创建数据库和用户 CREATE DATABASE mysite; grant all on mysite.* to mysite@localhost identified by '123456'; flush privileges;
create database onbing; grant all on onbing.* to onbing@localhost identified by 'h123TYBcd'; flush privileges;
对于已存在的数据库和用户,使用如下方法: 首先确认数据库(为空)和用户; use mysql select user from user where User='onbing'; update user set password=password('h123TYBcd') where User='onbing'; grant all on onbing.* to onbing@localhost; flush privileges;
在本地hosts文件中添加dns解析 www.onbing.com
建表: CREATE TABLE user(id int(5) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(20), city varchar(20), postcode varchar(10),address varchar(100), password varchar(10), level tinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',right tinyint(2),email varchar(40), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE id (id));
CREATE TABLE news(id int(5) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL , title varchar(100), dates datetime, contents varchar(200), PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE id (id)); alter table news modify id integer auto_increment;
INSERT INTO myuser VALUES (1,'王友','北京','100083','北京市海淀区学院路',111,0,0,'[email protected]'); INSERT INTO myuser VALUES (2,'金风','武汉','430071','武汉市武昌区水果湖',111,0,0,'[email protected]'); INSERT INTO myuser VALUES (3,'常丽','襄樊','441021','襄樊市襄城区南街',111,0,0,'[email protected]');
org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2
由Oracle通信技术部门主导的演示项目并没有在本月较早前法国南斯举行的行业集团TM论坛大会中获得嘉奖。但是,Oracle通信官员解雇致力于打造一个支持零干预分配和编制功能的网络即服务(NaaS)平台,帮助企业以更灵活和更适合云的方式实现通信服务提供商(CSP)的连接产品。这个Oracle主导的项目属于TM Forum Live!活动上展示的Catalyst计划的19个项目之一。Catalyst计
Spring MVC提供了非常方便的文件上传功能。
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How do I create a new Wiki page?
A CollabNet TeamForge project can have any number of Wiki pages. All Wiki pages are linked, and
package beautyOfCoding;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class MaxSubArraySum2 {
* 编程之美 子数组之和的最大值(二维)
private static final int ROW = 5;
private stat
# include <stdio.h>
void swap_1(int, int);
void swap_2(int *, int *);
void swap_3(int *, int *);
int main(void)
int a = 3;
int b =
public class RunMain {
public long timeTasks(int nThreads, final Runnable task) throws InterruptedException {
In computer science, bleeding edge is a term that