单应性变换是将一个平面内的点映射到另一个平面内的二维投影变换。在这里,平面是指图像或者三维中的平面表示。单应性变换具有很强的实用性,比如图像配准,图像纠正和纹理扭曲,以及创建全景图像,我们将频繁的使用单应性变换。本质上,单应性变换H,按照下面的方程映射二维中的点(齐次坐标意义下): [ x ′ y ′ w ′ ] = [ h 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 ] [ x y z ] \begin{bmatrix} x^{'} \\ y^{'} \\ w^{'}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}h_1 & h_2 & h_3 \\ h_4 & h_5 & h_6 \\ h_7 & h_8 & h_9\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y \\ z\end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡x′y′w′⎦⎤=⎣⎡h1h4h7h2h5h8h3h6h9⎦⎤⎣⎡xyz⎦⎤或者 x ′ = H x x^{'}=Hx x′=Hx对于图像平面内(甚至是三维中的点,后面我们会介绍到)的点,齐次坐标是个非常有用的表示方式。点的齐次坐标是依赖于其尺度定义的,所以,x=[x,y,w]=[ax,ay,aw]=[x/w,y/w,1]都表示同一个二维点。因此,单应性矩阵H也仅依赖尺度定义,所以,单应性矩阵具有8个独立的自由度。我们通常使用w=1来归一化点,这样,点具有唯一的图像坐标x和y。这个额外的坐标是的我们可以简单地使用一个矩阵来表示变换。
def normallize(points):
for row in points:
row /= points[-1]
return points
def make_homog(points):
return vstack((points,ones((1, points.shape[1]))))
在这些投影变换中,有一些特别重要的变换。比如,仿射变换: [ x ′ y ′ 1 ] = [ a 1 a 2 t x a 3 a 4 t y 0 0 1 ] [ x y 1 ] \begin{bmatrix}x^{'} \\ y^{'} \\ 1\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & a_2 & t_x \\ a_3 & a_4 & t_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y \\ 1\end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡x′y′1⎦⎤=⎣⎡a1a30a2a40txty1⎦⎤⎣⎡xy1⎦⎤或 x ′ = [ A t 0 1 ] x x^{'}=\begin{bmatrix}A & t \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}x x′=[A0t1]x保持了w=1,不具有投影变换所具有的强大变形能力,反射变换包括一个可逆矩阵A和一个平移向量t=[tx,ty]。仿射变换可以用于很多应用,比如图像扭曲。
相似变换: [ x ′ y ′ 1 ] = [ s cos ( θ ) − s sin ( θ ) t x s sin ( θ ) s cos ( θ ) t y 0 0 1 ] [ x y 1 ] \begin{bmatrix}x^{'} \\ y^{'} \\ 1\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}s\cos(\theta) & -s\sin(\theta) & t_x \\ s\sin(\theta) & s\cos(\theta) & t_y \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x \\ y \\ 1\end{bmatrix} ⎣⎡x′y′1⎦⎤=⎣⎡scos(θ)ssin(θ)0−ssin(θ)scos(θ)0txty1⎦⎤⎣⎡xy1⎦⎤或 x ′ = [ s R t 0 1 ] x x^{'}=\begin{bmatrix}sR & t \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}x x′=[sR0t1]x是一个包含尺度变化的二维刚体变换。上式中的向量s指定了变换的尺度,R是角度为θ的旋转矩阵,t=[tx,ty]在这里也是一个平移向量。如果s=1,那么该变换能够保持距离不变。此时,变换称为刚体变换。相似变换可以用于很多应用,比如图像配准。
DLT(Direct Linear Transformation,直接线性变换)是给定4个点或者更多对应点对矩阵,来计算单应性矩阵H的算法。将单应性矩阵H作用在对应点上,重新写出该方程,我们可以得到下面的方程: [ − x 1 − y 1 − 1 0 0 0 x 1 x 1 ′ y 1 x 1 ′ x 1 ′ 0 0 0 − x 1 − y 1 − 1 x 1 y 1 ′ y 1 y 1 ′ y 1 ′ − x 2 − y 2 − 1 0 0 0 x 2 x 2 ′ y 2 x 2 ′ x 2 ′ 0 0 0 − x 2 − y 2 − 1 x 2 y 2 ′ y 2 y 2 ′ y 2 ′ . . . . . . . . . . . . ] [ h 1 h 2 h 3 h 4 h 5 h 6 h 7 h 8 h 9 ] = 0 \begin{bmatrix} -x_1& -y_1&-1& 0&0&0&x_1x_1^{'}&y_1x_1^{'}&x_1^{'} \\ 0&0&0&-x_1&-y_1&-1&x_1y_1{'}&y_1y_1{'}&y_1^{'} \\ -x_2&-y_2&-1&0&0&0&x_2x_2^{'}&y_2x_2^{'}&x_2^{'} \\ 0&0&0&-x_2&-y_2&-1&x_2y_2^{'}&y_2y_2^{'}&y_2^{'} \\ &...&&...&&...&&... \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}h_1 \\ h_2\\ h_3\\ h_4 \\ h_5\\h_6\\ h_7\\ h_8\\ h_9\end{bmatrix}=0 ⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎡−x10−x20−y10−y20...−10−100−x10−x2...0−y10−y20−10−1...x1x1′x1y1′x2x2′x2y2′y1x1′y1y1′y2x2′y2y2′...x1′y1′x2′y2′⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎤⎣⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎡h1h2h3h4h5h6h7h8h9⎦⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎤=0或者Ah=0,其中A是一个具有对应点对二倍数量行数的矩阵。将这些对应点对方程的系数堆叠到一个矩阵红,我们可以使用SVD算法找到H的最小二乘解。下面是算法代码:
