SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted


SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第1张图片
SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第2张图片
SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第3张图片

  Clean up working copy status—-清理工作拷贝状态
  Refresh shell overlays—-清理shell覆盖
  Include externals—-包括外部环境
  Delete unversioned files and folders—-删除未版本化的文件和文件夹
  delete igriored foles and folders—-删除标记的文件夹和文件夹
  revert all changes recursively—-递归地还原所有更改
SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第4张图片
SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第5张图片
SVN——Previous operation has not finished;run 'cleanup' if it was interupted_第6张图片


