在信息检索中,Bag of words model 假定对于一个文本,忽略其词序和语法,句法,将其仅仅看做是一个词的集合,或者说是词的一个组合,文本中每个词的出现都是独立的,不依赖于其他词是否出现,或者说当这篇文章的作者在任意一个位置选择一个词汇都不受前面句子的影响而独立选择,通过单词计数来构建文档直方图向量,从而建立文档索引。
Fei-fei Li 提出用BoW模型表达图像的方法,他们认为图像可以类比为文档(document), 图像中的单词(words)可以定义为一个图像块(image patch)的特征向量,那么图像的BoW模型即是 “图像中所有图像块的特征向量得到的直方图”。这就转变成了现有一幅图像的基础上对已有的码本(codebook)上进行投票的过程,投票结果与数据库里某图像投票结果越接近,则认为两幅图像的关联程度越高。
在BoW模型中,不同单词对文本检索的贡献有差异,一些跟主题不相关的词可能占据较大的比重,例如介词、代词(“这”、“和”、“是”),而这些词对主题的检索几乎没有作用。这种词我们称为停止词(Stop Word),表明在度量相关性时不考虑它们的频率。为排除停止词对索引结果的影响,可采用TF-IDF的策略,通常是一个单词的重要性与它在文档中出现次数成正比,与它在数据集中出现的频率成反比:
单词w在文档d中的词频 —— tfw,d = nw / ∑j nj ,(nw为单词出现次数)
逆向文档频率 —— idfw,d = log( |(D)|/ |{ d:w ∈ d }|) ,|(D)|是数据集D中文档数目,|{ d:w ∈ d }|则是数据集中包含单词w的文档数d。
将 tf 和 idf 相乘可得矢量对应单词的权重,这个权重满足:
这里k-means聚类时 voc.train 方法中可以自定义不同数量的聚类中心和子采样个数,针对不同数据集可进行调优
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.imagesearch import vocabulary
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
for i in range(nbr_images):
sift.process_image(imlist[i], featlist[i])
voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary('ukbenchtest')
voc.train(featlist, 1000, 10)
# saving vocabulary
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(voc, f)
print ('vocabulary is:', voc.name, voc.nbr_words)
pip install PyQt5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.imagesearch import imagesearch
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
# load vocabulary
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'rb') as f:
voc = pickle.load(f)
indx = imagesearch.Indexer('testImaAdd.db',voc)
# go through all images, project features on vocabulary and insert
for i in range(nbr_images)[:1000]:
locs,descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[i])
# commit to database
con = sqlite.connect('testImaAdd.db')
print (con.execute('select count (filename) from imlist').fetchone())
print (con.execute('select * from imlist').fetchone())
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pickle
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
from PCV.imagesearch import imagesearch
from PCV.geometry import homography
from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
# load image list and vocabulary
imlist = get_imlist('first1000/')
nbr_images = len(imlist)
featlist = [imlist[i][:-3]+'sift' for i in range(nbr_images)]
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'rb') as f:
voc = pickle.load(f)
src = imagesearch.Searcher('testImaAdd.db',voc)
# index of query image and number of results to return
q_ind = 0
nbr_results = 20
# regular query
# 常规查询(按欧式距离对结果排序)
res_reg = [w[1] for w in src.query(imlist[q_ind])[:nbr_results]]
print ('top matches (regular):', res_reg)
# load image features for query image
q_locs,q_descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[q_ind])
fp = homography.make_homog(q_locs[:,:2].T)
# RANSAC model for homography fitting
model = homography.RansacModel()
rank = {}
# load image features for result
for ndx in res_reg[1:]:
locs,descr = sift.read_features_from_file(featlist[ndx]) # because 'ndx' is a rowid of the DB that starts at 1
# get matches
matches = sift.match(q_descr,descr)
ind = matches.nonzero()[0]
ind2 = matches[ind]
tp = homography.make_homog(locs[:,:2].T)
# compute homography, count inliers. if not enough matches return empty list
H,inliers = homography.H_from_ransac(fp[:,ind],tp[:,ind2],model,match_theshold=4)
inliers = []
# store inlier count
rank[ndx] = len(inliers)
# sort dictionary to get the most inliers first
sorted_rank = sorted(rank.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
res_geom = [res_reg[0]]+[s[0] for s in sorted_rank]
print ('top matches (homography):', res_geom)
# 显示查询结果
imagesearch.plot_results(src,res_reg[:8]) #常规查询
imagesearch.plot_results(src,res_geom[:8]) #重排后的结果
需要安装 cherrypy ,可用 pip 直接安装:
pip install cherrypy
service.conf 配置文件:
因此第二部分中 tools.staticdir.root 要定位到文件夹绝对路径下:
server.socket_host = ""
server.socket_port = 8080
server.thread_pool = 50
tools.sessions.on = True
tools.staticdir.root = ""
tools.staticdir.on = True
tools.staticdir.dir = ""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cherrypy
import pickle
import urllib
import os
from numpy import *
#from PCV.tools.imtools import get_imlist
from PCV.imagesearch import imagesearch
import random
This is the image search demo in Section 7.6.
class SearchDemo:
def __init__(self):
# 载入图像列表
self.path = 'first1000/'
#self.path = 'D:/python_web/isoutu/first500/'
self.imlist = [os.path.join(self.path,f) for f in os.listdir(self.path) if f.endswith('.jpg')]
#self.imlist = get_imlist('./first500/')
#self.imlist = get_imlist('E:/python/isoutu/first500/')
self.nbr_images = len(self.imlist)
print (self.imlist)
print (self.nbr_images)
self.ndx = list(range(self.nbr_images))
print (self.ndx)
# 载入词汇
# f = open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl', 'rb')
with open('first1000/vocabulary.pkl','rb') as f:
self.voc = pickle.load(f)
# 显示搜索返回的图像数
self.maxres = 10
# header and footer html
self.header = """
Image search
self.footer = """