即:在电梯类中设定两个分别记录上和下的最远请求,初始值分别设为(上)0和(下)10。最大请求即为某一方向上运动的最远楼层,例如:如果是向上,则最大请求最大为9,如 果是向下,则最大请求最远为1
注:此记录量不能合并为一个,即不能只记录当前运行方向的最远层数(最大请求)。因为会出现这种情况:当电梯正在向下,而你只记录了当前的运动方向(下)的最大请求,如 果该值为3,当你运动到楼之后,如果没有记录反向(即向上)的最大请求,那么此时就要遍历3楼以上的所有楼层的请求情况,以确定是否向上,此时就需要遍历!!(而我们 应该尽量避免遍历),如果那样,可想而知,我们要遍历多少次!
即:每一个状态下应该完成什么样的操作,例如:closing状态,依据题意,电梯正在关门的时候是可以允许有人请求进入的,所以,该状态首先要判断是否要有人进入,也就是是否 要重新开门。如果没有,到适合的时间顺利转换为closed状态,然后接下来的动作就交给closed状态模块进行处理了。
即 LinkNode* table[10];
用此结构来存储所有的等待乘客,即 9层楼,每层楼都对应一个链表存储其乘客信息。

#ifndef OBJECTORS_H #define OBJECTORS_H /************************************************************************ //! [ objectors 头文件 ] //! [ 定义了一些 最基础的 枚举类型 以及 自定义类型 ] //! [ 枚举类型包括: 电梯的状态常量 时间控制常量 ] //! [ 最基础的自定义类型 电梯类 乘客类 ] //! [ 基础的类中的成员函数绝大部分为内联函数 为了各方面的方便考虑 统一将声明写在类内 ] //! [ 将其实现以内联形式写在本文件的类外 ] ************************************************************************/ #include//! [枚举类型声明] enum Ele_Statue { Waiting , Opening , Opened , Closing , Closed , Moving , Decelerate //! [减速] , Short_Wait //! [暂时停留300t] }; enum Time_List { T_v_Udece = 14 //! [上升时减速] , T_v_up = 15 , T_close_open = 20 , T_v_Ddece = 23 //! [下降时减速] , T_in_out = 25 , T_test = 40 //! [测试有无人进出的时间] , T_ele_up = 51 , T_ele_down = 61 , T_wait = 300 }; //! [ 电梯类 ] class _elevator_ { private: Ele_Statue m_statue; //! [电梯的状态] bool m_curDire; //! [当前方向,上为真] short m_curfloor, in_number; //! [当前层,电梯内人数] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR short m_call[2]{10, 0}; //! [下、上的最大请求] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR short m_out[10]{0, }; //! [出门人数记录] public: Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR explicit _elevator_(const Ele_Statue& statue = Waiting) :m_statue(statue), m_curDire(true), m_curfloor(1), in_number(0) { } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR static constexpr short MAX_people{ 13 }, floor_num{ 9 }; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const Ele_Statue& get_statue()const; //! [获取状态] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline short& get_call(const bool); //! [获取最大请求] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_curfloor()const; //! [获取当前层] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short getnum_in()const; //! [获取人数] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline short& get_out(const short); //! [设置某层出门人数] const short get_Dire(const bool = true); //! [获取下一步的方向] void num_change(bool); //! [电梯内人数变化] void set_statue(const Ele_Statue&); //! [设定状态] void update_call(const int); //! [更新最大请求] void set_curfloor(const short); }; //! [ 乘客类 ] class _people_ { private: int m_wait; //! [等待时间] int m_appear; //! [出现的时间点] short m_from, m_to; //! [进出楼层] public: Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR explicit _people_(const int t = 0, const int wait = 500) :m_wait(wait) ,m_appear(t) ,m_from(0) ,m_to(0) { } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_wait()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_from()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_to()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int get_appear()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const bool IsGiveUp(const int)const; void set_wait(const int); void set_from(const short); void set_to(const short); void set_time(const int); }; //! [ 电梯类的内联函数实现 ] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _elevator_::getnum_in() const { return in_number; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline short &_elevator_::get_out(const short floor) { return m_out[floor]; } inline void _elevator_::num_change(bool add) { add ? in_number++ : in_number--; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const Ele_Statue& _elevator_::get_statue()const { return m_statue; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline short &_elevator_::get_call(const bool dir) { return m_call[dir]; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _elevator_::get_curfloor() const { return m_curfloor; } inline void _elevator_::set_statue(const Ele_Statue& s) { m_statue = s; } inline void _elevator_::update_call(const int