wordpress 主机_好的WordPress主机的10个基本功能

wordpress 主机

好的WordPress主机的10个基本功能 (10 Essential Features of a Good WordPress Host)

Choosing the right web host for a WordPress website needs to be an informed decision and not one that is based purely on price. In our last post, we discussed the different types of hosting available for WordPress, in this post we are going to show you ten essential features you’ll need in your hosting package.

为WordPress网站选择合适的虚拟主机需要一个明智的决定,而不是纯粹基于价格的决定。 在上一篇文章中,我们讨论了可用于WordPress的不同类型的托管 ,在这篇文章中,我们将向您展示托管软件包中需要的十项基本功能。

1. WordPress专用托管 (1. WordPress specific hosting)

WordPress is a unique platform and has its own requirements when it comes to hosting. Many of the standard hosting packages available from web hosts will be suitable to run WordPress, but will not always guarantee you all the functionality you need. What you should look for is a web host that specifically offers a WordPress hosting package.

WordPress是一个独特的平台,在托管方面有其自己的要求。 Web主机可用的许多标准主机包都适合运行WordPress,但并不总能保证您所需的所有功能。 您应该寻找的是一个专门提供WordPress托管程序包的虚拟主机。

By choosing a WordPress package, you will have all you need to run your website effectively. For example, the computer code language WordPress uses, PHP, needs to be version 5.2.4 or greater and its database software, MySQL, should be version 5.0 or greater. You may find that some hosting packages use older versions of PHP and MYSQL which, whilst being perfectly adequate for websites built on other platforms, may cause your WordPress site to function badly or even fail.

通过选择WordPress软件包,您将拥有有效运行网站所需的一切。 例如,WordPress使用的计算机代码语言PHP必须是5.2.4或更高版本,而其数据库软件MySQL必须是5.0或更高版本。 您可能会发现某些托管程序包使用旧版本PHP和MYSQL,尽管它们完全适合于在其他平台上构建的网站,但可能会导致WordPress网站运行不正常甚至失败。

2.选择提供网站安全性的网络主机 (2. Choose a web host that provides website security)

Website security is now a major issue that all owners need to get to grips with. Failing to protect your website can leave it vulnerable to hackers who can infect it with malware, spy on your activities, take down your entire website and steal all the personal data you store – including that of your customers.

网站安全现在是所有所有者都必须解决的主要问题。 不保护您的网站可能会使它容易受到黑客的攻击,黑客可能会感染恶意软件,监视您的活动,关闭您的整个网站并窃取您存储的所有个人数据,包括客户的个人数据。

All web hosts know this, but not all of them will offer security features as part of their hosting packages. You should choose a host that does.

所有的网络主机都知道这一点,但是并非所有人都将提供安全功能作为其主机包的一部分。 您应该选择一个主机。

Types of security you should look for:


  • Automatic WordPress updates. When WordPress releases an update it will usually include improvements to security, often fixing a new vulnerability. To prevent hackers using this vulnerability to access your site, you need the update as soon as it is released. A web host who offers automatic updates will help you achieve this.

    WordPress自动更新 。 WordPress发布更新时,通常会包括安全性方面的改进,通常会修复一个新漏洞。 为防止黑客利用此漏洞访问您的网站,您需要在更新发布后立即进行更新。 提供自动更新的网络主机将帮助您实现这一目标。

  • Vulnerability and malware scanning. Scheduled scanning of your website by your host can identify vulnerabilities and spot malware before it has time to do any damage. You should choose a host that uses a cutting edge scanning tool, like MTvScan.

    漏洞和恶意软件扫描 。 主机对网站进行的定期扫描可以发现漏洞,并在有时间造成任何损害之前发现恶意软件。 您应该选择使用尖端扫描工具(例如MTvScan)的主机 。

SSL Security

3.为您的客户提供安全 (3. Security for your customers)

You may have noticed that some website addresses begin with ‘http’ whilst others begin with ‘https’. The ‘s’ stands for secure and means that the website has an SSL certificate or Secure Socket Layer. What this means is that any personal information sent to your site by a customer, such as credit card details, is securely encrypted and cannot be intercepted by hackers.

您可能已经注意到,某些网站地址以“ http”开头,而另一些则以“ https”开头。 “ s”表示安全,表示网站具有SSL证书或安全套接字层。 这意味着客户发送给您网站的任何个人信息(例如信用卡详细信息)均已安全加密,并且不会被黑客拦截。

If you intend to collect any personal information or sell anything via your website, then you must choose a web host who can provide you with SSL security. Many payment gateways (online companies who let you accept credit card payments) will insist that you use SSL in order for you to use their services and many web browsers will inform visitors that your site is not safe to pass details to if you do not have SSL. Also important is that search engines rank e-commerce sites with SSL higher than ones that don’t in their search results.

