

1.that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man;and a change of circumstance reduces it to very discreet proportions.


「the place he occupies 」这里的place不是“地方”而是指“地位”哦,the place he occupies即指政治家和军人所有的地位。the man当然就是指politician or soldier啦~

「reduces it to very discreet proportions」其中it指代前文提到的greatness字面意思是环境的变迁会减少他们的伟大直到很微小的比例,意思就是指他们的伟大会黯然失色。


2. He disturbs and arrests. The time has passed /when he was an object of ridicule, and it is no longer a mark / of eccentricity to defend or / of perversity to extol him.

「disturbs and arrests」实际上是在形容Charles Strickland的作品。disturb原意是指“打扰”,在这里引申为无法平静;arrest原意是“逮捕”,文中引申表示抓住人心,扣人心弦。

「it」指代后面讲到的to defend or to extol him; 其中「extol」是指to praise something very much赞美,颂扬。后一个分句中 of perversity to extol him前面省略了a mark。


3. and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand faults. I suppose Velasquez was a better painter than El Greco, but custom stales one’s admiration for him: the Cretan, sensual and tragic, proffers the mystery of his soul like a standing sacrifice.


「excuse」在这里的意思是to be or give a good reason for someone's careless or offensive behaviour为…开脱; 给…找理由。再举个例子吧:Nothing can excuse that kind of rudeness. 什么也无法为那种粗鲁行为开脱。


「the Cretan」根据前面的背景知识我们可以知道这就是指出生在Cretan的El Greco啦~这种用法类似于White House指白宫也代表美国政府的用法。

整句大意:如果艺术家赋有独特的性格,尽管他有一千个缺点,我也可以原谅。我料想,委拉斯凯兹是个比埃尔·格列柯更高超的画家,可是由于所见过多,却使我们感到他的绘画有些乏味。而那位克里特岛画家的作品却有一种肉欲和悲剧性的美,仿佛作为永恒的牺牲(standing sacrifice)似地把自己灵魂的秘密呈献(proffer)出来。

从这里我们就能看出来, 毛姆其实是一个很敢说很有趣的人,即使Velazquez画技更高超,但是没个性所以"我"觉得没意思,相反El Greco技术可能没那么好,但胜在画里有内涵啊,所以更得"我"心,和前面说看重personality一致。

4. The artist, painter, poet, or musician, by his decoration, sublime or beautiful, satisfies the esthetic sense; but that is akin to the sexual instinct, and shares its barbarity: he lays before you also the greater gift of himself.

「esthetic sense」指“美感、审美意识”。

「be akin to」 : the very similar to something与某物相似的,与某物类似的。来颗栗子吧:Something akin to panic overwhelmed him.一种类似惊恐的感觉使他不知所措。

这里的「its」 即指前面的sexual instinct, 也就是指“人的性本能”和人的审美意识有相似之处。

整句大意:一个艺术家、画家、诗人或是音乐家,用他的崇高的(sublime)或者美丽的作品(把世界)装点起来(his decoration),满足了人们的审美意识,但这也同人类的性本能不无相似的地方,都有其粗野狂暴的(barbarity)一面。在把作品奉献给世人的同时,艺术家也把他个人的伟大才能呈现到你眼前。

5. it is this which has excited so curious an interest in his life and character.It was / not till four years after Strickland’s death that / Maurice Huret wrote that article in the Mercure de France / which rescued the unknown painter from oblivion and /blazed the trailwhich succeeding writers, with more or less docility, have followed.

「excite」: to cause a particular feeling or reaction引起,激起。大家不要理解为激动了哦~也正是这一点(就是指上一条讲义的内容哦),引起了那么多人对他的生活和性格充满的好奇心和浓厚的兴趣。

「Mercure de France 」1672年以刊登文艺作品为主的《文雅信使报》创刊,1724年改名为《法兰西信使报》, 受外交部资助。另外《公报》 (1762年改名为《法兰西公报》和1665年周刊《学者报》创刊,以介绍国内外新书为目的 (1724年改为月刊,受法国科学院赞助)。这3种官方报纸,直到1789年法国大革命,都是当时法国的主要报纸。第一个which即指Maurice Huret在《法兰西信使报》上发表的文章,这篇文章拯救了一个不知名的画家,使他不致湮没无闻(oblivion and blazed the trail)。

「blazed the trail」表示“开创新道路”(blaze做动词本义“燃烧”,这个搭配本义是把路上面的树木烧掉,因而有一条新路),这里是说Maurice Huret的文章开创了一条新路;「which」引导的从句是修饰「trail」,其中「with much more or less docility」做插入语表示“或多或少都顺从(这条路)”,即“后来的(succeeding)作家或多或少都追随这条路”。言下之意是,都写了类似的文章。



6. But I do not propose to deal with Charles Strickland’s work except in so far as it touches upon his character.

「deal with」: if a book, speech etc deals with a particular subject, it is about that subject涉及,论及,探讨(某个主题)。在这里指“我”不想谈及Charles Strickland的作品除非......

