public class Emitter implements ICommitterTridentSpout.Emitter {
IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter _emitter;
TransactionalState _state;
TreeMap> _cachedMetas = new TreeMap<>();
Map _partitionStates = new HashMap<>();
int _index;
int _numTasks;
public Emitter(String txStateId, Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
_emitter = _spout.getEmitter(conf, context);
_index = context.getThisTaskIndex();
_numTasks = context.getComponentTasks(context.getThisComponentId()).size();
_state = TransactionalState.newUserState(conf, txStateId);
LOG.debug("Created {}", this);
Object _savedCoordinatorMeta = null;
boolean _changedMeta = false;
public void emitBatch(TransactionAttempt tx, Object coordinatorMeta, TridentCollector collector) {
LOG.debug("Emitting Batch. [transaction = {}], [coordinatorMeta = {}], [collector = {}], [{}]",
tx, coordinatorMeta, collector, this);
if(_savedCoordinatorMeta==null || !_savedCoordinatorMeta.equals(coordinatorMeta)) {
final List taskPartitions = _emitter.getPartitionsForTask(_index, _numTasks, coordinatorMeta);
for (ISpoutPartition partition : taskPartitions) {
_partitionStates.put(partition.getId(), new EmitterPartitionState(new RotatingTransactionalState(_state, partition.getId()), partition));
// refresh all partitions for backwards compatibility with old spout
_savedCoordinatorMeta = coordinatorMeta;
_changedMeta = true;
Map metas = new HashMap<>();
_cachedMetas.put(tx.getTransactionId(), metas);
Entry> entry = _cachedMetas.lowerEntry(tx.getTransactionId());
Map prevCached;
if(entry!=null) {
prevCached = entry.getValue();
} else {
prevCached = new HashMap<>();
for(Entry e: _partitionStates.entrySet()) {
String id = e.getKey();
EmitterPartitionState s = e.getValue();
Object lastMeta = prevCached.get(id);
if(lastMeta==null) lastMeta = s.rotatingState.getLastState();
Object meta = _emitter.emitPartitionBatch(tx, collector, s.partition, lastMeta);
metas.put(id, meta);
LOG.debug("Emitted Batch. [transaction = {}], [coordinatorMeta = {}], [collector = {}], [{}]",
tx, coordinatorMeta, collector, this);
public void success(TransactionAttempt tx) {
for(EmitterPartitionState state: _partitionStates.values()) {
LOG.debug("Success transaction {}. [{}]", tx, this);
public void commit(TransactionAttempt attempt) {
LOG.debug("Committing transaction {}. [{}]", attempt, this);
// this code here handles a case where a previous commit failed, and the partitions
// changed since the last commit. This clears out any state for the removed partitions
// for this txid.
// we make sure only a single task ever does this. we're also guaranteed that
// it's impossible for there to be another writer to the directory for that partition
// because only a single commit can be happening at once. this is because in order for
// another attempt of the batch to commit, the batch phase must have succeeded in between.
