Flowable 流程跟踪图片


  • 1. DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator
  • 2. DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas
  • 3. 使用Flowable默认的流程图生成器
  • 4. 自定义流程图生成器
    • 4.1 扩展DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas
    • 4.2 扩展DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator
    • 4.3 或者自定义类实现ProcessDiagramGenerator
    • 4.4 使用自定义的流程图生成器生成流程图

1. DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator




2. DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas

DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas :flowable 提供的默认的流程图画布


3. 使用Flowable默认的流程图生成器

 * 流程申请 流转图片输入流
public void getFlowDiagram(String procInsId){

    String procDefId;
    ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.createProcessInstanceQuery()
    if (processInstance == null) {
        HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance = historyService.createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceId(procInsId).singleResult();
        procDefId = historicProcessInstance.getProcessDefinitionId();

    } else {
        procDefId = processInstance.getProcessDefinitionId();

    BpmnModel bpmnModel = repositoryService.getBpmnModel(procDefId);
    DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator defaultProcessDiagramGenerator = new DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator(); // 创建默认的流程图生成器
    String imageType = "png"; // 生成图片的类型
    List<String> highLightedActivities = new ArrayList<>(); // 高亮节点集合
    List<String> highLightedFlows = new ArrayList<>(); // 高亮连线集合
    List<HistoricActivityInstance> hisActInsList = historyService.createHistoricActivityInstanceQuery()
            .list(); // 查询所有历史节点信息
    hisActInsList.forEach(historicActivityInstance -> { // 遍历
        if("sequenceFlow".equals(historicActivityInstance.getActivityType())) {
        	// 添加高亮连线
        } else {
        	// 添加高亮节点
    String activityFontName = "宋体"; // 节点字体
    String labelFontName = "微软雅黑"; // 连线标签字体
    String annotationFontName = "宋体"; // 连线标签字体
    ClassLoader customClassLoader = null; // 类加载器
    double scaleFactor = 1.0d; // 比例因子,默认即可
    boolean drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI = true; // 不设置连线标签不会画
    // 生成图片
    InputStream inputStream = defaultProcessDiagramGenerator.generateDiagram(bpmnModel, imageType, highLightedActivities 
            , highLightedFlows, activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader,
            scaleFactor, drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI); // 获取输入流
    try {
        // 先将图片保存
        FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, new File("E:\\", "1.png"));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    // 直接写到页面,要先获取HttpServletResponse
    byte[] bytes = IoUtil.readInputStream(inputStream, "flow diagram inputStream");
    ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();

4. 自定义流程图生成器

4.1 扩展DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas


package top.theonly.workflow.image;

import org.flowable.bpmn.model.AssociationDirection;
import org.flowable.bpmn.model.GraphicInfo;
import org.flowable.image.impl.DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer;
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.AttributedString;

public class MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas extends DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas {
    //设置高亮线的颜色  这里我设置成绿色
    protected static Color HIGHLIGHT_SEQUENCEFLOW_COLOR = Color.GREEN;
    //设置连接线(网关)的条件字体颜色  这里我设置成绿色
    protected static Color LABEL_COLOR = new Color(10, 176, 213);

    public MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas(int width, int height, int minX, int minY, String imageType, String activityFontName, String labelFontName, String annotationFontName, ClassLoader customClassLoader) {
        super(width, height, minX, minY, imageType, activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader);

    public MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas(int width, int height, int minX, int minY, String imageType) {
        super(width, height, minX, minY, imageType);

     * 画线颜色设置
     * @param xPoints
     * @param yPoints
     * @param conditional
     * @param isDefault
     * @param connectionType
     * @param associationDirection
     * @param highLighted
     * @param scaleFactor
    public void drawConnection(int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, boolean conditional, boolean isDefault, String connectionType,
                               AssociationDirection associationDirection, boolean highLighted, double scaleFactor) {

        Paint originalPaint = g.getPaint();
        Stroke originalStroke = g.getStroke();

        if (connectionType.equals("association")) {
        } else if (highLighted) {

        for (int i = 1; i < xPoints.length; i++) {
            Integer sourceX = xPoints[i - 1];
            Integer sourceY = yPoints[i - 1];
            Integer targetX = xPoints[i];
            Integer targetY = yPoints[i];
            Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(sourceX, sourceY, targetX, targetY);

        if (isDefault) {
            Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xPoints[0], yPoints[0], xPoints[1], yPoints[1]);
            drawDefaultSequenceFlowIndicator(line, scaleFactor);

        if (conditional) {
            Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xPoints[0], yPoints[0], xPoints[1], yPoints[1]);
            drawConditionalSequenceFlowIndicator(line, scaleFactor);

        if (associationDirection == AssociationDirection.ONE || associationDirection == AssociationDirection.BOTH) {
            Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xPoints[xPoints.length - 2], yPoints[xPoints.length - 2], xPoints[xPoints.length - 1], yPoints[xPoints.length - 1]);
            drawArrowHead(line, scaleFactor);
        if (associationDirection == AssociationDirection.BOTH) {
            Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(xPoints[1], yPoints[1], xPoints[0], yPoints[0]);
            drawArrowHead(line, scaleFactor);

