POJ 1001-Exponentiation,测试用例及本人未优化代码

Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems. 

This problem requires that you write a program to compute the exact value of Rn where R is a real number ( 0.0 < R < 99.999 ) and n is an integer such that 0 < n <= 25.


95.123 12
0.4321 20
5.1234 15
6.7592  9
98.999 10
1.0100 12
.00001  1
.12345  1
0001.1  1
1.1000  1
10.000  1
000.10  1
000000  1
000.00  1
.00000  0
000010  1
000.10  1
0000.1  1
00.111  1

0.0001  1
0.0001  3
0.0010  1
0.0010  3
0.0100  1
0.0100  3
0.1000  1
0.1000  3
1.0000  1
1.0000  3
1.0001  1
1.0001  3
1.0010  1
1.0010  3
1.0100  1
1.0100  3
1.1000  1
1.1000  3
10.000  1
10.000  3
10.001  1
10.001  3
10.010  1
10.010  3
10.100  1
10.100  3
99.000  1
99.000  3
99.001  1
99.001  3
99.010  1
99.010  3
99.100  1
99.100  3
99.998  1
99.998  3
注意 结果的前后零都不能有,但允许出现 .123这样的 但是不能有 1000.这样的 ,就是说小数点可以是第一位,但不能是最后一位。


using namespace std;

string BigMulti(string multiplied, string multiplier)
	int dotIndexMultiplier = multiplier.find(".");
	int dotIndexMultiplied = multiplied.find(".");
	if (dotIndexMultiplied != -1)
		multiplied = multiplied.erase(dotIndexMultiplied, 1);
	if ( dotIndexMultiplier !=-1){
		multiplier = multiplier.erase(dotIndexMultiplier, 1);
	const char * multiplierString = multiplier.c_str();
	const char * multipliedString = multiplied.c_str();
	int multipliedLength = multiplied.length();
	int multiplierLength = multiplier.length();

	int realMultiplierDotIndex = multiplierLength - dotIndexMultiplier ;
	int realMultipliedDotIndex = multipliedLength - dotIndexMultiplied ;

	int realResultDotIndex = realMultipliedDotIndex + realMultiplierDotIndex;

	int sumLength = multipliedLength + multiplierLength;
	int *resultArray = new int[sumLength];
	memset(resultArray, 0, sumLength *sizeof(int));
	for (int i = 0; i < multipliedLength; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < multiplierLength; j++)
		resultArray[i + j + 1] += ((multipliedString[i] - '0')*(multiplierString[j] - '0'));
	for (int resultIndex = sumLength-1; resultIndex>0; resultIndex--)
		resultArray[resultIndex - 1] += resultArray[resultIndex] / 10;
		resultArray[resultIndex] = resultArray[resultIndex]% 10;
	string resultString = string();

	for (int resultIndex = 0; resultIndex < sumLength; resultIndex++)
		if (dotIndexMultiplied !=-1 || dotIndexMultiplier !=-1){
			if (sumLength - resultIndex == realResultDotIndex)
		resultString.push_back(char('0' + resultArray[resultIndex]));

	delete [] resultArray;
	return resultString;

string BigExponention(string base, int exp)
	string result = base;
	for (int i = exp; i > 1; i--)
		result = BigMulti(result, base);
	return result;
int main()
	//DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount(); //取windows启动到现在的流逝时间(毫秒)
	string s = string();
	int n = 0;
	while (cin >> s >> n)
		string result = BigExponention(s, n);
		if (result != string("0"))
		result.erase(0, result.find_first_not_of("0"));
		result.erase(result.find_last_not_of("0") + 1);
		if (result[result.length() - 1] == '.')
		cout << result << "\n";
	//cout << result<<"\n";
	//DWORD dwUsed = GetTickCount() - dwStart; //计算该函数所消耗的时间
	//cout << dwUsed;
