|CV |当双击“CV”时,树状图上将展开注册的CV变量。当单击CV时,容器区域将显示CV面板。|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|DV |当双击“DV”时,树状图上将展开注册的DV变量。当单击DV时,容器区域将显示DV面板。
|POV |当双击“POV”时,树状图上将展开注册的POV变量。当单击POV时,容器区域将显示POV面板。
|CALC |当双击“CALC”时,将显示计算视图。
|EF| 当双击“EF”时,将显示经济变量视图。
|GAIN| 当双击“GAIN”时,将显示增益视图。
|CALC |当双击“CALC”时,将显示计算视图。
|Exarqe Estimator(预估量) |树状图上将展开已注册的预估量信息。
|Prediction Overview(预测概述) |双击后,容器区域将显示“Prediction Overview(预测概述)”。
|TQE/TQC Overview(TQE/TQC概述)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“TQE/TQC Overview(概述)”。
|Lab(实验室)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“Lab Data Overview实验室数据概述”。
|Prediction(预测) |双击后,容器区域将显示预测视图。当注册了多个Exarqes时,树状图上将显示多个节点。
|Prediction/Reference(预测/参考)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“Prediction/Reference view(预测/参考视图)”。
|Updating/Process Dynamics(更新/过程动态)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“Update/Process Dynamics(更新/过程动态)”。
|RQE Inputs(RQE输入)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“RQE Inputs”。
|TQE/TQC| 双击后,容器区域将显示“TQE/TQC view(视图)”。
|Linearization(线性化)| 双击后,容器区域将显示“Linearization view(线性化视图)”。
|Exaitg| 树状图上将展开已注册的应用信息。
|Input Data(输入数据) |双击后,将显示“Input Data(输入数据)”。
|Output Data(输出数据)| 双击后,将显示“Input Data(输出数据)”。
表B 3.2 ICON
|ICON(图标) |Status (状态)| Items displayed(显示项)| Reference(参考)|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|| 0: STOP| - Exasmoc控制器名称;- Exarqe预估量名称;-Exaitg应用名称。 ||
| | 1:Initialization(初始化)| 与前述一样。||
|| 2:Waiting(等待)3:Execution(执行) || 从R4.01开始,应用程序状态显示在每个图标的颜色上。
|| 4:Stopping(停止)| - Exasmoc控制器名称;- Exarqe预估量名称;-Exaitg应用名称。 ||
|| -1 : Stopped with error(因出错而停止) |与前述一样。 |在ICON对应于群组时,当存在因错误而停止的应用时,ICON将闪烁。|
|| None(无)| 与前述一样。| 显示了已导入,但未添加的应用程序。|
| CV| When double-clicked “CV”, the registered CV variables are extended on the tree view. When a CV is clicked, CV view is displayed on the container area.|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| DV | When double-clicked “DV”, the registered DV variables are extended on the tree view. When a DV is clicked, DV view is displayed on the container area.
| POV| When double-clicked “POV”, the registered POV variables are extended on the tree view. When a POV is clicked, POV view is displayed on the container area.
| CALC | When “CALC” is double-clicked, the calculation view is displayed.
| EF| When “EF” is double-clicked, the Economic variable view is displayed.
| GAIN| When “GAIN” is double- clicked, the gain view is displayed.
| CALC | When “CALC” is double-clicked, the calculation view is displayed.
| Exarqe
| Exarqe Estimator| Registered estimators information is expanded on the tree view.
| Prediction Overview| When double-clicked, “Prediction Overview” is displayed on the container area.
| TQE/TQC Overview| When double-clicked, “TQE/TQC Overview” is displayed on the container area.
| Lab | When double-clicked, “Lab Data Overview” is displayed on the container area.
| Prediction | When double-clicked, Prediction view is displayed on the container area.When plural Exarqes are registered, multiple nodes are displayed on the tree view.
| Prediction/Reference | When double-clicked, “Prediction/Reference view” is displayed on the container area.
| Updating/Process Dynamics| When double-clicked, “Update/Process Dynamics” is displayed on the container area.
| RQE Inputs| When double-clicked, “RQE Inputs” is displayed on the container area.
| TQE/TQC | When double-clicked, “TQE/TQC view” is displayed on the container area.
| Linearization| When double-clicked, “Linearization view” is displayed on the container area.
| Exaitg
| Exaitg | Registered application’s information is expanded on the tree view.
| Input Data| When double-clicked, “Input Data view is displayed.
| Output Data| When double-clicked, “Output Data view is displayed.
Each icon in the browser tree is displayed as follows.
Table B 3.2 ICON
|ICON | Status |Items displayed | Reference|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|| 0: STOP| - Exasmoc controller name- Exarqe estimator name-Exaitg application name||
|| 1:Initialization| Same above ||
|| 2:Waiting3:Execution || From R4.01, application status is displayed on the each icon with color.|
|| 4:Stopping| - Exasmoc controller name- Exarqe estimator name-Exaitg application name ||
|| -1 : Stopped with error| Same above |When the ICON is corresponding to a Group, ICON is flickered when there exist an application stopped with error.|
|| None| Same above |Imported but not yet appended application is displayed.|