请实现哈数ComplexListNode *Clone(ComplexListNode *pHead),复制一个复杂链表。在复杂链表中,每个结点除了有一个next指针指向下一个结点外,还有一个sibling指向链表的任意结点或者NULL。
void CloneNode(ComplexListNode *pHead)
ComplexListNode *node = pHead;
while (node != NULL)
ComplexListNode *copy = new ComplexListNode();
copy->element = node->element;
copy->next = node->next;
node->next = copy;
node = copy->next;
void ConnectSibling(ComplexListNode *pHead)
ComplexListNode *node = pHead;
while (node != NULL)
ComplexListNode *copy = node->next;
if (node->sibling != NULL)
copy->sibling = node->sibling->next;
copy->sibling = NULL;
node = copy->next;
ComplexListNode *ReConnectNodes(ComplexListNode *pHead)
ComplexListNode *node = pHead;
ComplexListNode *copyHead = NULL;
ComplexListNode *copyNode = NULL;
if (node != NULL)
copyHead = copyNode = node->next;//复制链表的头结点
node->next = copyNode->next;
node = node->next;
while (node != NULL)
copyNode->next = node->next;
copyNode = copyNode->next;
node->next = copyHead->next;
node = node->next;
return copyHead;
ComplexListNode *Clone(ComplexListNode *pHead)
return ReConnectNodes(pHead);
namespace ComplexListNodeSpace
struct ComplexListNode
int element;
ComplexListNode *next;
ComplexListNode *sibling;
ComplexListNode *CreateComplexListNode(int value);
void ConnectComplexListNode(ComplexListNode *root, ComplexListNode *pNext, ComplexListNode *pSibling);
void printComplexList(ComplexListNode *root);
void DestoryComplexList(ComplexListNode *root);
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
namespace ComplexListNodeSpace
ComplexListNode *CreateComplexListNode(int value)
ComplexListNode *temp = new ComplexListNode();
temp->element = value;
temp->next = NULL;
temp->sibling = NULL;
return temp;
void ConnectComplexListNode(ComplexListNode *root, ComplexListNode *pNext, ComplexListNode *pSibling)
if (root == NULL)
root->next = pNext;
root->sibling = pSibling;
void printComplexList(ComplexListNode *root)
if (root == NULL)
cout << "The tree is empty" << endl;
ComplexListNode *temp = root;
while (temp != NULL)
cout << "The value of this node is " << temp->element << endl;
if (temp->sibling != NULL)
cout << "The sibling value of this node is " << temp->sibling->element << endl;
cout << "The sibling of this node is NULL" << endl;
temp = temp->next;
void DestoryComplexList(ComplexListNode *root)
if (root == NULL)
ComplexListNode *temp = root;
while (temp != NULL)
root = root->next;
delete temp;
temp = root;
root = NULL;
using namespace ComplexListNodeSpace;
void CloneNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);
void ConnectSiblingNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);
ComplexListNode* ReconnectNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead);
ComplexListNode* Clone(ComplexListNode* pHead)
return ReconnectNodes(pHead);
void CloneNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead)
ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;
while (pNode != NULL)
ComplexListNode* pCloned = new ComplexListNode();
pCloned->element = pNode->element;
pCloned->next = pNode->next;
pCloned->sibling = NULL;
pNode->next = pCloned;
pNode = pCloned->next;
void ConnectSiblingNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead)
ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;
while (pNode != NULL)
ComplexListNode* pCloned = pNode->next;
if (pNode->sibling != NULL)
pCloned->sibling = pNode->sibling->next;
pNode = pCloned->next;
ComplexListNode* ReconnectNodes(ComplexListNode* pHead)
ComplexListNode* pNode = pHead;
ComplexListNode* pClonedHead = NULL;
ComplexListNode* pClonedNode = NULL;
if (pNode != NULL)
pClonedHead = pClonedNode = pNode->next;
pNode->next = pClonedNode->next;
pNode = pNode->next;
while (pNode != NULL)
pClonedNode->next = pNode->next;
pClonedNode = pClonedNode->next;
pNode->next = pClonedNode->next;
pNode = pNode->next;
return pClonedHead;
// ====================测试代码====================
void Test(char* testName, ComplexListNode* pHead)
if (testName != NULL)
printf("%s begins:\n", testName);
printf("The original list is:\n");
ComplexListNode* pClonedHead = Clone(pHead);
printf("======The cloned list is:\n");
// -----------------
// \|/ |
// 1-------2-------3-------4-------5
// | | /|\ /|\
// --------+-------- |
// -------------------------
void Test1()
ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateComplexListNode(1);
ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateComplexListNode(2);
ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateComplexListNode(3);
ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateComplexListNode(4);
ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateComplexListNode(5);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode1, pNode2, pNode3);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode2, pNode3, pNode5);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode3, pNode4, NULL);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);
Test("Test1", pNode1);
// m_pSibling指向结点自身