     * 高亮节点设置
     * @param x
     * @param y
     * @param width
     * @param height
    public void drawHighLight(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
        Paint originalPaint = g.getPaint();
        Stroke originalStroke = g.getStroke();

        RoundRectangle2D rect = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height, 20, 20);


     * 条件表达式 value字体设置
     * @param text
     * @param graphicInfo
     * @param centered
    public void drawLabel(String text, GraphicInfo graphicInfo, boolean centered) {
        float interline = 1.0f;

        // text
        if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
            Paint originalPaint = g.getPaint();
            Font originalFont = g.getFont();


            int wrapWidth = 100;
            double textY = graphicInfo.getY();

            // TODO: use drawMultilineText()
            AttributedString as = new AttributedString(text);
            as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, g.getPaint());
            as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, g.getFont());
            AttributedCharacterIterator aci = as.getIterator();
            FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null, true, false);
            LineBreakMeasurer lbm = new LineBreakMeasurer(aci, frc);

            while (lbm.getPosition() < text.length()) {
                TextLayout tl = lbm.nextLayout(wrapWidth);
                textY += tl.getAscent();
                Rectangle2D bb = tl.getBounds();
                double tX = graphicInfo.getX();
                if (centered) {
                    tX += (int) (graphicInfo.getWidth() / 2 - bb.getWidth() / 2);
                tl.draw(g, (float) tX, (float) textY);
                textY += tl.getDescent() + tl.getLeading() + (interline - 1.0f) * tl.getAscent();

            // restore originals

4.2 扩展DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator

package top.theonly.workflow.image;

import org.flowable.bpmn.model.*;
import org.flowable.image.impl.DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator;

import java.util.*;

public class MyDefaultProcessDiagramGenerator extends DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator {

    protected MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas generateProcessDiagram(BpmnModel bpmnModel, String imageType,
                                                                 List<String> highLightedActivities, List<String> highLightedFlows,
                                                                 String activityFontName, String labelFontName, String annotationFontName, ClassLoader customClassLoader, double scaleFactor, boolean drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI) {
        MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas processDiagramCanvas = initProcessDiagramCanvas(bpmnModel, imageType,
                activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader);
        // 实现同父类实现一模一样

        // Draw pool shape, if process is participant in collaboration
        for (Pool pool : bpmnModel.getPools()) {
            GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(pool.getId());
            processDiagramCanvas.drawPoolOrLane(pool.getName(), graphicInfo, scaleFactor);

        // Draw lanes
        for (org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process : bpmnModel.getProcesses()) {
            for (Lane lane : process.getLanes()) {
                GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(lane.getId());
                processDiagramCanvas.drawPoolOrLane(lane.getName(), graphicInfo, scaleFactor);

        // Draw activities and their sequence-flows
        for (org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process : bpmnModel.getProcesses()) {
            for (FlowNode flowNode : process.findFlowElementsOfType(FlowNode.class)) {
                if (!isPartOfCollapsedSubProcess(flowNode, bpmnModel)) {
                    drawActivity(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, flowNode, highLightedActivities, highLightedFlows, scaleFactor,drawSequenceFlowNameWithNoLabelDI);

        // Draw artifacts
        for (org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process : bpmnModel.getProcesses()) {

            for (Artifact artifact : process.getArtifacts()) {
                drawArtifact(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, artifact);

            List<SubProcess> subProcesses = process.findFlowElementsOfType(SubProcess.class, true);
            if (subProcesses != null) {
                for (SubProcess subProcess : subProcesses) {

                    GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(subProcess.getId());
                    if (graphicInfo != null && graphicInfo.getExpanded() != null && !graphicInfo.getExpanded()) {

                    if (!isPartOfCollapsedSubProcess(subProcess, bpmnModel)) {
                        for (Artifact subProcessArtifact : subProcess.getArtifacts()) {
                            drawArtifact(processDiagramCanvas, bpmnModel, subProcessArtifact);

        return processDiagramCanvas;

    protected static MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas initProcessDiagramCanvas(BpmnModel bpmnModel, String imageType,
                                                                           String activityFontName, String labelFontName, String annotationFontName, ClassLoader customClassLoader) {
        // 这里与父类代码一模一样
        // We need to calculate maximum values to know how big the image will be in its entirety
        double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxX = 0;
        double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double maxY = 0;

        for (Pool pool : bpmnModel.getPools()) {
            GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(pool.getId());
            minX = graphicInfo.getX();
            maxX = graphicInfo.getX() + graphicInfo.getWidth();
            minY = graphicInfo.getY();
            maxY = graphicInfo.getY() + graphicInfo.getHeight();

