclusion of the window no further recovery actions can be taken.
Table 4: The number of disruptable flights for each scenario.
Airlines incur significant realised and unrealised costs due to flight delays and cancellations during
the recovery process. These costs are modelled in the IRP to quantitatively define the effects of the
disruption on the airline and passengers. The data provided for this problem includes the number of
passengers booked on each flight, which is used in the calculation of the delay and cancellation costs.
The cost of flight delays has been estimated from the EUROCONTROL report by Cook and Tanner [14],
where it is stated that the average cost of delay for a full aircraft is e81 per minute. For convenience,
this value is converted into Australian dollars, so the cost of a full aircraft delayed for a minute is $100
Flight delays are implemented in the IRP using the technique of flight copies, as described in Section
2. The maximum allowable delay on any flight is set at 180 minutes, and 7 flight copies have been
used to divide this delay into discrete blocks. Therefore, the minimum possible delay on any flight is
30 minutes, with each subsequent flight copy departure occurring at 30 minute intervals. Since flight
delays are discretised with the use of flight copies, the resulting recovery costs are an overestimate
of the best possible solution. This occurs because there potentially exist shorter, feasible connections
within the 30 minute delay window that could provide an improved recovery solution. It is possible
to increase the number of flight copies to improve the solution quality, however the number of delay
consistency constraints (9) is dependent on the chosen number of copies. Providing a greater granularity
of delays with more flight copies results in a much larger column generation master problem and a
larger connection network for the pricing subproblem, degrading the computational performance. The
results will demonstrate that by using column-and-row generation the improvement in the computational
performance over a standard column generation approach is still achieved as the problem size grows with
an increased number of copies.
Quantitatively defining the cost of flight cancellations is difficult due to the indirect costs related
passenger dissatisfaction. In the event of a flight cancellation, passengers are either i) rebooked onto
another flight operated by the airline, ii) rebooked onto another flight operated by a different airline, or
iii) provided a refund and some compensation and must rebook their own flight. Case iii) is the most
uncommon and results in the greatest passenger dissatisfaction compared to cases i) and ii). However,
in all situations it is difficult to estimate the proportion of passengers that are  lost  from potential future
bookings with the airline. In these experiments, it is assumed that only the ticket revenue is lost and
passengers are not deterred from booking with the airline in the future. The calculation of the total
lost revenue for each flight assumes an average ticket price of $350 multiplied by the number of booked
passengers. The IRP is solved assuming that the passengers are not rebooked by the airline onto any
flights, resulting in the loss of the total expected revenue from the cancelled flight.
This model is implemented in C++ by calling SCIP 3.0.1 [3] to solve the integer program using
CPLEX 12.4 as the linear programming solver.
Comparison of solution runtimes
It is of high importance for the practical application of any recovery algorithm that a solution can
be found in short runtimes. Figure 1 compares the runtime required to solve the IRP for the two
different flight schedules when using the solution approaches of column generation and column-and-row
generation. To demonstrate the appropriate use of this model in practical applications, a maximum
runtime of 1200 seconds (20 minutes) is applied. This maximum runtime is selected to be within the
runtime of 30 minutes set by Petersen  et al.  [30] for their evaluation of an integrated airline recovery
Figure 1 shows that in the vast majority of experiments, the optimal solution is found with runtimes
much less than 1200 seconds. On average, column-and-row generation solves the IRP in 427 seconds for
the F262-A20 schedule and 400 seconds for the F441-A32 schedule. In addition, the results presented in
Figure 1 show that there is no scenario solved by column-and-row generation that exceeds the maximum
allowable runtime. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the maximum allowable runtime without affecting
the optimality of the IRP solved by column-and-row generation.
Runtime of the IRP using column generation and column-and-row generation
F262-A20 schedule
F441-A32 schedule
Solution Process
Solving LP
Column Generation
Time Cutoff - 1200sec
Row Generation
Time Cutoff - 1200sec
Scenario Number
Scenario Number
Figure 1: The runtime to solve the IRP for each scenario with a maximum of 1200 seconds. This figure
compares the solution approaches of column generation (bars) and column-and-row generation (bars
with hatching).