「in so far as 」/ 「in as far as」: to the degree that到…的程度。这里的意思就是,要在什么时候才讨论Charles Strickland的作品呢?那就是在touches upon his character的时候啦~

「touch upon sth」: to mention a particular subject when talking or writing谈及,提及。也可以写作touch on sth. 文中理解为“涉及到(他的性格)”。


7. But I will allow that the critic who has not a practical knowledge of technique is seldom able to say anything /on the subject /of real value, and my ignorance of painting is extreme.

「allow」: accept that something is correct or true, or that something is acceptable according to the rules or law. 承认,接受。大家注意这里allow不是指“允许”哦~

「practical knowledge」即指实际有用的知识。在这里就是说评论家需要有技术或是技巧方面货真价实的知识。


8. a little book which is a charming example of a style, for the most part, less happily cultivated in England than in France.

这句话主要是最后一个分句看起来比较奇怪,其实就是less than的句型哦~ 也可以理解为(the style is) cultivated in England less happily than in France.



9. there began to appear in the magazines of France and America a succession of articles, the reminiscences of one, the appreciation of another, which added to Strickland’s notoriety, and fed without satisfying the curiosity of the public.

「a succession of」: 指“连续的,接踵而至的”。后面的one和another都是指articles。意思是对Charles Strickland各种报道文章接踵而至。

「notoriety」: 值得一提的是notoriety在这里不是我们常见的“臭名昭著”的意思,而是单纯指“远扬的名声,著名人物”。不过这种意思主要是出现在英式英语当中哦~



10. The modern clergyman has acquired in his study of the science /which I believe is called exegesis /an astonishing facility for explaining things away.



「facility」:a natural ability to do something easily and well天赋;才能。这句话中文名可以理解为从解经中学到的本领。

整句大意:当代的教士在研究被称之为《圣经》的诠释--这门学问中都学会了遮掩粉饰(explaining things away)的惊人本领。

11. but the subtlety with which the Rev. Robert Strickland has “interpreted” all the facts in his father’s life / which a dutiful son might find it inconvenient to remember / must surely lead him in the fullness of time to the highest dignities of the Church.

「subtlety」: a thought, idea, or detail that is important but difficult to notice or understand微妙的思想;(想法等中的)细微之处。第一个which即指Robert为父亲的“解释”,即这位牧师儿子的辩解十分微妙~

「dutiful」: doing what you are expected to do and behaving in a loyal and obedient way忠诚的;顺从的。a dutiful son孝顺儿子。inconvenient表示“不方便”,这里是指Mr.Strickland的所有生活事迹对于一个大孝子来说是不方便记住的。第二个which指「all the facts in his father's life」;

「in the fullness of time」: 指“在适当时候”;dignity在这里指“官阶,职位”,即等到时机成熟必将在教会中荣升要职。

整句大意:但Robert Strickland牧师用以“解释”他父亲的生活事迹更显微妙,他全部的生活事迹对于一个大孝子来说可能不容易记住,这个大孝子,在时机成熟时肯定会导致他在教会中荣获要职的。

12. It was a hazardous, though maybe a gallant thing to do, since it is probable that the legend commonly received has had no small share in the growth of Strickland’s reputation; for there are many who have been attracted to his art by the detestation in which they held his character or the compassion with which they regarded his death; and the son’s well-meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father’s admirers.

「hazardous」意思是“危险的,不安全的”。「gallant」指“勇敢的”;即指Robert Strickland为父亲写书重新“诠释”父亲的事迹,是一件危险的事情,但或许也是非常勇敢的。

「share」是指“份额”;「no small share」字面意思是指“不小的份额”,growth of Strickland’s reputation字面意思是“名誉的增长”,言外之意就是指Strickland的成名很大程度上都是因为人们普通接受(commonly received)的传说。

「by the detestation ... regarded his death」是在解释人们被他艺术吸引的原因,是因为人们对他的性格所持有的厌恶,或者是对他的死所有的同情。(而不是牧师儿子“诠释”的那些事情。)

「well-meaning」: intending to be helpful, but not succeeding本意良好的,出于好意的(但不成功),well-meaning efforts就是指写传记这件事;儿子对父亲的遮丑解释虽然出于好意但是并不成功。


13.It is due to no accident that / when one of his most important works, The Woman of Samaria, was sold to Christie’s / shortly after the discussion / which followed the publication of Mr. Strickland’s biography, it fetched £235 / less than it had done nine months before, / when it was bought by the distinguished collector / whose sudden death / had brought it once more under the hammer.

