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Who Moved My Cheese?

    The story of Who Moved My Cheese?was created by Dr.Spencer Johnson to help him deal with a diffcult change in his life. It showed him how to take his changing sotuation seriously but not take himself so seriously.

    When his friends noticed how much better life  had become for him,and asked why ,he revealed his "Cheese" story.  Several said,sometimes years later,how hearing the story helped them to keep their sense of humor,to change,and to gain something better themselves. His co-author of The One Minute Manager,Ken Blanchard,encouraged him to finally write it as a book to share with many others.

    Two decades after the story was created,this book,Who Moved My Chieese?,was published. It soon became an accelerating,word-of-mouth #1 International Bestseller,with one million hardcover copies in print within the first sixteen months.

    People have reported that what they discovered in the story has improved their careeers,businesses,health and marriages.The Cheese story has found its way into homes,companies,schools,churches,the military,and sports teams.It has spread around the world in many foreign languages. It's appeal is universal.

    Hopefully the way you interpret the story of Who Moved My Cheese ?and put it into action in your life will help you find and enjoy the "New Cheese" you deserve.



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