        List<FlowNode> flowNodes = gatherAllFlowNodes(bpmnModel);
        for (FlowNode flowNode : flowNodes) {

            GraphicInfo flowNodeGraphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(flowNode.getId());

            // width
            if (flowNodeGraphicInfo.getX() + flowNodeGraphicInfo.getWidth() > maxX) {
                maxX = flowNodeGraphicInfo.getX() + flowNodeGraphicInfo.getWidth();
            if (flowNodeGraphicInfo.getX() < minX) {
                minX = flowNodeGraphicInfo.getX();
            // height
            if (flowNodeGraphicInfo.getY() + flowNodeGraphicInfo.getHeight() > maxY) {
                maxY = flowNodeGraphicInfo.getY() + flowNodeGraphicInfo.getHeight();
            if (flowNodeGraphicInfo.getY() < minY) {
                minY = flowNodeGraphicInfo.getY();

            for (SequenceFlow sequenceFlow : flowNode.getOutgoingFlows()) {
                List<GraphicInfo> graphicInfoList = bpmnModel.getFlowLocationGraphicInfo(sequenceFlow.getId());
                if (graphicInfoList != null) {
                    for (GraphicInfo graphicInfo : graphicInfoList) {
                        // width
                        if (graphicInfo.getX() > maxX) {
                            maxX = graphicInfo.getX();
                        if (graphicInfo.getX() < minX) {
                            minX = graphicInfo.getX();
                        // height
                        if (graphicInfo.getY() > maxY) {
                            maxY = graphicInfo.getY();
                        if (graphicInfo.getY() < minY) {
                            minY = graphicInfo.getY();

        List<Artifact> artifacts = gatherAllArtifacts(bpmnModel);
        for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {

            GraphicInfo artifactGraphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(artifact.getId());

            if (artifactGraphicInfo != null) {
                // width
                if (artifactGraphicInfo.getX() + artifactGraphicInfo.getWidth() > maxX) {
                    maxX = artifactGraphicInfo.getX() + artifactGraphicInfo.getWidth();
                if (artifactGraphicInfo.getX() < minX) {
                    minX = artifactGraphicInfo.getX();
                // height
                if (artifactGraphicInfo.getY() + artifactGraphicInfo.getHeight() > maxY) {
                    maxY = artifactGraphicInfo.getY() + artifactGraphicInfo.getHeight();
                if (artifactGraphicInfo.getY() < minY) {
                    minY = artifactGraphicInfo.getY();

            List<GraphicInfo> graphicInfoList = bpmnModel.getFlowLocationGraphicInfo(artifact.getId());
            if (graphicInfoList != null) {
                for (GraphicInfo graphicInfo : graphicInfoList) {
                    // width
                    if (graphicInfo.getX() > maxX) {
                        maxX = graphicInfo.getX();
                    if (graphicInfo.getX() < minX) {
                        minX = graphicInfo.getX();
                    // height
                    if (graphicInfo.getY() > maxY) {
                        maxY = graphicInfo.getY();
                    if (graphicInfo.getY() < minY) {
                        minY = graphicInfo.getY();

        int nrOfLanes = 0;
        for (org.flowable.bpmn.model.Process process : bpmnModel.getProcesses()) {
            for (Lane l : process.getLanes()) {


                GraphicInfo graphicInfo = bpmnModel.getGraphicInfo(l.getId());
                // // width
                if (graphicInfo.getX() + graphicInfo.getWidth() > maxX) {
                    maxX = graphicInfo.getX() + graphicInfo.getWidth();
                if (graphicInfo.getX() < minX) {
                    minX = graphicInfo.getX();
                // height
                if (graphicInfo.getY() + graphicInfo.getHeight() > maxY) {
                    maxY = graphicInfo.getY() + graphicInfo.getHeight();
                if (graphicInfo.getY() < minY) {
                    minY = graphicInfo.getY();

        // Special case, see https://activiti.atlassian.net/browse/ACT-1431
        if (flowNodes.isEmpty() && bpmnModel.getPools().isEmpty() && nrOfLanes == 0) {
            // Nothing to show
            minX = 0;
            minY = 0;
        return new MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas((int)maxX + 10, (int)maxY + 10, (int)minX, (int)minY, imageType, activityFontName, labelFontName, annotationFontName, customClassLoader);

4.3 或者自定义类实现ProcessDiagramGenerator

将类中的 DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas 改成 MyDefaultProcessDiagramCanvas 即可

4.4 使用自定义的流程图生成器生成流程图

3 代码中的默认生成器替换为自定义的生成器即可

//DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator defaultProcessDiagramGenerator = new DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator();
MyDefaultProcessDiagramGenerator defaultProcessDiagramGenerator = new MyDefaultProcessDiagramGenerator();

Flowable 流程跟踪图片_第1张图片
