
工程图模板 标题栏 页码 日期 比例 单位 部件名 等自动更新!
pasted this text into a note(注释):

The date is somewhat more elaborate:

In de expression editor(表达式) (in modeling(建模模块中) -> Ctrl-E) create the following expressions

(all type string字符串):

MyDate      = StringUpper(dateTimeString("localTime?", True))
MyDay       = subString(MyDate, 9, 10)
MyMonth     = subString(MyDate, 5, 7)
MyYear      = subString(MyDate, 21, 25)
MyTimeStamp = MyDay + " " + MyMonth + " " + MyYear

Then in Drafting pasted this text into a note:

(update date in Modeling with Tools -> Update -> Update for External Change)
