2019-07-31 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(当地交通)


1. slow down 慢一点

2. arrival time 到站时间

3. due out 开出

4. express train 快车

5. additional fare 额外费用

6. rush hour 高峰期

7. transfer station 换乘站


1. I'm headed to this address. 送我去这个地址。

2. Take me to this address. 带我到这个地址。

3. Could you please slow down? 可以开慢一点吗?

4. Could you please lower the window a bit? 麻烦你把窗户开大一点儿,好吗?


1. Are there any seats available for London? 去往伦敦的车票还有吗?

2. Is this an express train? 这是快车吗?

3. Does this train have sleeping cars? 这趟车有卧铺车厢吗?

4. What's the arrival time? 到达时间是几点?

5. When does the train come in? 火车什么时间进站?

6. When is the train due out? 列车什么时间开出?


1. hard seat 硬座

2. hard sleeper 硬卧

3. soft sleeper 软卧

4. business-class carriages 商务座

5. first-class seats 一等座

6. second-class seats 二等座


1. Which subway should I tale? 我该坐哪趟地铁呢?

2. What should I do with the token?  我该怎么用这个代币呢?

3. Do I have to pay an additional fare to change trains? 换乘地铁还要额外付费吗?

4. I want to go to  the Executive Centre. How do I change? 我想去德事商务中心,我该如何换乘?

5. Which is the tranafer station? 哪个站是换乘站?


1. What's the fare? 车费是多少?

2. How much is the weekday surcharge? 周日附加费是多少?

3. How much for a ticket to New York? 去纽约的票价是多少?


1. I'm in a hurry. Can you go a little faster?我赶时间,麻烦您开快一点儿,好吗?

2. It's the middle of rush hour! 这可是高峰期

3. How do I tip? 我怎么付小费?

4. How much is the fare? 车费多少钱?

5. That depends on the meter. 得看计价器。

6. Two lower bunks in a soft sleeper,please. 我要2张软卧下铺。

7. Where can I buy a ticket? 我在哪儿买票呢?

8. Is this a through train? 这是直达车吗?  --No. There are three stops. 不是,中间要停3站。

through train 直达车

9. I want to go to Broadway by subway. Could you please help me?

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