如果您打算通过网站收集任何个人信息或出售任何东西,则必须选择可以为您提供SSL安全性的网络托管服务商。 许多支付网关(允许您接受信用卡支付的在线公司)会坚持要求您使用SSL才能使用其服务,并且许多网络浏览器会通知访问者,如果您没有网站,则无法安全地将详细信息传递给访问者SSL。 同样重要的是,搜索引擎对使用SSL的电子商务网站的排名要高于不在搜索结果中列出的网站。

4.网站备份 (4. Website backups)

The worst possible thing that can happen to a website owner is that they lose their entire website. This can happen due to server failure, hacking, software errors and even by accidental deletion. Not only do you lose all your content and customer details but you will be offline and losing business until the site is rebuilt. If your site is not backed up, this could take months and be very expensive. If you do have a backup, however, you will lose nothing and can be back online in next to no time.

网站所有者可能发生的最糟糕的事情是他们失去了整个网站。 发生这种情况的原因可能是服务器故障,黑客入侵,软件错误,甚至是意外删除。 您不仅会丢失所有内容和客户详细信息,而且将离线并且失去业务,直到重建站点为止。 如果未备份您的站点,则可能要花费几个月的时间,而且非常昂贵。 但是,如果有备份,您将一无所获,并且可以很快恢复在线。

It’s essential, therefore, that your WordPress host offers a website backup package. This needs to be a remote backup (one which is not saved on the same server as your website), that allows you to schedule frequent backups and can restore your website quickly if needed.

因此,至关重要的是,您的WordPress主机必须提供网站备份程序包 。 这需要是一个远程备份(不与您的网站保存在同一服务器上的远程备份),它允许您安排频繁的备份,并可以在需要时快速还原您的网站。

5.电子邮件保护 (5. Email Protection)

When you purchase your domain, you’ll also get access to your own email addresses. Unfortunately, that also means you’ll begin getting spam emails and emails containing malware. For some people, these can vastly outnumber the genuine emails that arrive in their inbox.

购买域名时,您还可以访问自己的电子邮件地址。 不幸的是,这也意味着您将开始收到垃圾邮件和包含恶意软件的电子邮件。 对于某些人来说,这些邮件的数量远远超过了收件箱中发送的真实电子邮件。

A good web host will provide an email service that includes a robust spam filter and one that will check the contents of your emails for viruses, trojans and other malicious code. This will help protect you from scammers and hackers and also prevent you having to sort through lots of unsolicited junk mail.

好的网络托管服务商将提供电子邮件服务,其中包括强大的垃圾邮件过滤器,以及可以检查电子邮件内容中是否包含病毒,特洛伊木马和其他恶意代码的电子邮件服务。 这将有助于保护您免受骗子和黑客的侵害,还可以防止您不得不整理大量未经请求的垃圾邮件。

6.使用CPanel简化管理 (6. Make administration easier with CPanel)

It can take quite a while to fully understand all the options and features that your web host provides on your hosting account. It makes this much easier to do if they are clearly organised and easy to navigate. The best solution for this is the CPanel. A CPanel is an easy to use control dashboard for your hosting account which lets you administer every aspect of your account: domains, databases, emails, files, security, software updates, logs and your account info.

要完全理解您的虚拟主机在托管帐户上提供的所有选项和功能可能需要花费一些时间。 如果它们井井有条且易于导航,则使此操作变得更加容易。 最好的解决方案是CPanel。 CPanel是托管帐户的易于使用的控制仪表板,可用于管理帐户的各个方面:域,数据库,电子邮件,文件,安全性,软件更新,日志和帐户信息。

cPanel Screenshot


7.成长空间 (7. Growing Space)

Websites grow and evolve. A site that might start out as a blog may develop into a membership site with thousands of members, each with their own user area. You may have a business venture that requires lots of different websites, like a range of local business directories.

网站发展壮大。 一个最初可能是博客的网站可能会发展成为一个拥有数千名成员的成员资格站点,每个成员都有自己的用户区。 您可能有一家需要很多不同网站的企业,例如一系列本地企业目录。

If you expect that your website will grow, then you will need to ensure that the hosting package is big enough for you and has the capacity to let you expand. Check how many gigabytes of storage you are allowed and how many files you can upload to the server. Make sure, too, that you have enough bandwidth to keep you sites online. Most good web hosts will provide a range of packages to choose from. They will also make it easy for you to upgrade to a bigger package or move from shared to dedicated hosting with ease.

