New all-in-one Buildroot ver. 2012.02-mg01.1 released! It includes MLO + U-Boot 2011.12, Linux kernel 3.2.8 (@1GHz) and RootFS with all the necessary packages for working with LI-5M03 (mt9p031) camera module from Leopard Imaging. In order to build the images just run the following commands:
git clone git://
cd ./buildroot
make beagle_xm_full_defconfig
After that you’ll find all the images in buildroot/output/images folder:
- MLO – U-Boot SPL first stage bootloader;
- u-boot.img – U-Boot 2011.12 binary;
- uEnv.txt – simple file with U-Boot parameters;
- uImage – Linux kernel 3.2.8 image;
- rootfs.tar – Root Filesystem image;
This build requires an external toolchain Codesourcery 2011.09-70 which needs to be installed in the /opt/CodeSourcery folder. However, you can use another toolchain version or folder after proper initialisation inToolchain menu (Buildroot menuconfig target).
I added Media-ctl and Yavta packages to the current release so you can configure and test your LI-5M02 (mt9p031) Aptina camera module. Also, I included OpenCV 2.3.1, MPlayer, FFmpeg and GStreamer packages, but please note that there is no X11 support in this release so if you need X11 you need to enable it in Buildroot. For full list of packages in current release please see corresponding wiki page: 2012.02-mg01.1.
If you need to add/remove some packets you can easily do this using the next command:
make menuconfig
Package Selection for the target —>
Please note that if you need to remove something you need to untick packet’s name in menuconfig and rebuild the entire RootFS.
Also please note that I added the following compiler flags to the configuration for Beagleboard-xM:
-mfpu=neon -ftree-vectorize -mfloat-abi=softfp
All the files can be found in buildroot/output/images folder. Just copy MLO, u-boot.img, uEnv.txt and uImage to the FAT partition of your SD card and untar everything from rootfs.tar to the second ext3 partition. That’s all, your Beagleboard-xM is ready to go.
Precompiled images
If you don’t have enough time for downloading/building everything or if you want just to test your board you can always use my precompiled images (rootfs.tar.gz – basic RootFS,rootfs_full.tar.gz – RootFS with all default packages):
- u-boot.img
- uEnv.txt
- uImage
- rootfs.tar.gz
- rootfs_full.tar.gz
P.S. If you find some issues feel free to add ticket to the Issues. And please note that it’s just a project I’m using for building all the files for my BB-xM. It’s not a clone or official/unofficial mirror, it’s just a personal project just for fun.
P.P.S. In order to build a basic minimal configuration (i.e. MLO, U-Boot, Linux kernel and RootFS with Busybox only) please use the following commands:
make beagle_xm_defconfig
UPDATE (2012.03.09):
Images were updated with patch release ver. 2012.02-mg01.2. For details please see Issue 23: kernel loading problem on beagleboard xM Rev A.
UPDATE (2012.03.13):
Bumped release version 2012.02-mg01.3.