call) { if(call > m_call[true] && call > m_curfloor)m_call[true] = call; if(call < m_call[false] && call < m_curfloor)m_call[false] = call; } inline void _elevator_::set_curfloor(const short f) { m_curfloor = f; } inline const short _elevator_::get_Dire(const bool change) { if(m_call[1] == 0 && m_call[0] == 10) //! [如果当前在一层,且没有上请求,则返回-1] return -1; //! [如果正在上升,最大上请求不大于当前层,反向;如果正在下降,存在向上请求,反向] if(change) if(m_curDire ? m_call[1] <= m_curfloor : (m_call[1] && m_call[0] == 10)) m_curDire = !m_curDire; return m_curDire; } //! [ 乘客类的内联函数实现 ] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _people_::get_wait() const { return m_wait; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _people_::get_from() const { return m_from; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _people_::get_to() const { return m_to; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int _people_::get_appear() const { return m_appear; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const bool _people_::IsGiveUp(const int t) const { return m_appear + m_wait <= t; } inline void _people_::set_wait(const int w) { m_wait = w; } inline void _people_::set_from(const short f) { m_from = f; } inline void _people_::set_to(const short t) { m_to = t; } inline void _people_::set_time(const int t) { m_appear = t; } #endif // OBJECTORS_H

#ifndef ELEMENT_H #define ELEMENT_H /**************************************************************** //! [ element 头文件 ] //! [ 定义图元 电梯图元 乘客图元 ] //! [ 相关的坐标运算 ] ****************************************************************/ #includeenum ItemShape { NoShape, _Elevator, _People, }; class _item_ { private: //! [data_Member] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR static constexpr short point_number{ 10 }; static const short coordList[3][point_number][2]; short coordinate[point_number][2]; ItemShape m_Shape; //! [Member-functions] inline void resetX(const short Index, const short x); inline void resetY(const short Index, const short y); public: explicit _item_(const ItemShape& shape = NoShape); inline void resetShape(const ItemShape&); Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const ItemShape& get_shape()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_x(const short Index) const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short get_y(const short Index) const; }; //! [inine-functions defination] inline void _item_::resetX(const short Index, const short x) { coordinate[Index][0] = x; } inline void _item_::resetY(const short Index, const short y) { coordinate[Index][1] = y; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const ItemShape& _item_::get_shape()const { return m_Shape;} Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _item_::get_x(const short Index) const { return coordinate[Index][0]; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const short _item_::get_y(const short Index) const { return coordinate[Index][1]; } #endif // ELEMENT_H

#include#include "element.h" const short _item_::coordList[3][point_number][2] { { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } , { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } } , { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 2 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 0 }, { 2, 2 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } }; //! [*--------------------------- _item_ 类 实现 ---------------------------*] _item_::_item_(const ItemShape &shape) { resetShape(shape); } void _item_::resetShape(const ItemShape& shape) { for(short i = 0; i < point_number; ++i) { coordinate[i][0] = coordList[shape][i][0]; coordinate[i][1] = coordList[shape][i][1]; } m_Shape = shape; }