如果您希望您的网站能够发展,那么您将需要确保托管软件包对您来说足够大,并且具有让您扩展的能力。 检查您允许多少GB的存储空间以及可以上传到服务器的文件数量。 同样,请确保您有足够的带宽使站点保持在线状态。 大多数优秀的虚拟主机提供商都会提供一系列软件包供您选择。 它们还将使您轻松升级到更大的软件包或轻松地从共享主机迁移到专用主机。

8. 24小时技术支持 (8. 24-hour technical support)

Problems can happen at any time of the day and it’s essential that your web host is available to help you when you need it most. Good web hosts, therefore, will provide 24 hours a day technical support. However, there is more to technical support than just being open all day. More important is the level of support you receive. Is there a help forum? Does the website have a help section or knowledge base? Can you get support via live chat? Is there a 24-hour telephone service? If so, are you dealt with by an expert or someone in a call centre following instructions on a screen? What do other customers say?

问题可能会在一天中的任何时间发生,并且最重要的是,您的网络托管服务提供商可以在最需要时为您提供帮助。 因此,优质的虚拟主机将全天候24小时提供技术支持。 但是,技术支持不仅仅是全天开放。 更重要的是您获得的支持水平。 有帮助论坛吗? 该网站是否有帮助部分或知识库? 您可以通过实时聊天获得支持吗? 有24小时电话服务吗? 如果是这样,您是否按照屏幕上的指示由专家或呼叫中心中的人员处理? 其他顾客怎么说?

If you are a novice when it comes to the technical aspects of running a website, then technical support will be a valuable tool you will want to use – make sure you choose a web host that provides a high level of service in this area.


9.对速度的需求 (9. The need for speed)

Google now uses website loading speed as one of its ranking criteria. The faster your site, the better chance it has of ranking higher in search results. Slow loading sites are also very off putting to visitors, many of whom will hit the back button if your pages do not load instantly.

Google现在将网站加载速度作为其排名标准之一。 您的网站速度越快,它在搜索结果中排名越高的机会就越大。 加载缓慢的网站对访问者也很不利,如果您的页面无法立即加载,许多访问者会按下“后退”按钮。

One of the issues with WordPress as a platform is that some of the plugins and themes can slow loading times down. To overcome this, WordPress can be dramatically speeded up by caching images, using content delivery networks and by compressing content. A good web host will provide you with the means to do these things in your hosting package. Access to tools like CloudFlare, for example, can speed up loading times by 30%.

WordPress作为平台的问题之一是某些插件和主题会减慢加载时间。 为了克服这个问题,可以通过缓存图像,使用内容交付网络和压缩内容来极大地加快WordPress的速度。 一个好的虚拟主机将为您提供在托管程序包中执行这些操作的方法。 例如,使用CloudFlare之类的工具可以将加载时间缩短30%。

10.本地化 (10. Go Local)

There are two very sound reasons why you should choose a web host which has servers entirely based in your own country. Firstly, as hackers use proxy servers to make them look like they are in one country when they are actually in another, anti-hacking software is becoming increasingly suspicious of websites where the domain and server location seem at odds with each other. So a co.uk website hosted on a server in the US might cause suspicion, even if it is entirely legitimate.

为什么要选择一个完全具有自己国家/地区的服务器的Web主机,有两个非常合理的理由。 首先,由于黑客使用代理服务器使它们看上去实际上像在一个国家中,而实际上却在另一个国家中,因此反黑客软件越来越怀疑域名和服务器位置相互矛盾的网站。 因此,托管在美国服务器上的co.uk网站可能会引起怀疑,即使它完全合法。

The second reason is to do with a recent change in the law concerning data protection. If you hold personal data on your website about EU citizens and this is stored on servers in the US, then, as the US government may access that data, you may be in breach of the Data Protection Act. This can’t happen if your information is permanently stored in the UK.

第二个原因与有关数据保护的法律的最新变化有关。 如果您在网站上保存有关欧盟公民的个人数据,并将其存储在美国的服务器上,那么,由于美国政府可能访问该数据,因此您可能违反了《数据保护法》。 如果您的信息永久存储在英国,则不会发生这种情况。

If you are looking for WordPress hosting that offers all the features mentioned in this article and more, visit the eUKhost WordPress page to see our range of packages.

如果您正在寻找可提供本文中提到的所有功能以及更多功能的WordPress托管,请访问eUKhost WordPress页面以查看我们的软件包范围。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-essential-features-of-a-good-wordpress-host/

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