def H_from_points(fp, tp):
if fp.shape != tp.shape:
raise RuntimeError('number of points do not match')
# 对点进行归一化(对数值计算很重要)
# --- 映射起始点 ---
m = mean(fp[:2], axis=1)
maxstd = max(std(fp[:2], axis=1)) + 1e-9
C1 = diag([1/maxstd, 1/maxstd, 1])
C1[0][2] = -m[0]/maxstd
C1[1][2] = -m[1]/maxstd
fp = dot(C1,fp)
# --- 映射对应点 ---
m = mean(tp[:2], axis=1)
maxstd = max(std(tp[:2], axis=1)) + 1e-9
C2 = diag([1 / maxstd, 1 / maxstd, 1])
C2[0][2] = -m[0] / maxstd
C2[1][2] = -m[1] / maxstd
tp = dot(C2, tp)
# 创建用于线性方法的矩阵,对于每个对应对,在矩阵中会出现两行数值
nbr_correspondences = fp.shape[1]
A = zeros((2 * nbr_correspondences, 9))
for i in range(nbr_correspondences):
A[2*i] = [-fp[0][i], -fp[1][i],-1,0,0,0,
A[2*i+1] = [0,0,0,-fp[0][i],-fp[1][i],-1,
U,S,V = linalg.svd(A)
H = V[8].reshape((3,3))
H = dot(linalg.inv(C2),dot(H,C1))
return H / H[2,2]
def Haffine_from_points(fp, tp):
if fp.shape != tp.shape:
raise RuntimeError('number of points do not match')
# 对点进行归一化(对数值计算很重要)
# --- 映射起始点 ---
m = mean(fp[:2], axis=1)
maxstd = max(std(fp[:2], axis=1)) + 1e-9
C1 = diag([1 / maxstd, 1 / maxstd, 1])
C1[0][2] = -m[0] / maxstd
C1[1][2] = -m[1] / maxstd
fp_cond = dot(C1, fp)
# --- 映射对应点 ---
m = mean(tp[:2], axis=1)
C2 = C1.copy() # 两个点集,必须都进行相同的缩放
C2[0][2] = -m[0] / maxstd
C2[1][2] = -m[1] / maxstd
tp_cond = dot(C2, tp)
# 因为归一化后点的均值为0,所以平移量为0
A = concatenate((fp_cond[:2],tp_cond[:2]), axis=0)
U,S,V = linalg.svd(A.T)
# 如Hartley和Zisserman著的Multiplr View Geometry In Computer,Scond Edition所示,
# 创建矩阵B和C
tmp = V[:2].T
B = tmp[:2]
C = tmp[2:4]
tmp2 = concatenate((dot(C,linalg.pinv(8)), zeros((2,1))), axis=1)
H = vstack((tmp2,[0,0,1]))
# 反归一化
H = dot(linalg.inv(C2),dot(H,C1))
return H / H[2,2]
im = array(Image.open('D:\\123\图像处理\Image Processing\Image Processing\\raccoon.jpg').convert('L'))
H = array([[1.4,0.05,-100],[0.05,1.5,-100],[0,0,1]])
im2 = ndimage.affine_transform(im, H[:2,:2],(H[0,2],H[1,2]))
def image_in_image(im1, im2, tp):
# 扭曲的点
m,n = im1.shape[:2]
fp = array([0,m,m,0],[0,0,n,n],[1,1,1,1])
# 计算仿射变换,并且将其应用于图像im1中
H = homography.Haffine_from_points(tp, fp)
im1_t = ndimage.affine_transform(im1,H[:2,:2],
alpha = (im1_t > 0)
return (1-alpha)*im2 + alpha*im1_t
im1 = array(Image.open('D:\\123\图像处理\Image Processing\Image Processing\jimei3.jpg').convert('L'))
im2 = array(Image.open('D:\\123\图像处理\Image Processing\Image Processing\\raccoon.jpg').convert('L'))
# 选定一些目标点
tp = array([[264, 538, 540, 264], [40, 36, 605, 605], [1, 1, 1, 1]])
im3 = image_in_image(im1, im2, tp)
import numpy as np
import cv2
def sift_kp(image):