#ifndef BOARD_H #define BOARD_H /********************************************************************* //! [ Board 类 ] //! [ 面板类 用于绘图 控制图像显示 事件响应 信号-槽定义 ] *********************************************************************/ #include#include #include #include "objectors.h" #include "element.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QLabel; class QFont; class QColor; class _item_; enum ItemShape; enum Ele_Statue; enum Time_List; struct LinkNode { _people_ m_data; LinkNode* link; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR explicit LinkNode(const int t):m_data(t),link(Q_NULLPTR){} }; QT_END_NAMESPACE class _board_ : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT public slots: void SLOT_start(); void SLOT_appear(); void SLOT_paused(); void SLOT_statue(); signals: void _time_change(const int); //! [时间改变信号] void _ele_statue(); //! [电梯状态信号] void _from_floor(const int); //! [层数信息信号] void _to_floor(const int); //! [层数信息信号] void _people_appear(const int); //! [乘客状态信号] void _in_number(const int); //! [人数计数信号] private: //! [Data-Member] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR static constexpr short Board_W{ 30 }, Board_H{ 36 }; static const QColor colorList[3]; bool ispaused, isstart; QBasicTimer m_timer; int timerElapsed, start_t; //! [两个计时量:总时以及下一个动作开始的时间] int ele_X, ele_Y; _elevator_ m_ele; LinkNode* people_List[_elevator_::floor_num + 1]; _item_* next_item; ItemShape m_board[Board_W * Board_H]; //! [inline-functions] Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline ItemShape& Item_type(const int x, const int y); Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int grid_W()const; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int grid_H()const; //! [Member-functions] void clearBoard(); void showPeople(const short); void draw(QPainter&,const int,const int,const ItemShape&); //! [描绘小格子] void disappear(const int floor); int Check_GiveUp(); void Move(); //! [移动多少个点] void update_call(); void go_in(); void go_out(); const bool Is_open(); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)Q_DECL_OVERRIDE; public: explicit _board_(QWidget *parent = 0); QPointer statue_L; ~_board_(); }; Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline ItemShape &_board_::Item_type(const int x, const int y) { return m_board[y * Board_W + x]; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int _board_::grid_W() const { return contentsRect().width() / Board_W; } Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR inline const int _board_::grid_H() const { return contentsRect().height() / Board_H; } #endif // BOARD_H

#include#include #include #include "board.h" const QColor _board_::colorList[3] = { QColor(255,255,255), QColor(255, 0 , 0 ), QColor( 0 , 0 , 0 ), }; _board_::_board_(QWidget *parent) :QFrame(parent), ele_X(0), ele_Y(0), start_t(0), timerElapsed(0), ispaused(false), isstart(false) { for(int i = 0; i < Board_H; ++i) //! [初始化面板] for(int j = 0; j < Board_W; ++j) Item_type(j, i) = NoShape; for(short i = 0; i < 10; ++i) //! [初始化表] { people_List[i] = new LinkNode(0); people_List[i]->link = Q_NULLPTR; } QFont font; font.setFamily("Microsoft YaHei"); font.setPointSize(12); font.setItalic(true); statue_L = new QLabel(this); statue_L->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom); statue_L->setFont(font); next_item = new _item_(_Elevator); //! [将电梯图元初始化在面板上] for(short i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Item_type(next_item->get_x(i), next_item->get_y(i)) = next_item->get_shape(); } _board_::~_board_() { delete next_item; //释放开散列结构 LinkNode* t; for(short i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { t = people_List[i]; while(t->link != Q_NULLPTR) { LinkNode* r = t->link; t->link = r->link; delete r; } delete t; } } void _board_::SLOT_start() { emit _ele_statue(); if(isstart)return; m_timer.start(20,this); isstart = true; clearBoard(); } void _board_::SLOT_paused() { if(!isstart)return; ispaused = !ispaused; if(ispaused) m_timer.stop(); else m_timer.start(20,this); } void _board_::SLOT_statue() { switch(m_ele.get_statue()) { case 0: statue_L->setText("Waiting"); break; case 1: statue_L->setText("Opening"); break; case 2: statue_L->setText("Opened"); break; case 3: statue_L->setText("Closing"); break; case 4: statue_L->setText("Closed"); break; case 5: statue_L->setText("Moving"); break; case 6: statue_L->setText("Decelerate"); break; case 7: statue_L->setText("Short_Wait"); break; default: break; } } void _board_::clearBoard() { for(int i = 0; i < Board_H * Board_W; ++i) m_board[i] == _People ? m_board[i] = NoShape : 0 ; } void _board_::showPeople(const short from) { short i = 0, j = 1; next_item->resetShape(_People); while(Item_type((j++) * 3, (from - 1) * 4)); for(--j; i < 7; ++i) Item_type(j * 3 + next_item->get_x(i), (from - 1) * 4 + next_item->get_y(i)) = next_item->get_shape(); update(); } void _board_::SLOT_appear() { if(!isstart || ispaused) return; short from_floor = qrand() % 9 + 1, to_floor; while((to_floor = qrand() % 9 + 1) == from_floor); LinkNode* newNode = new LinkNode(timerElapsed); newNode->link = Q_NULLPTR; emit _people_appear(newNode->m_data.get_appear()); emit _from_floor(from_floor); emit _to_floor(to_floor); m_ele.update_call(from_floor); newNode->m_data.set_from(from_floor); newNode->m_data.set_to(to_floor); LinkNode* t = people_List[from_floor]; while(t->link != Q_NULLPTR) t = t->link; t->link = newNode; showPeople(from_floor); } void _board_::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { Q_UNUSED(event); //! [ 绘制背景线条 ] QPainter _painter(this); QRect rect = contentsRect(); int LineLeftX = rect.left() + 3 * grid_W(); _painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(128, 36, 221).light())); _painter.drawLine(LineLeftX,rect.bottom(),LineLeftX, rect.top()); _painter.drawLine(rect.left(),rect.bottom(),rect.left(), rect.top()); _painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(128, 36, 221).dark())); for(int i = 0; i < _elevator_::floor_num; ++i) _painter.drawLine(LineLeftX + 2, rect.bottom() - 4 * grid_H() * i, rect.right(), rect.bottom() - 4 * grid_H() * i); //! [ 绘制图像小格子 ] for(short i = 0; i < Board_H; ++i) for(short j = 0; j < Board_W; ++j) { const ItemShape shape = Item_type(j, i); if(shape != NoShape) draw(_painter, rect.left() + grid_W() * j, rect.bottom() - grid_H() * (i + 1), shape); } } void _board_::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event) { if(event->timerId() == m_timer.timerId()) { timerElapsed++; emit _time_change(timerElapsed); int f = Check_GiveUp(); if(f)disappear(f); switch(m_ele.get_statue()) //! [状态转换] { case Waiting: //Waiting must be in one-floor if(people_List[1]->link != Q_NULLPTR) //! [如果有人想进去] { m_ele.set_statue(Opening); emit _ele_statue(); break; } if(m_ele.get_Dire() != -1) m_ele.set_statue(Moving); emit _ele_statue(); break; case Short_Wait: if(timerElapsed > start_t) start_t = timerElapsed + T_wait; if(timerElapsed == start_t || m_ele.get_Dire() != -1) m_ele.set_statue(Moving); emit _ele_statue(); break; case Closed: if(timerElapsed > start_t) { emit _ele_statue(); update_call(); if(m_ele.get_Dire() == -1) //! [什么请求都没有] if(m_ele.get_curfloor() == 1) //! [如果在1层] m_ele.set_statue(Waiting); else m_ele.set_statue(Short_Wait); else m_ele.set_statue(Moving); } break; case Moving: if(timerElapsed > start_t) //! [说明下一个动作开始的时间没有刷新] start_t = timerElapsed + (m_ele.get_Dire(false) ? T_ele_up - T_v_Udece : T_ele_down - T_v_Ddece); Move(); emit _ele_statue(); break; case Opening: if(timerElapsed > start_t) start_t = timerElapsed + T_close_open; if(timerElapsed == start_t && start_t) m_ele.set_statue(Opened); emit _ele_statue(); break; case Opened: if(timerElapsed > start_t) go_out(); if(timerElapsed > start_t) go_in(); if(timerElapsed > start_t) m_ele.set_statue(Closing); emit _ele_statue(); break; case Closing: //! [如果正在关的时候有人进,那么就重新开门] if(Is_open()) { m_ele.set_statue(Opening); start_t = 0; //! [把下一个动作的时间定为0,方便Opening处设定下一个动作Opened的开始时间,不然的话start_t代表的是Closed的开始时间] emit _ele_statue(); break; } if(timerElapsed > start_t) { start_t = timerElapsed + T_close_open; m_ele.set_statue(Closed); } break; case Decelerate: //! [防止正在向下减速,上方突然有请求,此时一定要坚持当前运动方向] Move(); emit _ele_statue(); break; default: break; } } else QFrame::timerEvent(event); } void _board_::draw(QPainter& painter, const int X, const int Y, const ItemShape& shape) { QColor color = colorList[shape]; painter.setPen(QColor(128, 36, 221)); painter.setBrush(color); painter.drawRect(X, Y, grid_W(), grid_H()); } void _board_::disappear(const int floor) { int index = 