The results presented in Figure 1 demonstrate that the solution to the IRP using column-and-row
generation is achieved much faster than when column generation is used for all but three cases. Two
of the cases are for the F262-A20 schedule (scenarios 1 and 9) and the other is for the F441-A32
schedule (scenario 7). For the F262-A20 schedule, the average relative improvement between the two
solution methods is 27.12%, with a range of -84.14% (scenario 1) to 127.13% (scenario 14). This level of
improvement is also observed for the F441-A32 schedule, with an average improvement in the solution
runtimes of 25.18%. However, the range of the results for the F441-A32 schedule is more restricted
with a minimum improvement of -15.91% (scenario 7) and a maximum of 74.97% (scenario 8). These
improvements demonstrate a significant benefit from using column-and-row generation to solve the IRP.
A key feature of column-and-row generation is the smaller set of rows used in the formulation of the
SRMP IRP  compared to the RMP IRP  . There is a well known direct relationship between the number
of constraints in a problem and the expected time required to solve the linear programming relaxation.
Both solution approaches include a column generation process, which involves solving the LP relaxation
of the RMP IRP  , and SRMP IRP  , each time a set of columns is added. Since the RMP IRP  and SRMP IRP
are formulated as very similar problems, with the latter containing less constraints, solving the LP for
the SRMP IRP  requires significantly less simplex iterations resulting in faster execution times.
Figure 1 provides a breakdown of the solution runtimes into the processes of LP solve, column
generation and row generation. It is clear from this figure that the reduction in the time spent solving
the LP is a major component of the solution runtime improvement for the F262-A20 schedule. Using
scenario 12 for the F262-A20 schedule as an example, solving the LP of the SRMP IRP  requires a total
of 111.7 seconds for column-and-row generation, where column generation requires 180.22 seconds to
solve the LP of the RMP IRP  . The total solution runtime improvement for scenario 12 is 109.76 seconds,
of which a significant proportion can be attributed to the reduced execution time for solving the LP
relaxation. This demonstrates that column-and-row generation provides a significant improvement in a
solution process which is integral to both approaches.
Another significant improvement in solution runtimes is observed in the time required during the
column generation procedure. Since the reduced set of rows results in a smaller connection network,
the column generation subproblems are solved much quicker in the column-and-row generation solution
approach. It is observed that the time required for each call to the column generation subproblem is on
average 0.2857 and 0.6754 seconds quicker for column-and-row generation compared to column generation
in the F262-A20 and F441-A32 schedule results respectively. The magnitude of this improvement can
be explained using scenario 4 for the F262-A20 schedule as an example, where the column generation
subproblems are called 311 times for both solution approaches. For this scenario, column-and-row
generation requires 0.1369 seconds less per call, which results in a 42.57 second improvement in the
solution runtimes. This result is also observed in scenario 1 for the F441-A32 schedule, where the
total execution time of the column generation subproblem is 57.37 seconds less with the column-and-
row generation approach. The reduction in column generation subproblems execution times contributes
54.6% of the total runtime reduction. This reduction in runtimes for the column generation subproblems
is achievable as a result of eliminating rows to form the SRMP IRP  . It is clear from Figure 1 that the
required additional process of row generation does not greatly contribute to the runtimes of the column-
and-row generation approach. Therefore, there is a significant runtime advantage in solving the LP
relaxation and the column generation subproblems from applying column-and-row generation.
Effects of problem size
The number of rows initially removed from the RMP IRP  to form the SRMP IRP  is directly proportional
to the number of flight copies used in the model. An increase in the number of flight copies impacts the
two competing factors affecting the runtime of the column-and-row generation approach, i.e. the smaller
problem size and the row generation algorithm. With a greater number of flight copies, the SRMP IRP
initially defines a problem much smaller than the related RMP IRP  , potentially providing a considerable
speed up in the runtime required for each LP solve. However, the more flight copies that are removed may
require additional executions of the row generation procedure to identify the optimal set of rows, having
a negative effect on the runtime of the column generation subproblems. Figure 2 displays the relative
difference in runtimes between the column generation and column-and-row generation approaches by
varying the number of flight copies for the F262-A20 schedule. The results demonstrate that across
all experiments performed, column-and-row generation outperforms the column generation approach in
most cases, with an average improvement of 27.07%.
Runtime comparison between column generation and column-and-row generation
Avg Diff (27.07%)
CRG - better runtime performance
Colgen -
better runtime performance
Number of Copies
Scenario Number
Figure 2: The relative difference in runtimes between the column generation (x) and column-and-row
generation (y) approaches with different sets of copies for the F262-A20 schedule. The values in the
figure are calculated by (x − y)/ min{x, y} with a maximum reported improvement capped at 100%.
Note: maximum runtime of 1 hour was used for these results.