// hence, all tasks for the prior commit must have finished committing (whether successfully or not)
if(_changedMeta && _index==0) {
Set validIds = new HashSet<>();
for(ISpoutPartition p: _emitter.getOrderedPartitions(_savedCoordinatorMeta)) {
for(String existingPartition: _state.list("")) {
if(!validIds.contains(existingPartition)) {
RotatingTransactionalState s = new RotatingTransactionalState(_state, existingPartition);
_changedMeta = false;
Long txid = attempt.getTransactionId();
Map metas = _cachedMetas.remove(txid);
for(Entry entry: metas.entrySet()) {
_partitionStates.get(entry.getKey()).rotatingState.overrideState(txid, entry.getValue());
LOG.debug("Exiting commit method for transaction {}. [{}]", attempt, this);
public void close() {
public String toString() {
return "Emitter{" +
", _state=" + _state +
", _cachedMetas=" + _cachedMetas +
", _partitionStates=" + _partitionStates +
", _index=" + _index +
", _numTasks=" + _numTasks +
", _savedCoordinatorMeta=" + _savedCoordinatorMeta +
", _changedMeta=" + _changedMeta +
static class EmitterPartitionState {
public RotatingTransactionalState rotatingState;
public ISpoutPartition partition;
public EmitterPartitionState(RotatingTransactionalState s, ISpoutPartition p) {
rotatingState = s;
partition = p;
public class KafkaTridentSpoutOpaqueCoordinator implements IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Coordinator>>,
Serializable {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaTridentSpoutOpaqueCoordinator.class);
private final TopicPartitionSerializer tpSerializer = new TopicPartitionSerializer();
private final KafkaTridentSpoutManager kafkaManager;
public KafkaTridentSpoutOpaqueCoordinator(KafkaTridentSpoutManager kafkaManager) {
this.kafkaManager = kafkaManager;
LOG.debug("Created {}", this.toString());
public boolean isReady(long txid) {
LOG.debug("isReady = true");
return true; // the "old" trident kafka spout always returns true, like this
public List
public class KafkaTridentSpoutEmitter implements IOpaquePartitionedTridentSpout.Emitter<
Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7343927794834130435L;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaTridentSpoutEmitter.class);
// Kafka
private final KafkaConsumer kafkaConsumer;
// Bookkeeping
private final KafkaTridentSpoutManager kafkaManager;
// set of topic-partitions for which first poll has already occurred, and the first polled txid
private final Map firstPollTransaction = new HashMap<>();
// Declare some KafkaTridentSpoutManager references for convenience
private final long pollTimeoutMs;
private final KafkaSpoutConfig.FirstPollOffsetStrategy firstPollOffsetStrategy;
private final RecordTranslator translator;
private final Timer refreshSubscriptionTimer;
private final TopicPartitionSerializer tpSerializer = new TopicPartitionSerializer();
private TopologyContext topologyContext;
* Create a new Kafka spout emitter.
* @param kafkaManager The Kafka consumer manager to use
* @param topologyContext The topology context
* @param refreshSubscriptionTimer The timer for deciding when to recheck the subscription
public KafkaTridentSpoutEmitter(KafkaTridentSpoutManager kafkaManager, TopologyContext topologyContext, Timer refreshSubscriptionTimer) {
this.kafkaConsumer = kafkaManager.createAndSubscribeKafkaConsumer(topologyContext);
this.kafkaManager = kafkaManager;
this.topologyContext = topologyContext;
this.refreshSubscriptionTimer = refreshSubscriptionTimer;
this.translator = kafkaManager.getKafkaSpoutConfig().getTranslator();
final KafkaSpoutConfig kafkaSpoutConfig = kafkaManager.getKafkaSpoutConfig();
this.pollTimeoutMs = kafkaSpoutConfig.getPollTimeoutMs();
this.firstPollOffsetStrategy = kafkaSpoutConfig.getFirstPollOffsetStrategy();
LOG.debug("Created {}", this.toString());
* Creates instance of this class with default 500 millisecond refresh subscription timer
public KafkaTridentSpoutEmitter(KafkaTridentSpoutManager kafkaManager, TopologyContext topologyContext) {
this(kafkaManager, topologyContext, new Timer(500,
kafkaManager.getKafkaSpoutConfig().getPartitionRefreshPeriodMs(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public Map emitPartitionBatch(TransactionAttempt tx, TridentCollector collector,