3, height = 4*(floor - 1); while(index+=3) if(Item_type(index, height) == NoShape)break; //采用尾部删除,下一个位置为空,则删除当前 for(int i = index - 3; i < index; ++i) for(int j = height; j < height + 4; ++j) Item_type(i, j) = NoShape; update(); } int _board_::Check_GiveUp() { for(int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { LinkNode* t = people_List[i]; while(t->link != Q_NULLPTR) { if(t->link->m_data.IsGiveUp(timerElapsed)) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Notice", QString("%1 t 出现的[ %2 ]楼的一个乘客已经放弃等待\(==)/").arg(t->link->m_data.get_appear()).arg(t->link->m_data.get_from())); int r = t->link->m_data.get_from(); LinkNode* t0 = t->link; //! [删除该节点] t->link = t0->link; delete t0; update_call(); return r; } t = t->link; } } return 0; } void _board_::update_call() { if(m_ele.get_Dire(false) == -1)return; //! [当前已无任何请求] int dir = m_ele.get_Dire(false), max_call = m_ele.get_call(dir); if(people_List[max_call]->link == Q_NULLPTR && !m_ele.get_out(max_call)) { m_ele.get_call(0) = 10, m_ele.get_call(1) = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i) if(people_List[i]->link != Q_NULLPTR || m_ele.get_out(i)) m_ele.update_call(i); } } void _board_::Move() { if(m_ele.get_statue() == Moving && timerElapsed == start_t && start_t) m_ele.set_statue(Decelerate); emit _ele_statue(); static int grid = 0, floor = 0; static bool key = true; grid += grid_H() * 4 / T_ele_up; //! [走过的小点数] if(grid % grid_H() == 0) //! [移动一格] { floor++; next_item->resetShape(_Elevator); if(m_ele.get_Dire(false) == 1) for(short x = ele_X, y = ++ele_Y, i = 9; i >= 0; --i) { Item_type(x + next_item->get_x(i), y + next_item->get_y(i)) = _Elevator; Item_type(x + next_item->get_x(i), y + next_item->get_y(i) - 1) = NoShape; } else for(short x = ele_X, y = --ele_Y, i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { Item_type(x + next_item->get_x(i), y + next_item->get_y(i)) = _Elevator; Item_type(x + next_item->get_x(i), y + next_item->get_y(i) + 1) = NoShape; } update(); } if(floor % 4)key = true; if(floor && floor % 4 == 0 && key) //! [防止进入某层一直循环,因为floor+1要经过很多小点的积累] { key = false; if(m_ele.get_Dire(false) == 1) //! [设定当前层] m_ele.set_curfloor(m_ele.get_curfloor() + 1); else m_ele.set_curfloor(m_ele.get_curfloor() - 1); if(Is_open()) m_ele.set_statue(Opening); //! [有人进出,开门] else if(m_ele.get_curfloor() == 1 && m_ele.get_Dire() == -1) //! [如果到1层且没有请求,停止] m_ele.set_statue(Waiting); else m_ele.set_statue(Moving); //! [如果没有人进出那么继续走] emit _ele_statue(); } } const bool _board_::Is_open() { if(m_ele.getnum_in() >= _elevator_::MAX_people)return false; //! [超载] LinkNode* t = people_List[m_ele.get_curfloor()]; while(t->link != Q_NULLPTR) //! [如果到达最大请求处,无论此人去哪里,都要开门 || 反之 必须需求方向与运动方向一致] { if(m_ele.get_curfloor() == m_ele.get_call(m_ele.get_Dire(false)) || t->link->m_data.get_to()>m_ele.get_curfloor() == m_ele.get_Dire()) return true; t = t->link; } if(m_ele.get_out(m_ele.get_curfloor())) return true; return false; } void _board_::go_in() { LinkNode* t = people_List[m_ele.get_curfloor()]; if(t->link != Q_NULLPTR) { //! [如果到达最大请求处,无论此人去哪里,都要开门 || 反之 必须需求方向与运动方向一致] if(m_ele.get_curfloor() == m_ele.get_call(m_ele.get_Dire(false)) || t->link->m_data.get_to()>m_ele.get_curfloor() == m_ele.get_Dire()) { start_t = timerElapsed + T_in_out; disappear(m_ele.get_curfloor()); m_ele.update_call(t->link->m_data.get_to()); //! [刷新请求] m_ele.get_out(t->link->m_data.get_to())++; LinkNode* t0 = t->link; //! [删除节点] t->link = t0->link; delete t0; m_ele.num_change(true); emit _in_number(m_ele.getnum_in()); } } } void _board_::go_out() { int num = m_ele.get_out(m_ele.get_curfloor()); if(num) //! [有的人都出去] { m_ele.num_change(false); m_ele.get_out(m_ele.get_curfloor())--; emit _in_number(m_ele.getnum_in()); QMessageBox::information(this, "Notice", "go out one people"); start_t = timerElapsed + T_in_out; } }

