NDK on evmc6678l err : ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem: line 354: assertion failure: A_invalidFree: Invalid

NC_NetStart abort


Hi, I am running a client example in NDK on evmc6678l. The project abort and the console print:

QMSS successfully initialized
CPPI successfully initialized
PA successfully initialized

TCP/IP Stack Example Client
PASS successfully initialized
Ethernet subsystem successfully initialized
Ethernet eventId : 48 and vectId (Interrupt) : 7
Timeout waiting for reply from PA to Pa_addMac command
sysbios.heaps.HeapMem: line 354: assertion failure: A_invalidFree: Invalid free
xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution

I debuged and found it's abort at NC_NetStart(), as show below:

rc = NC_NetStart( hCfg, NetworkOpen, NetworkClose, NetworkIPAddr );
} while( rc > 0 );

I never modify the source code which TI provide.



Can you try the following:

  1. pause the core(s) running the code
  2. Do a system reset
  3. Run global default setup from the GEL script
  4. reload and re-run your program

This will do a SOC reset in-between runs. Without doing an SOC reset, the next program run will take on the previously-initialized hardware settings.

System Reset:

NDK on evmc6678l err : ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem: line 354: assertion failure: A_invalidFree: Invalid_第1张图片

Global Default Setup (note that you must have loaded the GEL script beforehand. Refer to "Loading and Setting up the EVM with the Gel File" section in the GSG http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/BIOS_MCSDK_2.0_Getting_Started_Guide#Use_JTAG_to_Load_the_Application)

NDK on evmc6678l err : ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem: line 354: assertion failure: A_invalidFree: Invalid_第2张图片

Let me know if this works.