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d_SIFT_create()
kp, des = sift.detectAndCompute(image, None)
kp_image = cv2.drawKeypoints(gray_image, kp, None)
return kp_image, kp, des
def get_good_match(des1, des2):
bf = cv2.BFMatcher()
matches = bf.knnMatch(des1, des2, k=2)
good = []
for m, n in matches:
if m.distance < 0.75 * n.distance:
return good
def siftImageAlignment(img1, img2):
_, kp1, des1 = sift_kp(img1)
_, kp2, des2 = sift_kp(img2)
goodMatch = get_good_match(des1, des2)
if len(goodMatch) > 4:
ptsA = np.float32([kp1[m.queryIdx].pt for m in goodMatch]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
ptsB = np.float32([kp2[m.trainIdx].pt for m in goodMatch]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)
ransacReprojThreshold = 4
H, status = cv2.findHomography(ptsA, ptsB, cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold);
# 其中H为求得的单应性矩阵矩阵
# status则返回一个列表来表征匹配成功的特征点。
# ptsA,ptsB为关键点
# cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold这两个参数与RANSAC有关
imgOut = cv2.warpPerspective(img2, H, (img1.shape[1], img1.shape[0]),
return imgOut, H, status
if __name__=='__main__':
img1 = cv2.imread('D:\Image\mona_source.png')
img2 = cv2.imread('D:\Image\mona_target.png')
while img1.shape[0] > 1000 or img1.shape[1] > 1000:
img1 = cv2.resize(img1, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
while img2.shape[0] > 1000 or img2.shape[1] > 1000:
img2 = cv2.resize(img2, None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
result, _, _ = siftImageAlignment(img1, img2)
allImg = np.concatenate((img1, img2, result), axis=1)
cv2.namedWindow('1', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.namedWindow('2', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.namedWindow('Result', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imshow('1', img1)
cv2.imshow('2', img2)
cv2.imshow('Result', result)
# cv2.imshow('Result',allImg)
if cv2.waitKey(200000) & 0xff == ord('q'):
PANSAC是“RANdom SAmple Consensus”(随机一致性采样)的缩写。该方法是用来找到正确模型来拟合带有噪声数据的迭代方法。给定一个模型,例如点集之间的单应性矩阵,RANSAC基本的思想是,数据中包含着正确的点和噪声点,合理的模型应该能够在描述正确数据点的同时摒弃噪声点。
data —— 一组观测数据
model —— 适应于数据的模型
n —— 适用于模型的最少数据个数
k —— 算法的迭代次数
t —— 用于决定数据是否适应于模型的阀值
d —— 判定模型是否适用于数据集的数据数目
best_model —— 跟数据最匹配的模型参数(如果没有找到好的模型,返回null)
best_consensus_set —— 估计出模型的数据点
best_error —— 跟数据相关的估计出的模型错误
iterations = 0
best_model = null
best_consensus_set = null
best_error = 无穷大
while ( iterations < k )
maybe_inliers = 从数据集中随机选择n个点
maybe_model = 适合于maybe_inliers的模型参数
consensus_set = maybe_inliers
for ( 每个数据集中不属于maybe_inliers的点 )
if ( 如果点适合于maybe_model,且错误小于t )
if ( consensus_set中的元素数目大于d )
better_model = 适合于consensus_set中所有点的模型参数
this_error = better_model究竟如何适合这些点的度量
if ( this_error < best_error )
best_model = better_model
best_consensus_set = consensus_set
best_error = this_error
返回 best_model, best_consensus_set, best_error
import numpy
import scipy # use numpy if scipy unavailable