#ifndef ELEVATOR_H #define ELEVATOR_H /******************************************************************** //! [ ELEVATOR 类 ] //! [ 主窗口 ] //! [ 协调各个控件单元的布局 显示 ] ********************************************************************/ #include#include #include "board.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QFrame; class QString; class QLCDNumber; class QLabel; class QPushButton; QT_END_NAMESPACE class ELEVATOR : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT private: const QPointer newLabel(const QString&); _board_* m_boardPtr; QPointer m_L; QPointer time_lcd, from_lcd, to_lcd, num_lcd, apear_time_lcd; QPointer appear_btn, start_btn, quit_btn, pause_btn; public: explicit ELEVATOR(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR); }; #endif // ELEVATOR_H

#include#include "elevator.h" ELEVATOR::ELEVATOR(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { m_boardPtr = new _board_; time_lcd = new QLCDNumber(5); apear_time_lcd = new QLCDNumber(5); from_lcd = new QLCDNumber(1); to_lcd = new QLCDNumber(1); num_lcd = new QLCDNumber(5); time_lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); from_lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); to_lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); num_lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); apear_time_lcd->setSegmentStyle(QLCDNumber::Filled); appear_btn = new QPushButton(tr("appear")); start_btn = new QPushButton(tr("Start")); pause_btn = new QPushButton(tr("Pause")); quit_btn = new QPushButton(tr("Quit")); start_btn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); appear_btn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); pause_btn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); quit_btn->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(start_btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_boardPtr, SLOT(SLOT_start())); connect(pause_btn, SIGNAL(clicked()),m_boardPtr,SLOT(SLOT_paused())); connect(quit_btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); connect(appear_btn, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_boardPtr, SLOT(SLOT_appear())); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_time_change(int)), time_lcd, SLOT(display(int))); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_from_floor(int)), from_lcd, SLOT(display(int))); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_to_floor(int)), to_lcd, SLOT(display(int))); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_in_number(int)), num_lcd, SLOT(display(int))); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_ele_statue()), m_boardPtr, SLOT(SLOT_statue())); connect(m_boardPtr, SIGNAL(_people_appear(int)), apear_time_lcd, SLOT(display(int))); QGridLayout* layout = new QGridLayout; layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("Time")),0,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(time_lcd,1,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("Ele Statue")),2,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(m_boardPtr->statue_L,3,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("number")),4,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(num_lcd,5,0,1,2); layout->addWidget(appear_btn,6,0); layout->addWidget(pause_btn,6,1); layout->addWidget(m_boardPtr,0,2,7,14); layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("From Floor")),0,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(from_lcd,1,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("To Floor")),2,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(to_lcd,3,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(newLabel(tr("Apear Time")),4,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(apear_time_lcd,5,16,1,2); layout->addWidget(start_btn,6,16); layout->addWidget(quit_btn,6,17); setLayout(layout); setWindowTitle("windows"); resize(840,507); } const QPointer ELEVATOR::newLabel(const QString &label) { QPointer lab = new QLabel(label); lab->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom); return lab; }

#include "elevator.h" #includeint main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); ELEVATOR elevator; elevator.show(); return a.exec(); }
# 常成员函数里面好像不能使用QMessengeBox, 会出现不存在匹配的参数
# 内联函数如果在类外.h中定义没有关键字inline会出现重定义,即使有类作用域符也不好使
# 赋值号两边的类型不是完全等价或不能隐式转化(特别是指针),会出现exit code with 255