live555 推RTSP音视频流总结(二) 修改RTSP Server 推流URL地址

做RTSP server时,无论用TCP/UDP,都要知道streaming 是从哪个端口出去,绑定的IP地址是多少。

live555 有一个默认的找本机网卡IP的方法:

Get our address by sending a (0-TTL) multicast packet,
receiving it, and looking at the source address used.
(This is kinda bogus, but it provides the best guarantee
that other nodes will think our address is the same as we do.)

但是,这种有一个缺陷就是,它返回的总是默认网关的地址,当我们有多个网卡,比如wlan0 wlan1 eth0等,
假如默认路由表是指向wlan0,但我们想通过wlan1 推流,这个时候这个机制就会有问题了。

GroupsockHelper.cpp ,就可以从10.254.1.0 推流啦

netAddressBits ourIPAddress(UsageEnvironment& env) {
  static netAddressBits ourAddress = 0;
  int sock = -1;
  struct in_addr testAddr;

  if (ReceivingInterfaceAddr != INADDR_ANY) {
    // Hack: If we were told to receive on a specific interface address, then 
    // define this to be our ip address:
    ourAddress = ReceivingInterfaceAddr;
  if (ourAddress == 0) {
    // We need to find our source address
    struct sockaddr_in fromAddr;
    fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;

    // Get our address by sending a (0-TTL) multicast packet,
    // receiving it, and looking at the source address used.
    // (This is kinda bogus, but it provides the best guarantee
    // that other nodes will think our address is the same as we do.)
    do {
      loopbackWorks = 0; // until we learn otherwise

      testAddr.s_addr = our_inet_addr(""); // arbitrary
      Port testPort(15947); // ditto
      sock = setupDatagramSocket(env, testPort);
      if (sock < 0) break;

      if (!socketJoinGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr)) break;

      unsigned char testString[] = "hostIdTest";
      unsigned testStringLength = sizeof testString;

      if (!writeSocket(env, sock, testAddr, testPort.num(), 0,
		       testString, testStringLength)) break;

      // Block until the socket is readable (with a 5-second timeout):
      fd_set rd_set;
      FD_SET((unsigned)sock, &rd_set);
      const unsigned numFds = sock+1;
      struct timeval timeout;
      timeout.tv_sec = 5;
      timeout.tv_usec = 0;
      int result = select(numFds, &rd_set, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
      if (result <= 0) break;

      unsigned char readBuffer[20];
      int bytesRead = readSocket(env, sock,
				 readBuffer, sizeof readBuffer,
      if (bytesRead != (int)testStringLength
	  || strncmp((char*)readBuffer, (char*)testString, testStringLength) != 0) {

      // We use this packet's source address, if it's good:
      // loopbackWorks = !badAddressForUs(fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
      loopbackWorks = !badAddressForUs(our_inet_addr(""));// gw
    } while (0);

    if (sock >= 0) {
      socketLeaveGroup(env, sock, testAddr.s_addr);

    if (!loopbackWorks) do {
      // We couldn't find our address using multicast loopback,
      // so try instead to look it up directly - by first getting our host name, and then resolving this host name
      char hostname[100];
      hostname[0] = '\0';
      int result = gethostname(hostname, sizeof hostname);
      if (result != 0 || hostname[0] == '\0') {
	env.setResultErrMsg("initial gethostname() failed");

      // Try to resolve "hostname" to an IP address:
      NetAddressList addresses(hostname);
      NetAddressList::Iterator iter(addresses);
      NetAddress const* address;

      // Take the first address that's not bad:
      netAddressBits addr = 0;
      while ((address = iter.nextAddress()) != NULL) {
	netAddressBits a = *(netAddressBits*)(address->data());
	if (!badAddressForUs(a)) {
	  addr = a;

      // Assign the address that we found to "fromAddr" (as if the 'loopback' method had worked), to simplify the code below: 
      fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = addr;
    } while (0);

    // Make sure we have a good address:
   // netAddressBits from = fromAddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
    netAddressBits from = (our_inet_addr(""));
    if (badAddressForUs(from)) {
      char tmp[100];
      sprintf(tmp, "This computer has an invalid IP address: %s", AddressString(from).val());
      from = 0;

    ourAddress = from;

    // Use our newly-discovered IP address, and the current time,
    // to initialize the random number generator's seed:
    struct timeval timeNow;
    gettimeofday(&timeNow, NULL);
    unsigned seed = ourAddress^timeNow.tv_sec^timeNow.tv_usec;
  return ourAddress;
