


基于MimbleWimble区块链的基本原则。 通过使用椭圆曲线密码的附加属性,我们能够构建完全不透明但仍可以正确验证的交易。 通过将这些属性,我们可以消除大量区块链数据,从而实现新对等点的大规模部署和快速同步。

区块大小与交易量相适配。历史交易仅仅保留了约 100 字节的交易核,相比其他区块链节省了大量空间。社区未被任何机构、个人控制或入股,开发团队仅接受捐赠。采用一种抗拒 ASIC 的挖矿算法(Cuckoo Cycle 算法),借此来鼓励去中心化的挖矿。即在两年的时间里,从最初的 90%GPU+10%ASIC 逐渐过渡为 100%ASIC。这样可以保证算力不会过分集中,最初阶段可以让更多的小型机或者是 PC 参与到挖矿中来。挖矿效率均为 1 分钟挖一个区块,一个区块奖励 60 Grin。

Grin is built in Rust, a memory safe, compiled language. Performance critical parts like the Cuckoo mining algorithm are built as plugins, making it easy to swap between algorithm implementations for various hardware. Grin comes with CPU and experimental GPU support.

api\ Code for ApiEndpoints accessible over REST.

chain\ The blockchain implementation. Accepts a block (see and adds it to the chain, or reject it.

config\ Code for handling configuration.

core\ All core types: Hash, Block, Input, Output, and how to serialize them. Core mining algorithm, and more.

doc\ All documentation.

servers\ Many parts (adapters, lib, miner, seed, server, sync, types) that the grin server needs, including mining server.

keychain\ Code for working safely with keys and doing blinding.

p2p\ All peer to peer connection and protocol-related logic (handshake, block propagation, etc.).

pool\ Code for the transaction pool implementation.

server\ A folder you're supposed to create, before starting your server: cd to project root; mkdir server; cd server; grin server start (or run) and it will create a subfolder .grin


chain - a Rocksdb with the blockchain blocks and related information

peers - a Rocksdb with the list of Grin peers you're connected to

txhashset - contains folders kernel, rangeproof and output that each have a pmmr_dat.bin

src\ Code for the grin binary.

store\ Data store - a thin wrapper for Rocksdb, a key-value database forked from LevelDB.

target\ Where the grin binary ends up, after the compile and build process finishes. In case of trouble, see troubleshooting

util\ Low-level rust utilities.

wallet\ Simple command line wallet implementation. Will generate:

wallet_data - a database storing your "outputs", that once confirmed and matured, can be spent with the grin wallet send command. (locally created, not in git)

wallet.seed - your secret wallet seed. (locally created, not in git)