import scipy.linalg # use numpy if scipy unavailable
def ransac(data, model, n, k, t, d, debug=False, return_all=False):
"""fit model parameters to data using the RANSAC algorithm
This implementation written from pseudocode found at
data - a set of observed data points
model - a model that can be fitted to data points
n - the minimum number of data values required to fit the model
k - the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm
t - a threshold value for determining when a data point fits a model
d - the number of close data values required to assert that a model fits well to data
bestfit - model parameters which best fit the data (or nil if no good model is found)
iterations = 0
bestfit = nil
besterr = something really large
while iterations < k {
maybeinliers = n randomly selected values from data
maybemodel = model parameters fitted to maybeinliers
alsoinliers = empty set
for every point in data not in maybeinliers {
if point fits maybemodel with an error smaller than t
add point to alsoinliers
if the number of elements in alsoinliers is > d {
% this implies that we may have found a good model
% now test how good it is
bettermodel = model parameters fitted to all points in maybeinliers and alsoinliers
thiserr = a measure of how well model fits these points
if thiserr < besterr {
bestfit = bettermodel
besterr = thiserr
increment iterations
return bestfit
iterations = 0
bestfit = None
besterr = numpy.inf
best_inlier_idxs = None
while iterations < k:
maybe_idxs, test_idxs = random_partition(n, data.shape[0])
maybeinliers = data[maybe_idxs, :]
test_points = data[test_idxs]
maybemodel = model.fit(maybeinliers)
test_err = model.get_error(test_points, maybemodel)
also_idxs = test_idxs[test_err < t] # select indices of rows with accepted points
alsoinliers = data[also_idxs, :]
if debug:
print 'test_err.min()', test_err.min()
print 'test_err.max()', test_err.max()
print 'numpy.mean(test_err)', numpy.mean(test_err)
print 'iteration %d:len(alsoinliers) = %d' % (
iterations, len(alsoinliers))
if len(alsoinliers) > d:
betterdata = numpy.concatenate((maybeinliers, alsoinliers))
bettermodel = model.fit(betterdata)
better_errs = model.get_error(betterdata, bettermodel)
thiserr = numpy.mean(better_errs)
if thiserr < besterr:
bestfit = bettermodel
besterr = thiserr
best_inlier_idxs = numpy.concatenate((maybe_idxs, also_idxs))
iterations += 1
if bestfit is None:
raise ValueError("did not meet fit acceptance criteria")
if return_all:
return bestfit, {'inliers': best_inlier_idxs}
return bestfit
def random_partition(n, n_data):
"""return n random rows of data (and also the other len(data)-n rows)"""
all_idxs = numpy.arange(n_data)
idxs1 = all_idxs[:n]
idxs2 = all_idxs[n:]
return idxs1, idxs2
class LinearLeastSquaresModel:
"""linear system solved using linear least squares
This class serves as an example that fulfills the model interface
needed by the ransac() function.