句子开头部分「It is … that」是强调「due to no accident」,表示“这才不是意外…”,什么不是意外呢?我们来看看that后面句子部分;

「The Woman of Samaria」就是在背景部分中解释的那幅画啦(看过故事的同学不要剧透),「shortly after」表示“很快,不久”,即“在讨论开始不久之后,“他最重要的作品(这幅画)被卖到了佳士得拍卖行(Christie)”,那是什么样的讨论呢?

「which followed … biography」,补充说明了前面的「discussion」,即“随着Strickland先生传记出版之后的讨论”;后面的it指代前面提到的画作,「fetch」表示“售得”,即“比起九个月前来说少卖了235英镑”(暗示的一个信息是,九个月前这幅画已经拍卖过了);


14. Perhaps Charles Strickland’s power and originality / would scarcely have sufficed to turn the scale / if the remarkable mythopoeic faculty of mankind / had not brushed aside with impatience a story / which disappointed all its craving for the extraordinary.


「if」前面的部分中,「scarcely」表示“几乎不”,「suffice to do」表示“足够做…”, 「turn the scale」本义是“扭转天平”这里可以理解为“扭转局面”;

在「if」后面的句子当中,「brush aside sth.」表示“移开某物,扔置一旁”,即“如果人类杰出的创造神话的才能当初没有急躁地将这个故事扔置一旁(指代Robert出版他父亲的传记)”。

「which」后面引导的句子是修饰「a story」,其中「crave for sth.」表示“渴求某事”,表示“这个故事让人们对这个非凡的艺术家感到失望”。




discerned( 觉察出 )

circumstance( 境况 )

discreet( 渐少的 )

pompous( 自高自大的 )

rhetorician( 演说家 )[ˌrɛtəˈrɪʃən]

authentic( 真正的 )

tame( 软弱的 )

eccentricity( 古怪 )[ˌɛksɛnˈtrɪsɪti]

perversity( 反常 )

extol( 称赞 )[ɪkˈstoʊl]

adulation( 吹捧 )

capricious( 多变的 )

disparagement( 贬低 )[dɪ'spærɪdʒmənt]

detractors( 诋毁者 )

singular( 独特的 )

stales( 使乏味 )

sensual( 感性的 )

proffers( 拿出 )

sublime( 崇高的 )

esthetic( 审美的 )[ɛsˈθɛtɪk]

akin( 相似的 )

barbarity( 粗鄙 )[bɑ:rˈbærəti]

tormented( 痛苦的 )

docility( 服从 )[doʊ'sɪlətɪ]

oblivion( 被湮没的状态 )[əˈblɪviən]

incontestable( 无可置疑的 )[ˌɪnkən'testəbl]

extravagant( 夸大其词的 )

superciliously( 傲慢地 )

layman( 外行 )

checkbook( 支票本

grotesque( 荒谬的

misapprehension( 误解 )

manifestation( 流露 )

craft( 手艺 )

exhaustively( 详尽地 )

disinterested( 由衷的 )

reminiscences( 回忆 )[remɪ'nɪsnsɪz]

notoriety( 声誉 )

industrious( 勤奋的 )

monograph( 专题文章 )

innate( 天生的 )

distinguished( 使出众 )

avidity( 渴望 )

attaches( 具有 )

fanatical( 狂热的 )

commonplace( 平凡 )

protest( 抗议 )

immortality( 不朽 )

ironic( 讽刺的 )

reflects( 想 )

obscurely( 鲜为人知地 )

scanty( 贫乏的 )

recollections( 往事 )

outrageous( 骇人的 )

pathetic( 可悲的 )

circumstantiality( 详情 )

avowedly( 公开宣称 )

misconceptions( 误解 )

currency( 流传 )

disposition( 性情 )

clergyman( 教士 )

exegesis( 释经 )[ˌɛksəˈdʒisɪs]

facility( 才能 )

subtlety( 巧妙 )

dignities( 地位 )

muscular( 肌肉发达的 )

calves( 小腿 )

encased( 被裹住 )

gaiters( 护腿 )

episcopal( 主教的 )[ɪˈpɪskəpəl]

hazardous( 危险的 )

gallant( 勇敢的 )

detestation( 憎恶 )

compassion( 同情 )

fetched( 售得 )

aside( 不理会 )

mythopoeic( 创造神话的 )

craving( 渴望 )

misgivings( 疑虑 )