Comparing the relative difference between the runtimes of column generation and column-and-row
generation in Figure 2 demonstrates a better average performance of the latter approach. While this is
true for the average case, there are many individual experiments where the reverse result is observed.
This generally occurs when the column-and-row generation approach requires more branching to identify
the optimal integer solution. For example, scenario 1 formulated with 7 flight copies is solved significantly
faster with column generation due to the column-and-row generation approach requiring 29 more nodes
in the branch-and-bound tree. While the LP of the root node is solve much faster by column-and-row
generation (327 seconds compared to 439 seconds), the branch-and-price algorithm has more difficultly
converging to integrality for the SRMP IRP  . The structure of the SRMP IRP  appears to affect the efficacy
of the branching rules and the performance of the primal heuristics. This is a common observation
regarding the implementation of column-and-row generation within the branch-and-price framework.
The length of the recovery window is another feature of the IRP that affects the problem size by
directly impacting the number of flights included in the set N D  . As the length of the recovery window
increases, the number of flights that depart within that period also increases. A larger set of disruptable
Comparison of recovery window lengths for the IRP
F262-A20 schedule
F441-A32 schedule
Solution Approach
Recovery Window
6 hours
8 hours
End of day
Runtime (seconds)
Runtime (seconds)
Figure 3: Time required to solve scenarios with different recovery window lengths (maximum runtime of
1200 seconds and 7 flight copies per flight). The recovery windows are set at 6 hours, 8 hours and until
the end of the day.
flights N D  has two main effects on the IRP, i) an increase in the number of constraints in both the
RMP IRP  and SRMP IRP  , and ii) an increase in the size of the connection network used in the column
generation subproblem.
Figure 3 presents the time required to solve all of the scenarios used in the experiments for both
flight schedules with different recovery window lengths, 6 hours, 8 hours and until the end of the day.
The results presented for the F262-A20 schedule demonstrate that the runtimes required to solve all
scenarios using a window of 6 hours is significantly shorter than when the other two window lengths are
used. This indicates that the increase in the size of N D  has a great effect on the solution runtime, which
is very evident when the recovery window is extended from 6 to 8 hours. This result is also observed for
the F441-A32 schedule, however the separation of the frontiers is not as pronounced.
It is observed in Figure 3 that the increased problem complexity from extending the recovery window
has a more pronounced effect on the runtime of the column generation approach. This is evident from
the significant decrease in the number of scenarios that column generation solves to optimality within
the runtime of 1200 seconds for both flight schedules. Also, the separation of the frontiers produced by
the two solution approaches using an 8 hour window demonstrates the greater degradation of runtime
performance from column generation.
Comparing the results presented in Figures 1 and 3, it is clear that the improvement in runtimes
is more pronounced for the F262-A20 schedule. In addition, the number of scenarios solved for the
F262-A20 schedule degrades much quicker with an increase in the recovery window length compared to
the F441-A32 schedule. This is an interesting result which can be explained by the percentage increase
in the number of included flights. By increasing the recovery window length from 6 hours to the end
of the day, the average percentage increase in flights for the F262-A20 schedule is 38.45% compared to
27.13% for the F441-A32 schedule. In addition, the maximum percentage increase in the number of
included flights for the F262-A20 schedule is 73.97% compared to 52.11% for the F441-A32 schedule.
Since the increase in recovery window lengths results in a comparatively larger increase in the number
of included flights, it is expected that a greater degradation of the solution runtimes will be observed
for the F262-A20 schedule.
Analysing enhancement techniques
A contribution of this paper is the explicit evaluation of the column-and-row generation approach against
column generation and the development of enhancement techniques. While the techniques introduced
in Section 4.2 are presented in relation to the IRP, they may be applied in any implementation of
column-and-row generation. The most important enhancement techniques discussed are the number of
rows added during the row generation procedure and the row warm-up technique used to provide an
initial formulation of the SRMP IRP  with a meaningful set of delay options. Using the F262-A20 schedule,
Figure 4 presents the relative difference in solution runtimes for the column-and-row generation approach
with different enhancements compared to the standard column generation approach.
Runtime comparison of column-and-row generation enhancement techniques
No Enhancement (Avg: 11.91%)
Warm-up Only (Avg: 1.54%)
Additional Rows Only (Avg: 8.36%)
All Enhancements (Avg: 27.01%)
better runtime performance
Colgen - better
Scenario Number
Figure 4: The relative difference in the solution runtimes from applying different enhancement techniques
for the F262-A20 schedule. The values in the figure are calculated by (x − y)/ min{x, y}.