def __init__(self, input_columns, output_columns, debug=False):
self.input_columns = input_columns
self.output_columns = output_columns
self.debug = debug
def fit(self, data):
A = numpy.vstack([data[:, i] for i in self.input_columns]).T
B = numpy.vstack([data[:, i] for i in self.output_columns]).T
x, resids, rank, s = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A, B)
return x
def get_error(self, data, model):
A = numpy.vstack([data[:, i] for i in self.input_columns]).T
B = numpy.vstack([data[:, i] for i in self.output_columns]).T
B_fit = scipy.dot(A, model)
err_per_point = numpy.sum((B - B_fit) ** 2, axis=1) # sum squared error per row
return err_per_point
def test():
# generate perfect input data
n_samples = 500
n_inputs = 1
n_outputs = 1
A_exact = 20 * numpy.random.random((n_samples, n_inputs))
perfect_fit = 60 * numpy.random.normal(size=(n_inputs, n_outputs)) # the model
B_exact = scipy.dot(A_exact, perfect_fit)
assert B_exact.shape == (n_samples, n_outputs)
# add a little gaussian noise (linear least squares alone should handle this well)
A_noisy = A_exact + numpy.random.normal(size=A_exact.shape)
B_noisy = B_exact + numpy.random.normal(size=B_exact.shape)
if 1:
# add some outliers
n_outliers = 100
all_idxs = numpy.arange(A_noisy.shape[0])
outlier_idxs = all_idxs[:n_outliers]
non_outlier_idxs = all_idxs[n_outliers:]
A_noisy[outlier_idxs] = 20 * numpy.random.random((n_outliers, n_inputs))
B_noisy[outlier_idxs] = 50 * numpy.random.normal(size=(n_outliers, n_outputs))
# setup model
all_data = numpy.hstack((A_noisy, B_noisy))
input_columns = range(n_inputs) # the first columns of the array
output_columns = [n_inputs + i for i in range(n_outputs)] # the last columns of the array
debug = True
model = LinearLeastSquaresModel(input_columns, output_columns, debug=debug)
linear_fit, resids, rank, s = numpy.linalg.lstsq(all_data[:, input_columns], all_data[:, output_columns])
# run RANSAC algorithm
ransac_fit, ransac_data = ransac(all_data, model,
5, 5000, 7e4, 50, # misc. parameters
debug=debug, return_all=True)
if 1:
import pylab
sort_idxs = numpy.argsort(A_exact[:, 0])
A_col0_sorted = A_exact[sort_idxs] # maintain as rank-2 array
if 1:
pylab.plot(A_noisy[:, 0], B_noisy[:, 0], 'k.', label='data')
pylab.plot(A_noisy[ransac_data['inliers'], 0], B_noisy[ransac_data['inliers'], 0], 'bx',
label='RANSAC data')
pylab.plot(A_noisy[non_outlier_idxs, 0], B_noisy[non_outlier_idxs, 0], 'k.', label='noisy data')
pylab.plot(A_noisy[outlier_idxs, 0], B_noisy[outlier_idxs, 0], 'r.', label='outlier data')
pylab.plot(A_col0_sorted[:, 0],
numpy.dot(A_col0_sorted, ransac_fit)[:, 0],
label='RANSAC fit')
pylab.plot(A_col0_sorted[:, 0],
numpy.dot(A_col0_sorted, perfect_fit)[:, 0],
label='exact system')
pylab.plot(A_col0_sorted[:, 0],
nu mpy.dot(A_col0_sorted, linear_fit)[:, 0],
label='linear fit')
if __name__ == '__main__':