KafkaTridentSpoutTopicPartition currBatchPartition, Map lastBatch) {
LOG.debug("Processing batch: [transaction = {}], [currBatchPartition = {}], [lastBatchMetadata = {}], [collector = {}]",
tx, currBatchPartition, lastBatch, collector);
final TopicPartition currBatchTp = currBatchPartition.getTopicPartition();
final Set assignments = kafkaConsumer.assignment();
KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata lastBatchMeta = lastBatch == null ? null : KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata.fromMap(lastBatch);
KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata currentBatch = lastBatchMeta;
Collection pausedTopicPartitions = Collections.emptySet();
if (assignments == null || !assignments.contains(currBatchPartition.getTopicPartition())) {
LOG.warn("SKIPPING processing batch [transaction = {}], [currBatchPartition = {}], [lastBatchMetadata = {}], " +
"[collector = {}] because it is not part of the assignments {} of consumer instance [{}] " +
"of consumer group [{}]", tx, currBatchPartition, lastBatch, collector, assignments,
kafkaConsumer, kafkaManager.getKafkaSpoutConfig().getConsumerGroupId());
} else {
try {
// pause other topic-partitions to only poll from current topic-partition
pausedTopicPartitions = pauseTopicPartitions(currBatchTp);
seek(currBatchTp, lastBatchMeta, tx.getTransactionId());
// poll
if (refreshSubscriptionTimer.isExpiredResetOnTrue()) {
final ConsumerRecords records = kafkaConsumer.poll(pollTimeoutMs);
LOG.debug("Polled [{}] records from Kafka.", records.count());
if (!records.isEmpty()) {
emitTuples(collector, records);
// build new metadata
currentBatch = new KafkaTridentSpoutBatchMetadata(currBatchTp, records);
} finally {
LOG.trace("Resumed topic-partitions {}", pausedTopicPartitions);
LOG.debug("Emitted batch: [transaction = {}], [currBatchPartition = {}], [lastBatchMetadata = {}], " +
"[currBatchMetadata = {}], [collector = {}]", tx, currBatchPartition, lastBatch, currentBatch, collector);
return currentBatch == null ? null : currentBatch.toMap();
private void emitTuples(TridentCollector collector, ConsumerRecords records) {
for (ConsumerRecord record : records) {
final List tuple = translator.apply(record);
LOG.debug("Emitted tuple {} for record [{}]", tuple, record);
public void refreshPartitions(List partitionResponsibilities) {
LOG.trace("Refreshing of topic-partitions handled by Kafka. " +
"No action taken by this method for topic partitions {}", partitionResponsibilities);
* Computes ordered list of topic-partitions for this task taking into consideration that topic-partitions
* for this task must be assigned to the Kafka consumer running on this task.
* @param allPartitionInfo list of all partitions as returned by {@link KafkaTridentSpoutOpaqueCoordinator}
* @return ordered list of topic partitions for this task
public List getOrderedPartitions(final List> allPartitionInfo) {
List allTopicPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map map : allPartitionInfo) {
final List allPartitions = newKafkaTridentSpoutTopicPartitions(allTopicPartitions);
LOG.debug("Returning all topic-partitions {} across all tasks. Current task index [{}]. Total tasks [{}] ",
allPartitions, topologyContext.getThisTaskIndex(), getNumTasks());
return allPartitions;
public List getPartitionsForTask(int taskId, int numTasks,
List> allPartitionInfo) {
final Set assignedTps = kafkaConsumer.assignment();
LOG.debug("Consumer [{}], running on task with index [{}], has assigned topic-partitions {}", kafkaConsumer, taskId, assignedTps);
final List taskTps = newKafkaTridentSpoutTopicPartitions(assignedTps);
LOG.debug("Returning topic-partitions {} for task with index [{}]", taskTps, taskId);
return taskTps;
public void close() {
public final String toString() {
return super.toString() +
"{kafkaManager=" + kafkaManager +
当某个数据库用户在数据库中插入、更新、删除一个表的数据,或者增加一个表的主键时或者表的索引时,常常会出现ora-00054:resource busy and acquire with nowait specified这样的错误。主要是因为有事务正在执行(或者事务已经被锁),所有导致执行不成功。
在 insert into tablea * from tableb中,如果存在唯一约束,会导致整个insert操作失败。使用IGNORE_ROW_ON_DUPKEY_INDEX提示,会忽略唯一
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public @interface Co
BW Element
OLAP Universe Element
Cube Dimension
A class with dimension and detail objects (Detail objects for key and desription)