The strength of the column-and-row generation approach to improve upon solution runtimes of
column generation is evident in Figure 4. This is demonstrated by all implementations of column-and-
row generation achieving an improvement in the solution runtimes compared to the standard column
generation approach. In particular, column-and-row generation implemented without any enhancement
improves upon the solution runtimes of column generation by 11.91%. This result also outperforms the
implementations of column-and-row generation using the additional rows or warm-up enhancements in
isolation. This can be explained by the nature of the two enhancement approaches. The row warm-up
technique slows the execution of the initial iterations of the column generation stage by permitting the use
of all flight-copies in the subproblem. This coupled with only a small set of rows added in each iteration
of the row generation procedure does not provide much reduction in the solution runtimes. By constrast,
the additional rows enhancement rapidly increases the size of the SRMP IRP  . As a result, very little
decrease in the LP solving time is observed and on average more time is required per iteration to solve the
column generation subproblem. Finally, the use of no enhancements achieves a smaller optimality gap
at the root node compared to the two individual enhancement approaches in most scenarios, requiring
less nodes to find the integer optimal solution.
While each enhancement implemented individually degrades the performance of the column-and-row
generation approach, significant runtime improvements are observed by their combined use. This is
demonstrated in Figure 4, implying that a strong relationship exists between the two enhancement ap-
proaches. In this figure, column-and-row generation using all enhancements demonstrates runtimes that
are 27.01% shorter on average when compared to the standard column generation approach. Comparing
this result to the standard implementation of column-and-row generation, the use of all enhancements
provides a runtime improvement of 15.88%. This is exhibits a significant runtime improvement from the
use of enhancement techniques in the implementation of column-and-row generation.
The results presented in this section demonstrate that the greatest difference in the efficiency of the
solution approaches is the convergence to the integer optimal solution. In each of the figures presented
above, the largest variations in solution runtimes is commonly caused by an increased number of nodes
in the branch-and-bound tree. This effect is observed in a number of results presented in Figure 4,
where the use of enhancement techniques greatly reduces the runtime required to solve the root node
with ineffective branching eroding any gains. For example, the implementation of column-and-row
generation with all enhancements outperforms column generation in the solving time for the root node,
with scenario 1 and 9 being solved 110 and 153 seconds faster respectively. These two scenarios display
the greatest improvement in the root node solving time but the integer optimal solution is found quicker
by column generation. While column-and-row generation achieves an improvement in solution runtimes,
these results demonstrate that greater reductions can be achieved through more effective branching
Analysis of recovery statistics
The composition of the recovery policies in the solution to the IRP greatly affects passenger satisfaction
and the acceptability to the operations control centre. The main recovery policies that are implemented
for the IRP are flight delays and cancellations and the crew specific policies of deadheading and the use
of reserve crew. Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate the use of each of these recovery policies in the solutions
achieved by column generation and column-and-row generation for the two considered flight schedules.
Since both the column generation and column-and-row generation solution approaches are solved to
within an optimality gap of 1% for most scenarios, very little difference between the solutions is observed.
This is demonstrated in Figures 5 and 6 with only subtle variations in the use of the reported recovery
policies. The largest difference is observed for Scenario 8 in Figure 6, which is a consequence of column
generation being unable to solve the IRP to integral optimality within the maximum runtime. It is also
important to note that scenario 0 in Figure 5 is not solved to optimality by column generation, therefore
the recovery solution is expected to present a greater use of recovery policies compared to generating
Recovery solution statistics for the F262-A20 dataset
Deadheaded crew
Scenario Number
Figure 5: Comparison of recovery solution statistics from the column generation and column-and-row
generation solutions using the F262-A20 schedule. The left axis is related to the flight statistics and the
right axis is related to crew specific recovery policies.
recovered crew duties and aircraft routes.
The most significant difference in the solutions presented in Figure 5 is given by the number of
deadheaded crew. The column generation solution requires more deadheading crew than the column-
and-row generation solution in four of the scenarios examined compared to two in the reverse. A feature
of the solution approaches affecting the composition of recovery policies is related to the construction
of flight strings for the SRMP IRP  and RMP IRP  . Since the SRMP IRP  contains less rows than the
RMP IRP  throughout the solution process, there are many columns that are initially not permissible in
the column-and-row generation approach. This results in feasible integer solutions with minimal delay,
hence requiring the use of alternative recovery policies, being added to the solution pool in the column-
and-row generation approach. Consequently, the different sets of columns and feasible solutions found
during the solving process can impact upon the composition of recovery actions in the optimal solution.