我们在任何模型中都可以使用 RANSAC 模块。在使用 RANSAC 模块时,我们只需要在相应 Python 类中实现 fit() 和 get_error() 方法,剩下就是正确地使用 ransac.py,我们这里使用可能的对应点集来自动找到用于全景图像的单应性矩阵。下面是使用SIFT特征自动找到匹配对应。
featname = ['Univ'+str(i+1)+'.sift' for i in range(5)]
imname = ['Univ'+str(i+1)+'.jpg' for i in range(5)]
im = [array(Image.open(imname[i]).convert('L')) for i in range(5)]
l = {}
d = {}
for i in range(5):
# process_image(imname[i], featname[i])
l[i],d[i] = read_features_from_file(featname[i])
matches = {}
for i in range(4):
matches[i] = match(d[i+1], d[i])
for i in range(4):
plot_matches(im[i+1], im[i], l[i+1], l[i], matches[i], show_below=True)
from pylab import *
from numpy import *
from PIL import Image
# If you have PCV installed, these imports should work
from PCV.geometry import homography, warp
from PCV.localdescriptors import sift
# 将匹配转换成齐次坐标点的函数
def convert_points(j):
ndx = matches[j].nonzero()[0]
fp = homography.make_homog(l[j + 1][ndx, :2].T)
ndx2 = [int(matches[j][i]) for i in ndx]
tp = homography.make_homog(l[j][ndx2, :2].T)
# switch x and y - TODO this should move elsewhere
fp = vstack([fp[1], fp[0], fp[2]])
tp = vstack([tp[1], tp[0], tp[2]])
return fp, tp
if __name__=='__main__':
featname = ['Univ' + str(i + 1) + '.sift' for i in range(5)]
imname = ['Univ' + str(i + 1) + '.jpg' for i in range(5)]
im = [array(Image.open(imname[i]).convert('L')) for i in range(5)]
l = {}
d = {}
for i in range(5):
# process_image(imname[i], featname[i])
l[i], d[i] = sift.read_features_from_file(featname[i])
matches = {}
for i in range(4):
matches[i] = sift.match(d[i + 1], d[i])
# figure()
# gray()
# for i in range(4):
# sift.plot_matches(im[i + 1], im[i], l[i + 1], l[i], matches[i], show_below=True)
# figure()
# show()
# 估计单应性矩阵
model = homography.RansacModel()
fp, tp = convert_points(1)
H_12 = homography.H_from_ransac(fp, tp, model)[0] # im 1 to 2
fp, tp = convert_points(0)
H_01 = homography.H_from_ransac(fp, tp, model)[0] # im 0 to 1
tp, fp = convert_points(2) # NB: reverse order
H_32 = homography.H_from_ransac(fp, tp, model)[0] # im 3 to 2
tp, fp = convert_points(3) # NB: reverse order
H_43 = homography.H_from_ransac(fp, tp, model)[0] # im 4 to 3
# 扭曲图像
delta = 2000 # for padding and translation用于填充和平移
im1 = array(Image.open(imname[1]), "uint8")
im2 = array(Image.open(imname[2]), "uint8")
im_12 = warp.panorama(H_12,im1,im2,delta,delta)
im1 = array(Image.open(imname[0]), "f")
im_02 = warp.panorama(dot(H_12,H_01),im1,im_12,delta,delta)
im1 = array(Image.open(imname[3]), "f")
im_32 = warp.panorama(H_32,im1,im_02,delta,delta)
im1 = array(Image.open(imname[4]), "f")
im_42 = warp.panorama(dot(H_32,H_43),im1,im_32,delta,2*delta)
imshow(array(im_42, "uint8"))
这里我没有使用书上给的源码,使用了PVC,其中由于PVC的包中很多是跟Python2所兼容的可以会出一些错误,比如print变为print()。这里如果遇到提示如 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘matplotlib.delaunay’。解决方法如下:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42648848/article/details/88667243