#ifndef __LIST_H__
#define __LIST_H__
#include "stm32f10x.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#define MaxListLength 20
#define SingleList 1
#ifdef SingleList
#define SingleListMode (1)
typedef struct ListNode
uint32_t value;
struct ListNode *pNext;
#ifdef DoubleList
#define DoubleListMode (1)
typedef struct ListNode
uint32_t value;
struct ListNode *pNext;
struct ListNode *pLast;
#ifdef LoopList
#define LoopListMode (1)
typedef struct ListNode
uint32_t value;
struct ListNode *pNext;
struct ListNode *pLast;
typedef unsigned int ListState;
uint32_t List_GetListNodeCnt(ListNode *pHead);
ListState List_Init(ListNode * pHead,const uint32_t value);
ListState List_InsertNode(ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t node ,const uint32_t value);
ListState List_DeleteNode(ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t node);
ListState List_DeleteVal (ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t value);
ListNode* List_GetValueList (ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t value);
#include "list.h"
static ListNode ListResult = {0};
* @name List_Init.
* @brief Creat a list head.
* @param ListNode * pHead: Head of the list.
uint32_t value: Value of the head.
* @retval 0 : Succeed.
1 : There is no stack of head.
* @author Jiao Wo Yi Sheng Xiao Ming Ge.
* @Date 2018.5.30.
ListState List_Init(ListNode * pHead,const uint32_t value)
// pHead = (ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
if(pHead == NULL)
return 1;
#ifdef SingleListMode
pHead->pNext = NULL;
pHead->value = value;
#ifdef DoubleListMode
pHead->pNext = NULL;
pHead->value = value;
pHead->pLast = NULL;
#ifdef LoopListMode
pHead->pNext = pHead;
pHead->value = value;
pHead->pLast = pHead;
return 0;
* @name List_NodeCnt.
* @brief Get list counters.
* @param ListNode * pHead: Head of the list.
* @retval length : list counters.
* @author Jiao Wo Yi Sheng Xiao Ming Ge.
* @Date 2018.5.30.
static uint32_t List_NodeCnt(ListNode *pHead)
ListNode * next = pHead;
uint32_t length = 0;
#ifdef LoopListMode
while(next->pNext != pHead)
{length ++;
next = next->pNext;}
#ifndef LoopListMode
while(next->pNext != NULL)
{length ++;
next = next->pNext;}
return length;
uint32_t List_GetListNodeCnt(ListNode *pHead)
return (List_NodeCnt(pHead));
* @name List_InsertNode.
* @brief Insert a value at node in list.
* @param ListNode * pHead: Head of the list.
uint32_t node : The place where you insert the value in the list.
uint32_t value: Value you will insert.
* @retval 0 : Succeed.
1 : You can't insert value in front of the head.
2 : The current list length is langer than MaxListLength.
3 : Head of list is NULL
* @author Jiao Wo Yi Sheng Xiao Ming Ge.
* @Date 2018.5.30
ListState List_InsertNode(ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t node ,const uint32_t value)
ListNode * curr = (ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(ListNode));
ListNode * next = pHead;
uint32_t temp = 0,length = 0;
if(pHead == NULL)
return 3;
length = List_GetListNodeCnt(next);
if(length > MaxListLength)
return 2;
if(node == 0)
return 1;
/* 4 : The insert node is beyond current list length. */
// if(node > ListLength)
// return 4;
#ifdef SingleListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == NULL)
next = next->pNext;
curr->pNext = next->pNext;
curr->value = value;
next->pNext = curr;
#ifdef DoubleListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == NULL)
next = next->pNext;
curr->value = value;
curr->pLast = next;
curr->pNext = next->pNext;
if(next->pNext != NULL)
next->pNext->pLast = curr;
next->pNext = curr;
#ifdef LoopListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == pHead)
next = next->pNext;
curr->value = value;
curr->pLast = next;
curr->pNext = next->pNext;
next->pNext->pLast = curr;
next->pNext = curr;
return 0;
* @name List_DeleteNode.
* @brief Delete a node in list.
* @param ListNode * pHead: Head of the list.
uint32_t node : The place where you delete the value in the list.
* @retval 0 : Succeed.
1 : The delete node is beyond current list length.
2 : The current list length is langer than MaxListLength.
3 : The head of the list can't be deleted.
4 : Head of list is NULL
* @author Jiao Wo Yi Sheng Xiao Ming Ge.
* @Date 2018.5.30
ListState List_DeleteNode(ListNode *pHead,const uint32_t node)
ListNode * next = pHead;
ListNode * curr;
uint32_t temp = 0;
uint32_t length = 0;
if(pHead == NULL)
return 4;
length = List_GetListNodeCnt(next);
if(length > MaxListLength)
return 2;
if(node > length)
return 1;
if(node == 0)
return 3;
#ifdef SingleListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == NULL)
next = next->pNext;
curr = next->pNext;
next->pNext = curr->pNext;
return 0;
#ifdef DoubleListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == NULL)
next = next->pNext;
curr = next->pNext;
curr->pNext->pLast = next;
next->pNext = curr->pNext;
return 0;
#ifdef LoopListMode
for(temp = 0;temp < node - 1;temp++)
if(next->pNext == pHead)
next = next->pNext;
curr = next->pNext;
curr->pNext->pLast = next;
next->pNext = curr->pNext;
return 0;
* @name List_DeleteVal.
* @brief Delete a value list.
* @param ListNode * pHead: Head of the list.
uint32_t value: The value which you delete in the list.
* @retval 0 : Succeed.
1 : The delete node is beyond current list length.
2 : Head of list is NULL
* @author Jiao Wo Yi Sheng Xiao Ming Ge.
* @Date 2018.5.30
ListState List_DeleteVal(ListNode *pHead, const uint32_t value)
ListNode *next = pHead;
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t temp = 0;
uint32_t length = 0;
if(pHead == NULL)
return 2;
length = List_GetListNodeCnt(next);
next = next->pNext;
if(next->value == value)
List_DeleteNode(pHead,i - temp);
temp ++;
}while(ivalue == value)
temp ++;
next = next->pNext;