Recovery solution statistics for the F441-A32 dataset
Deadheaded crew
Scenario Number
Figure 6: Comparison of recovery solution statistics from the column generation and column-and-row
generation solutions using the F441-A32 schedule. The left axis is related to the flight statistics and the
right axis is related to crew specific recovery policies.
Figure 6 greatly emphasises the similarities between the solutions achieved by column generation and
column-and-row generation. This little difference is the result of the IRP being solved to a 0% optimality
gap at the root node in the majority of experiments for the F441-A32 schedule. Both column generation
and column-and-row generation are exact solution approaches, so the results presented in Figure 6 are
not surprising. The most interesting result is in Scenario 8, where the recovery statistics for the column
generation result exhibits a large percentage of cancelled flights. Since column-and-row generation solves
the IRP faster than standard column generation on average, the former solution approach is expected
to provide a better solution quality in shorter runtimes.
Finally, reserve crew are a valuable resource for an airline, however there is a limitation to their
use across a full scheduling period. It is important to manage the number of reserve crew that are
employed to operate a disrupted schedule to ensure their availability for subsequent days. Figures 5 and
6 demonstrate that the modelling approach used for the IRP results in the very little use of reserve crew
during recovery. This is an important result that allows the practical management of the reserve crew
resource. Additionally, it is trivial to modify the model to limit the number of reserve crew that are
available for each disruption.
This paper presents an alternative approach to solving the integrated airline recovery problem by imple-
menting column-and-row generation. The integrated recovery problem is a very large and computation-
ally difficult problem for which there have been many attempts to develop efficient solution methods. A
general framework for column-and-row generation has been developed as an alternative exact solution
method to Benders’ decomposition and approximation techniques. The use of column-and-row genera-
tion to solve the IRP has been demonstrated here as a superior approach in regards to solution runtime
and quality compared to column generation.
The column-and-row generation framework developed in this paper is an extension of Muter  et
al.  [26]. The extensions of this framework are the consideration of multiple secondary variables and
linking constraints, providing a wider applicability of the solution approach. Further extending the
analysis of the framework by Muter  et al.  [26], an explicit evaluation of column-and-row generation
against a standard column generation approach is performed. As a result of this evaluation, a number of
enhancement techniques have been developed that may be applied to general column-and-row generation
implementations. In particular, it is demonstrated that the addition of extra rows during the row
generation procedure and the use of a warm-up period achieves the greatest improvement for the column-
and-row generation approach when implemented in combination. The evaluation performed in this paper
demonstrates the ability of column-and-row generation to improve upon the solution runtimes achieved
by column generation. Finally, this paper details the integration of column-and-row generation and
branch-and-price, which has not previously been published.
A motivation for applying column-and-row generation to solve the IRP is to reduce solution runtimes.
The results in Section 5 demonstrate that across the majority of the experiments, column-and-row gen-
eration outperforms column generation in solution runtime and quality. The improvement in runtimes
is observed through a decrease in the time required for each LP solve in the column-and-row generation
procedure. The number of flight copies and the length of the recovery window has a direct effect on
the size of the IRP, impacting the solution runtimes. The results demonstrate that as the problem
size increases, column-and-row generation still achieves significant improvements over a standard col-
umn generation approach. The improvements achieved through the use of column-and-row generation
demonstrate a practical solution approach for the integrated recovery problem.
Column-and-row generation provides a direct solution approach for the IRP that achieves near op-
timal solutions within the desired time-frame. This is a significant improvement on alternative solution
approaches where integral optimality is not guaranteed, such as Benders’ decomposition. Further, at
each iteration of the column-and-row generation approach the optimal solution to the SRMP provides
an upper bound on the original problem. This is a significant advantage of this approach, permitting
the early termination of the solution algorithm.
There are two directions for future work on the integrated recovery problem solved using column-and-
row generation. Firstly, the integrated recovery problem presented here integrates the schedule, aircraft
and crew recovery problems, however more detailed solutions for the complete recovery problem can be
achieved through further integration. The integration of passenger considerations in the IRP will aid in
reducing the impact of recovery on passengers. Secondly, while the use of column-and-row generation
improves upon the solution quality and runtime when compared to the standard column generation
approach, it is likely that additional enhancements can ameliorate these even further. Research into the
selection of rows during the row generation procedure is expected to aid in reducing the runtime for the
column-and-row generation solution approach.
SJM would like to thank Gary Froyland for discussing concepts presented in this paper and providing
insight to the problem.
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