// -----------------
// \|/ |
// 1-------2-------3-------4-------5
// | | /|\ /|\
// | | -- |
// |------------------------|
void Test2()
ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateComplexListNode(1);
ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateComplexListNode(2);
ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateComplexListNode(3);
ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateComplexListNode(4);
ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateComplexListNode(5);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode1, pNode2, NULL);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode2, pNode3, pNode5);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode3, pNode4, pNode3);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);
Test("Test2", pNode1);
// m_pSibling形成环
// -----------------
// \|/ |
// 1-------2-------3-------4-------5
// | /|\
// | |
// |---------------|
void Test3()
ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateComplexListNode(1);
ComplexListNode* pNode2 = CreateComplexListNode(2);
ComplexListNode* pNode3 = CreateComplexListNode(3);
ComplexListNode* pNode4 = CreateComplexListNode(4);
ComplexListNode* pNode5 = CreateComplexListNode(5);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode1, pNode2, NULL);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode2, pNode3, pNode4);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode3, pNode4, NULL);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode4, pNode5, pNode2);
Test("Test3", pNode1);
// 只有一个结点
void Test4()
ComplexListNode* pNode1 = CreateComplexListNode(1);
ConnectComplexListNode(pNode1, NULL, pNode1);
Test("Test4", pNode1);
// 鲁棒性测试
void Test5()
Test("Test5", NULL);
int main()
return 0;
Test1 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling value of this node is 3
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 5
The value of this node is 3
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
======The cloned list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling value of this node is 3
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 5
The value of this node is 3
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
Test2 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 5
The value of this node is 3
The sibling value of this node is 3
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
======The cloned list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 5
The value of this node is 3
The sibling value of this node is 3
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
Test3 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 4
The value of this node is 3
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
======The cloned list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 2
The sibling value of this node is 4
The value of this node is 3
The sibling of this node is NULL
The value of this node is 4
The sibling value of this node is 2
The value of this node is 5
The sibling of this node is NULL
Test4 begins:
The original list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling value of this node is 1
======The cloned list is:
The value of this node is 1
The sibling value of this node is 1
Test5 begins:
The original list is:
The tree is empty
======The cloned list is:
The tree is empty
请按任意键继续. . .
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using namespace ListSpace4;
ListNode *CopyList(ListNode *root)
if (root == nullptr)
cout << "链表为空,无法复制" << endl;
return nullptr;
ListNode *prev = nullptr;
ListNode *node = nullptr;
ListNode *head = nullptr;
int count = 0;
while (root != nullptr)
node = CreateListNode(root->element);
if (count == 1)
head = node;
prev->next = node;
prev = node;
node->next = nullptr;
root = root->next;
return head;
void test41()
cout << "\t==========测试非空链表的复制==========" << endl;
ListNode *list1 = CreateListNode(1);
ListNode *list2 = CreateListNode(2);
ListNode *list3 = CreateListNode(3);
ListNode *list4 = CreateListNode(4);
ListNode *list5 = CreateListNode(5);
ListNode *list6 = CreateListNode(6);
ConnectListNodes(list1, list2);
ConnectListNodes(list2, list3);
ConnectListNodes(list3, list4);
ConnectListNodes(list4, list5);
ConnectListNodes(list5, list6);
ConnectListNodes(list6, NULL);
cout << "复制链表之前:";
cout << endl;
cout << "复制链表之后:";
ListNode *copy = CopyList(list1);
cout << endl;
void test42()
cout << "\t==========测试只有一个结点的链表==========" << endl;
ListNode *list1 = CreateListNode(1);
ConnectListNodes(list1, NULL);
cout << "复制之前表之前:";
cout << endl;
cout << "反转链表之后:";
ListNode *copy = CopyList(list1);
cout << endl;
void test43()
cout << "\t==========测试只有空链表==========" << endl;
cout << "复制之前表之前:";
cout << endl;
cout << "反转链表之后:";
ListNode *copy = CopyList(nullptr);
cout << endl;
int main()
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
复制链表之前:1 2 3 4 5 6
复制链表之后:1 2 3 4 5 6
复制之前表之前:The list is empty
The list is empty
请按任意键继续. . .