The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记10

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记10_第1张图片
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记10_第2张图片

今天开始由private victory个人的胜利进入到public victory公共关系的胜利阶段。如果说习惯1,2,3是让人从依赖dependence到独立independence ,那么习惯4.5.6就是让人由独立independence到互赖interpendence,一种更高级的人际关系。但是在学习public victory这个领域内容之前,我们必须再次明确,高效的人际间的互赖关系interpendence只能建立在真正独立independence的基础之上。

Effective interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence


interdependence互赖不再是单单自己,这就涉及到了我们思维模式的一个改变paradigm-shift,你不能一味的玩弄人际关系的技巧,要想有一个健康的人际关系,首先要管好自己,贵在自知之明,管理好自己 ,懂得自律,这是和他人建立良好公共关机的基础。Public Victory precedes Public Victory.人们都说,爱人之前,先要爱己。如果更深入理解的话,是不是可以这样去想。先要了解自己,控制自己,掌握自己,这样才能去个别人建立良性的人际关系。


The Emotional Bank Account情感账户

为了更为形象的说明这节内容,作者引入了一个很重要的概念The Emotional Bank Account情感账户。我们都知道银行账户就是把钱存进去,作为储蓄,以备不时之需。情感账户里储蓄的是人际关系中不可或缺的信任,是人与人相处时的那份安全感。



理解他人understanding the individual 当你了解对方时,才知道如何得到对对方的信任。 

注意小节attending to the little things

信守承诺keeping commitments 

明确期望clarifying expecations 大多数问题的根源在于对预期的不明确。

正直诚信showing personal integrity 1.对不在场的人保持尊重,这样才能赢得在场人的尊重2. 以同样的原则对待每一个人,人们才会信任你

勇于道歉apologizing sincerely when you make a withdrawal真诚的道歉并不容易,需要有充份的自信及安全感才做得到。

在我们的情感账户里,我们的信条应该是The key is to make constant deposits of unconditional love.另外在人际关系处理上,在互赖关系里面,问题反而是促进和谐的契机P peoblems are PC opportunities.在互赖关系中,问题就代表机会——增加情感账户存款的机会。父母能把孩子身上出现的问题看作联络感情的机会,而不是麻烦和负担,那么两代人之间的关系就会大大改善。


1.sweet-talk   v.~ sb (into sth/into doing sth) (disapproving) to try to persuade sb to do sth by praising them and telling them things they like to hear 对…甜言蜜语;给…灌迷魂汤

I can't believe you let him sweet-talk you into working for him!

bad-mouth v.尤指背后)说…的坏话,指责,诽谤 If someone bad-mouths you, they say unpleasant things about you, especially when you are not there to defend yourself.

Both men continually bad-mouthed each other.

2.project  v. 1.把(情感、想法)投射转移(到他人身上) If you project feelings or ideas on to other people, you imagine that they have the same ideas or feelings as you.

He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her.

2.动词 + 副词或介词短语] to stick out beyond an edge or a surface 突出;外伸;伸出

a building with balconies projecting out over the street

3.~ (yourself) to present sb/sth/yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one that gives a good impression 展现;表现;确立(好印象)

She projects an air of calm self-confidence.

3.lubricate v.1.润滑;加润滑油于 If you lubricate something such as a part of a machine, you put a substance such as oil on it so that it moves smoothly.

Mineral oils are used to lubricate machinery.

2.促进;使顺畅 If you say that something lubricates a particular situation, you mean that it helps things to happen without any problems.

He lubricats the discussions .

4.parachute n降落伞

v.1.(使)空降(指突然从机构外调入) If a person parachutes into an organization or if they are parachuted into it, they are brought in suddenly in order to help it.

a consultant who parachutes into corporations and helps provide strategic thinking

2.(使)跳伞;(使)空降 If a person parachutes or someone parachutes them somewhere, they jump from an aircraft using a parachute.

The pilot was able to parachute to safety.

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