iOS - could not launch ''XX", XX iphone/ipad has denied the launch request

iOS - could not launch ''XX
iOS - could not launch ''XX", XX iphone/ipad has denied the launch request

iphone/ipad has denied the launch request是在调试时突然出现的问题,在网上查询之后,解决方案主要如下:

1. code sign的问题,重新配置signing,重新选一下Automatically manage signing;

2. building configuration的模式与证书不匹配,scheme - edit scheme  - run -building configuration - debug;

3.网友提示方法:Target  —— Capabilities ——App Groups(20190416更新)

4. 重启设备;

你可能感兴趣的:(iOS - could not launch ''XX", XX iphone/ipad has denied the launch request)